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Posts posted by NightsVisions

  1. 8 hours ago, DksRtrdrZydr said:

    IGN: DksRtrdrZydr
    MR: 3

    Beginner of this game , i only use excalibur atm cuz i like simple and powerful stuff. i like the name of this clan so i came to join :D


    18 hours ago, phippp said:


    IGN : phippp

    MR : 2 

    I am new to Warframe but still rate it among the best games I have ever played. I enjoy beating things to death with poles (in game).


    19 hours ago, northperedina said:

    IGN: northperedina


    I played quite a bit on xbox a while back (around the time mesa was released) and have recently started a new account on pc and am looking to get back into the game a little more. looking for a knowledgeable, active clan to hangout with and catch up on all the things that have changed while i was gone. I try to be as active as i can be and play just about every day. 

    See you all out there


    22 hours ago, Loxymus said:

    IGN: Loxymus

    MR: 10

    Additional: Hi there! I'm a student of 19 years and I've been playing Warframe for around 3 years now. The first two years I played sort of on and off, returning to the game whenever something new came. However, for the past year I've been playing pretty much daily. Other interests involve playing instruments, including the piano and ukulele. If ya want and (only) if I am granted permission of course, I'd gladly play the discord a few afternoon songs to chill to hehe :blush:

    Looking forward to seeing you all in-game!

    Invites sent! Welcome

    On 2. 1. 2017 at 11:46 AM, Husuki said:

    I think I need another invite because I didnt quit my clan before you invited me 

    Yes, sorry my bad, thought you already joined another clan. Im still unable to invite you tho. Are you still looking to join?

  2. 10 hours ago, Husuki said:


    IGN: Husuki

    MR: 14

    I´m currently looking for a big clan because I´m tired of playing alone all the time. I think I started playing Warframe in 2013. I had many big breaks in between but I´m now confident enough to say that I´ll stay active. I´m also currently in a rather small clan so if I get accepted then I´d leave.


    11 hours ago, Longinus_51 said:


    My IGN is Longinus_51

    I've been playing this game for 2 days now and greatly enjoy it but I feel that it would be even more fun and helpful to join a clan. My MR is 2 but hopefully I can raise it so I'll be able to offer more to your clan.

    Thanks for your time and have a good day!


    17 hours ago, HirudoMordax said:


    My IGN is HirudoMordax

    I have been playing the game for two weeks, I`m currently MR4, starting frame Volt and have all components for Rhino, currently being crafted.

    Also, I have all the blue-prints for Frost, still missing some Pastids to craft him/it.

    I`m looking for a clan to be part of the community and not to solo play. Also, it would be nice to have squads that know what they are doing - as raiding bosses with randoms can sometimes yield not so great results.

    I have been playing MMOs for a long time now, starting playing PC games about 14 years ago (or more).

    Have a nice evening!


    3 hours ago, TwoCoins said:

    IGN: TwoCoins

    MR: 1


    I've played Warframe here and there over the past few years but never really got all that into it, but recently picked it back up and am loving it so far.  Looking for a decent sized active clan that might be able to answer the odd question or two I might have while I try to soak up all the information the game is throwing at me.


  3. 20 hours ago, Skyvatcher said:

    Hello everyone!

    IGN: Skyvatcher

    MR: 15

    I would like to join the clan. I have been playing warframe over two years now. I gave a break to playing one or two times so now I am returning with no clan. After a while, it gets boring. I would be happy to be a member and assist Black Sun clan. I hope we can have a great time, take care!


    13 hours ago, joshua1134 said:

    IGN; joshua1134

    MR: 12

    I have been playing warframe on and off since the open beta. I would like to get back into warframe and hit the ground running. Joining this clan would be a huge benefit for myself and I know I would become an invaluable asset to this clan.




    19 hours ago, XxnnjonxX said:

    IGN: XxnnjonxX MR:3 I'd love to join, been playing warframe for quite a while now, mostly on PS4 since 2014 but recently picked up playing it on PC, I would love to join, because it sounds like you guys could help out a noob like me. Thanks for reading!

    Invites sent. Welcome folks!

  4. Alright, so I started noticing that my Daikyu built for Viral and Radiation is dealing Magnetic and Gas in some missions. However this did not occur in Simulacrum. After more testing, I realized that when playing solo, elemental mods work as intended, but when im playing Public it sometimes switches to Gas and Magnetic. 

    Screenshots from solo games:





    Screenshots from public games:





    But wait, it gets even more weird! After some more runs and testing I noticed following:

    - This seems to happen only in missions above level cca. 20 (although it may be also affected by number of players in mission) 

    - When im using Gas/Magnetic it also switches to Viral/Radiation

    - When using Corrosive/Blast everything works as intended

    - This only happens when im using Riven mod


    My current build



    My Riven mod that seems to cause the problems


  5. 6 hours ago, Crescendo08 said:

    IGN: Crescendo08

    MR 19


    A returning player looking for a new clan to help me get reacquainted with the game. I quit about a year ago, but for the most part know how the game works (have completed NM Raid and almost all quests). I can do voice chats and am pretty easy to talk to. I always try to help out when I'm free whether it be for a farm or completion. Thanks for reading!


