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Posts posted by Rumhann

  1. I used to be able to mouse over the alert rewards box to get info on which weapon / WF piece / mod identification and see the name and information of the piece.  Now my mouse if affecting the mission/planet selection screen behind the pop-up window instead.  Rather doubly irritating to me because I can no longer check which helmet/chassis/system BP's they are, I certainly don't remember what all the weapons look like (especially new ones that come out) -&- the pop-up is blocking the mission/planet selection information behind it anyway.


    The Cancel / Accept buttons do still react at least.

  2. I think their reasoning is that Ash's smokescreen is an AE effect, and will 'cloak' who/whatever in inside that area - whereas Loki's invis is a self generated field, but will let you travel with it instead of being stationary.


    My tactic for keeping my shade alive is to lure as many enemies to my decoy, blast a disarm then go invis and start swinging.  Otherwise, I tend to rely on Shade's cloak for my stealth.

  3. I like this idea.  Even though I', broke and hording what's left of my original 50P from starting the account would be willing to do this @ 1P/ color.


    An additional idea if folks are looking for just a single set of 5 colors, is that they may want to set up a color scheme to coordinate their equipment - much like we now have load sets for our equipment modifications.

  4. I do like dual wields a lot, even switched to Aklato before finishing leveling my Lato to 30.


    Makes me wonder where the ASicarus is as well.  But yeah, Dark sword / dagger seems to be the only set which can't be used florentine.


    Or . . . let us create our own florentine sets; Ether sword / Heat dagger, Dark sword / Ether dagger, Heat sword / Dark dagger, etc.

  5. I started running private/solo missions because of my ISP's lagg, since everyone complained heavily or bailed when I was hosting - or I have to wait for loot to eventually fall to the ground before I can pick it up.  Because I am alone so much of the time, I tend to run exterminate missions where I will not be overwhelmed by freely spawning mobs.


    Even then full stealth runs are very difficult for a game who calls itself "Space Ninjas".  I've basically given up on them after Shade's Ghost precept got nerfed to break after any 'attack' - even a successful stealth kill in the middle of 10~12 enemies.  I tend to run a Loki most, but have also maxed; Ash, Banshee, & Trinity.


    Though I have to point out that with proper damage mods; Paris, Dread, Kunai, Despair, Glaive, & even the first shot of a Snipertron can drop a mid-20's or up to mid-30's if its infested.  Haven't gotten to the Kestral yet, but I would presume the same capability is there.


    Until there is a change of mindset in most of the rest of the players to perhaps plan a run instead of *KILL - KILL - KILL* . . . I don't see a reason to do squad runs unless I need/want the alert reward, at which point I will suffer the lagg as the other three run off without me & sometimes leave me stuck behind a door that won't open for me but they've all run through.

  6. I originally posted this in weapon suggestions - but this seems a better place.


    'Morning folks,


    I'm looking at my Arsenal Screen, and seeing that each of my three equipped weapons has the base stats listed.




    Clip size


    What I don't see are the stats for range, crit %, reload speed, or maximum ammo carried.  Nor do I understand why melee weapons have a clip size stat at all instead of range (or 'cleave radius').


    I also don't see stats for my frame & sentinel information: shields, armor, health, & energy capacity.



    My suggestion / request, is that a secondary line be added to show all of the above information with the installed modifications numbers.  Especially in the configuration screen for each weapon / frame / sentinel - so that we can make better informed choices about which mods we're adding instead of wondering what the outcome will be on a trial basis between mission runs.  For instance, I've currently got Despair equipped, and I had to get into a mission to find out that my new clip size is 16 instead of 10 - but the only place I can see that is when I'm actually in a mission.  I have no idea what my new fire rate is, but I'm curious.

  7. 'Morning folks,


    I'm looking at my Arsenal Screen, and seeing that each of my three equipped weapons has the base stats listed.




    Clip size


    What I don't see are the stats for range, crit %, reload speed, or maximum ammo carried.  Nor do I understand why melee weapons have a clip size stat at all instead of range (or 'cleave radius').


    I also don't see stats for my frame & sentinel information: shields, armor, health, & energy capacity.



    My suggestion / request, is that a secondary line be added to show all of the above information with the installed modifications numbers.  Especially in the configuration screen for each weapon / frame / sentinel - so that we can make better informed choices about which mods we're adding instead of wondering what the outcome will be on a trial basis between mission runs.  For instance, I've currently got Despair equipped, and I had to get into a mission to find out that my new clip size is 16 instead of 10 - but the only place I can see that is when I'm actually in a mission.  I have no idea what my new fire rate is, but I'm curious.

  8. I didn't even get to kill everything.  There were still eleven infested on the other side of a locked (red) door that I couldn't get to.  I was able to lure three of them close enough to the door with my Decoy that I killed them with charged Orthos swings, but the final eight were too far away.  I even broke one of the windows to breach the hull and force a manual terminal unlock . . . red door still red.


    Also . . . Lotus was mute.  Could hear her pings and see her icon, but no actual voice.

  9. Thanks Aedwynn


    Also, just completed Sycorax, not sure if it was a fluke, or my attempt at work around was successful.  I went through and took out all the Grineer targets first, then went back through to take out the informant drones.  Certainly won't work with Infested or Corpus extermination missions . . . but will try again to see if repeated attempts yield further success.


    As for "fixed" bugs reappearing, I fell through an elevator again today - multiple times while Invis'ed.

  10. Aaaand, same problem.

    Fourth time I'm doing the Janus mission on Saturn, two enemies left.


    Do something. This bug is one month old, and lots of players are experiencing this.


    First post in this thread is from the 5th . . . how is this "one month old"?

    I will certainly agree that it is happening a lot and very frustrating, don't even know if my informer kills are counting to the event total since I have to abandon the mission to get out, but I don't think exaggeration helps the issue.

  11. Just "finished" a Cupid extermination mission, cleared map to point of only showing extraction point on mini-map with one enemy left to kill.  Found a informant drone, killed it and still had one enemy left to kill.  Had been running private missions, switched to solo - no difference, still bugged.

  12. I was in the Puck extermination ? Alert mission when the hotfix spawned tonight.  I completed the mission, but did not exit (as requested by your announcements about not leaving until the hotfix was deployed).  Even though it was "the fasted four minutes ever" - when I did trigger the extraction point, there was no reward.  Unlike the non-receiving of rewards during a previous update, this didn't even show me what I was missing.

  13. I had been having massive lag/Fps issues before turning off *all* the extra graphics options, but when I got them all turned off things cleared up quite nicely - until this weekend.  Now I am once again having to continually strike still standing (but dead) enemies just to make sure I'm not turning my back to something that's still live.  Thankfully this only happend when online & grouped not when I solo. . . but this is a team game & if I'm not allowed to keep up due to performance issues - what use am I to the other squad memebers?

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