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Posts posted by Spooky_Null

  1. (NOTE: this is a repost from a Reddit thread I made a while ago. I've copy pasted it word for word in an attempt to get the devs to see this, it's been multiplie patches and no word of a fix has come)

    Yesterday I made a thread discussing a bug with the Arca Plasmor's projectile when firing through volt's third ability, electric shield. Since then, a friend from my clan and I have been testing the Arca Plasmor in the Simulacrum and we discovered some interesting things.

    First of all, for those who didn't see the previous thread. The Arca Plasmor's projectiles get stuck when firing through multiple shields, almost as if it were hitting a wall. This flies in Stark contrast to every other projectile weapon and even the mini-arca plasmor shot from the Shwaak Prism amp which fly through multiple shields with ease. Some new discoveries we made on this was that this bug only seems to occur when shields are tightly packed together, meaning spacing out shields is mandatory to stop the shields from preventing the flight of the projectile.

    The second bug is in reference to the damage amplification of the shield. Normally, volt's shield is supposed to add a base of 50% electrical damage to a weapon (combining into other elements if the weapon is pure elemental like the Arca Plasmor or Lanka) and then multiply the critical multiplier of the weapon by 2x. This seemingly doesn't apply to the Arca Plasmor, as we extensively tested the shield against Level 100 Heavy Gunners and came out with the following results when the weapon was unmodded:
    No shield: 23 Base Damage, 35 Critical Damage
    Shield: 23 Base Damage, 35 Critical Damage.

    Logically, if the shield was properly amplifying the damage of the weapon, it would be both boosting the base damage by a slight amount and also massively boosting the critical damage by at least 200%. This means that the Arca Plasmor doesn't receive the boosts in damage that it should receive from a volt shield, like every other weapon.

    Really hoping that this bug gets fixed soon. It's a major issue that makes me not want to use two of my favorite pieces of gear together. I put the issue mostly on the nature of the way the Arca Plasmor's projectile is calculated in relation to distance, but there's two big issues here. Fix pl0x!

  2. After multiple hours of grinding the sortie, I can confirm that he is an extremely unfair boss currently. I was only able to find one viable strategy for beating him: Ash with seeking shuriken. Shredding off his armor turned him into a joke, where my squad of two others were able to kill him hilariously fast. This further proves one of warframe's core problems: Armor scaling. This has always been a problem in warframe, and this sortie has only further showed the problem. Considering that the boss is insanely difficult without an armor shred, DE needs to get to work on making bosses less stupid when it comes to scaling and implement ACTUAL difficulty instead of bypass-able and stupid difficulty. There definitely needs to be a rework to how armor and other types of damage mitigation on bosses works.

    I ended up getting an unairu lens. Not worth it at all.

  3. I would like to see his 2nd skill get an augment that kind of 'fixes' it. It would do the following:

    HUNGERING DEVOUR: Inaros and his allies now apply devour's effects on their weapons, gaining 4%/5%/6%/7% life steal and causing the targets to on death, become sand shadows with 17.5%/35%/52.5%/70% of a normal shadow's health

    This would allow him to actually create his sand shadows, since at the moment it is so difficult to create shadows of even level 30 enemies, this would also give him the role of team-sustainer, allowing him to gain a role in a team that isn't just "a valkyr that may, have a chance to die". Regardless of how much I love this frame, I do admit he does need a role of some kind.

    I'd probably want his 4th ability augment to have something like...

    VICIOUS SWARM: Inaros' scarabs now apply a total of 1/2/3/4 corrosive procs on the target over 5/4/3/2 seconds, for a maximum armour shred of 25%/50%/75%/100%

    This would again, allow him to have a role in a team, reducing enemy armour making them more vulnerable. This would synergise with devour, allowing him to have proper synergy between his skills.

    His 3rd skill doesn't really need an augment, it's a pretty perfect skill right now with well defined weaknesses and strengths.

    His 1st skill is easily my favourite skill, mainly since its very easier to get finishers on. Similar to the calm and frenzy Equinox augment, I think that the blind effect should spread when Inaros kills the target

    EVAPORATING DESSICCATE: Enemies who die while affected by Dessiccate will spread the effect to nearby enemies within 3m/4m/5m/6m affected by range, with 25%/50%/75%/100% of the remaining duration.

    Those are just my ideas, though. They probably aren't great. hahaha.



  4. I personally want a redeemer. Im in steel meridian/red veil and i dont think sm will have that as they seem to favor grineer weaponry and rv will probably have some daggers so i dont know who would have a redeemer, new loka maybe? Anyway thats what i want. What about you?

    Three words. Vaykor. Jat. Kittag.

  5. Hello all! I've been running a site called The Grakataverse for a while new, And I've wanted to just share the site with you all. Link: grakataverse.blogspot.com 

    It's just a fun site I will be working on in my spare time, Right now the site is mostly for modding articles and theorycrafting lore, But I'm planning to expand it. I'm looking for feedback on the site's artwork and overall layout, Both positive and negative. So yeah. Grakataverse.blogspot.com for all your terrible puns, horrible jokes and grakata worshipping.


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