  6. 3 hours ago, methodbetween said:

    IGN: Kvruck
    MR: 16

    Greetings.  I, too, have returned to the game after a rather lengthy hiatus and I confess to be a bit overwhelmed by the exhaustive overhaul some of the key game mechanics have undergone.  I have 24 frames in my arsenal, 25 once Inaros finishes baking, and I'm always willing to fill any support roles needed by the team, although I'm happiest when I'm slaughtering Infested with my Scindo Prime at 150mph with Valkyr.  I also enjoy Archwing, and I was 2/3 of the way to getting Elytron.when I quit playing, so finishing that will be a priority.  Thanks.


    8 hours ago, Twilight053 said:

    IGN: Twilight053

    MR: 21

    Hello, my previous clan was delved into a wasteland and I am pretty much the only one still around, and I'd like to join another clan and look for a new community.


    14 hours ago, Edeinawc said:

    Greetings there!

    Name is Edeinawc, I was around when the game launched but I've been away for almost 2 years. Dang, things sure have changed quite a bit since then! I could use the help from some new vets to put me up to date along with the usual friendliness. Plus, you guys have a rad name and a rad emblem indeed, which is a significante bonus considering I've been once part of one called LannisterZ (Yes, with a Z. So cool.)

    Anyways, see y'all round.

     Welcome to Black Sun!

  7. 2 hours ago, MAlplaca said:

    IGN: MAlplaca
    MR: 14 
    Started around February (Just before saryn's access), stopped around july and restarted 1 month ago. Trying to find a nice clan to restart easily and have more fun playing! :community:


    2 hours ago, Matchus said:


    My in-game name is Matchus, currently MR14.
    I've been playing for some months and now i'm back after a "summer break", I'm really enjoing the new fissure system so I will be farming it a lot.
    Excalibur master race, nikana prime is best primary weapon and all my frames are colored black-white-red. You are right, i'm a Stalker-%&^!
    I also usually play Mesa and Ash. Sometimes Trinity but I don't really feel confident playing frames that do not require to slap dat 4 button like crazy.

    I'm looking for a nice clan to get back into this game and have a lot of fun. See you in game! 

    Aaand invites sent! 

  8. 5 hours ago, Dezlocke said:

    IGN: Dezlocke


    Just started playing about a month ago and really looking for a fun clan to join.


    6 hours ago, SelsunRed said:

    IGN: SelsunRed

    MR: 22

    I've been playing for 2 years, I'm really interested in min-maxing builds. I like to help people and get help when I need it. :) searching for a friendly active clan.


    15 hours ago, maxproful said:

    IGN: maxproful

    MR: 3

    ive just started warfame on pc (previously on ps4 MR 10) and trying to find a nice active clan


    Invites sent! Welcome to Black Sun.

  9. 1 hour ago, Hpguy2 said:


    MR 8

    started playing a couple years ago and recently got back into it, i have a total of 335 hrs in the game,I originally played a lot of Rhino but now I absolutely love playing Inaros and looking into farming Ivara.

    Now that i have got back into Warframe I am officially ADDICTED to the game

    PS. I like cats


    9 hours ago, Cyberslayer128 said:

    MR of 7 (close to 8)
    I played Warframe a bit about a year back but got back into it again about a month ago (pretty sure I'll be sticking around for a while). I don't know what else to say besides I'm some Canadian guy who enjoys video games and other non-Jock things.

     Invites sent!

  10. 7 hours ago, TayterJ said:

    My IGN is TayterJ. I am MR 2, but I am converting to PC from PS4 where I have an MR 7 account. I like playing Frost and Atlas (although I currently have neither) and I love cleaving around with hard-hitting melee weapons! I'm looking to join a fun group of players, and as I get on my feet, I will gladly help out in any way I can!

    Seems you are already in clan. If you still want to join us, make sure to leave your current clan. Have a nice day!

  11.  kXgSalL.jpg


     „ …Its influence felt on every planet from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim.

    Black Sun has existed for hundreds of years, and embedded itself in the very

                                                         fiber of the galaxy. “     




    Who are we?


    We are a laid back Mountain Clan with kind and experienced members always willing to help.

    Our main goal is to enjoy the game, grow as a community but mainly to have fun! 



    What are our requirements?


    - Get to know others! Contribute in conversations, join fissure and farming runs

    - Be polite! Avoid pointless insults and respect the others

    Speak English! (obviously)

    - We welcome all players, no MR restrictions 

    - Be active! [ More than 40 days offline without contacting any of the warlords - expelling from the clan ]


    • What can we offer?

    - Friendly community

    - Assistance of skilled players

    - Finished researches (except Hema ; - ; / currently 37k/50k )

    - Spacious and classy Clan Dojo

    - Fancy Clan Emblem

    Clan Discord server [ https://discord.gg/JKjPSpk ]

    Membership of an Alliance [ LoS ] 




    • Alliance

    We are the part of the League of Shadows  [ http://wflos.com/ ]






    • Clan Emblem





    • How do you join?

    - Reply to this post; include your in-game name, Mastery rank, and something

      about yourself (how long have you been playing warframe, interests, etc...)

    - PM any of our Warlords in-game [ paaba, mrhawk1000, NightsVisions ] 

    - Contact us in the Discord group                                                              



                                                Good Luck Have Fun, Tenno!

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