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Posts posted by ARANDOMGENT

  1. 14 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

    And they have, several times if I recall. They were told "no" each time.

    I’m my defence, I haven’t heard them say this, I will still have my fingers crossed that it may happen in the future.

  2. Just now, xXDeadsinxX said:

    You’ve said yourself, it really is down to Sony and Microsoft. It has nothing to do with Digtial Extremes.

    I understand this, but surely it is also DE’s role to voice the playerbases desire for this to happen to Microsoft and Sony.

  3. Just want to make your aware DE that their are many players who would still like another account migration.

    before the replies start

    •yes I know it’s down to Sony and Microsoft as well.

    •The builds need to potentially be in sync.

    Being a father I only get to play once or twice a week, would really like to start playing again. but losing the time/progress and money I have already invested is a tough pill to swallow.

    please reply if you would also like another account migration from pc to console 👍


  4. 32 minutes ago, Eviscerador said:

    It wasn't meant to sound condescending. It seemed very clear to me after watching the gameplay that they expect the ArchWing to be the mount of the game, so you could travel from one point to another, but you do your combat the old fashioned way.

    I'm sorry if you took it as a personal attack, it was not. English is not my native tongue.

    No worries, there are very exciting times ahead for us Tenno.

  5. 1 hour ago, Eviscerador said:

    It is not hard to understand. Archwing mode while on PoE is just the mount mode of any other MMO. You just use it to go fast, but you will be vulnerable to enemy fire. Probably the grineer camps will have AA guns or missile turrets to prevent the archwing loitering from afar + sniping.

    Although I'm all in for the arch sniping. My vectis prime is crying in the corner right now.

    It not hard to understand?

    maybe phrase that better next time sounds condescending, no one knows the full extent of what features will be in the update. Various elements could change.

    The thread was mearly meant to be a way to voice my thoughts and opitnions and receive others thoughts and opinions in return.

  6. 2 hours ago, ALEX_IV said:

    I am guessing archwing powers are going to be scraped too. They would break too many things and too difficult to balance.

    You see powers being used in the reveal, believe it's seeking fire from the Odonata/odonata prime.

    If the large sentient is anything to go by, we are going to need them.

  7. 7 hours ago, Vesiga said:

    1. Archwing weapons are too heavy, in space the no gravity helps that. So on earth we use our normal guns. 

    2. nothing is being scrapped.

    its just a new area, they said they plan to have more open world areas, but it's not going to be the WHOLE game. 

    calm the negative thoughts

    I don't believe anything I've said is a negative thought, just my opinion.

    Does feel like DE have all been playing to much breath of the wild thou.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

    Thought same but wanted to explain that DE won't scrap those cosmetics and give us and option for keep kid / choose grown up options if they come up with that idea

    Maybe it has something to do with  "The sacrifice" watching the trailer and listening to the dialogue and hearing the monitor just gave me ideas.

  9. 9 minutes ago, AtoKitsune said:

    The simple way they can co-exist is for Plains of Eidolon to be a separate game-mode, much like Conclave is a separate game mode. If anything, it's more similar to the root game than Conclave. The only thing changing is the format, open world instead of a single objective-based level. There is zero reason it has to overwrite or replace normal Warframe activities.

    I understand the zero reason why it has to replace what we currently have, but if players prefer this style of level design, the natural progression will could be for rest of the game to be made like this, DeSteve confirmed more planets will get levels like this and we have to remember the game is still technically in beta, so they are free to chop and change as they wish.

  10. 1 minute ago, Aeon94 said:

    3- Not sure how it will be drastically different.

    The update is less linear in its level design and giving the player a multitude of options on how the approach a situation.

    Which is very different from what we have now, I can cheese a level with a high crit/status atterax, that could all change now as enemy engagement ranges are extended.

  11. 1 minute ago, CommanderSpawn said:

    DE want to give the players a resone to use archwing. This is the main problem with archwing as it is right now is that people have no resone you use archwing, only for xp. Now you have a good resone to play archwing for the fun of it.

    I was probably one of the few that found archwing quite fun, enemies need more variation thou. Need to be more like zone of Enders I think.

    That game was fast paced at times :)

  12. Anyone else notice archwings in the above reveal were not using archwing weapons, could this be a sign that they are being scrapped.

    Also with our Tenno maturing are the cosmetic we purchased for our Tenno going to be scrapped as well.

    struggling to see how this new open world style can co exist with what we currently have as they will play so drastically different.

    But I think we are a while off this being release to us, I feel it could be a long wait like we had with "The War Within"

  13. 1 hour ago, VerinESC said:

    Not had any of that as don't use steam BPM, bullet jumps are instant with tapping LB and jump, same with void dash on a keyboard, just isn't instant for void dash on gamepad for me. I also don't use the radial and use left/right dpad for selecting powers so the hold RB works for me now. DE need to take a good look at the gamepad support for PC, even a copy pasted format from the console versions would be fine for me

    Bullet jumping still works as normal, I also select powers via dPad but holding RB brings up the power selection wheel.

    Should have made it clearer but by ascend I meant in archwing, also the afterburners no longer work in archwing.

    Couldn't agree more with the controller support though, let hope DE listen as someone at pax mentioned it and Steve and he seemed interested.

    We've had two hot fixed mention controller improvements but it doesn't seem to be any better.

  14. Full controller player here aswell, hope this is fixed soon, not played the quest yet but was planning to play it on Monday, is it still possible to play with controller but just use the keyboard to activate the power?

    Believe Steve is a controller user (stated at pax) should hopefully get fixed pretty quickly.

  15. Hi All,

    Without spoiling anything can someone who has done TWW confirm if primaries or secondary are needed. For example to activate switches or puzzles, example of this would be in the kela assasination.

    I ask because I am a melee only user but don't want to get stuck at any point in TWW if I don't have a primary or secondary.


  16. On 14/09/2016 at 7:05 PM, AoiUsagi said:

    Just wondering but since there are people who play this game on PC with controllers, will there ever be a full controller ui on PC. Basically like the console versions. I thought of this since i noticed that you can move the mouse in the starchart with a controller.

    If you launch the game through big picture mode on steam, full controller support is provided like on console including the correct button prompts.

    I also use a controller to play and it works very well.

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