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Posts posted by Gromann

  1. This game is less extreme than World of Warcraft, yet that has a T rating as well. You don't havest organs in this, fight enemies with intestines gaping open, discover scenes of torture, blah blah blah. This game is a low PG13. Hell, people got chopped in half in Star Wars, yet it was just a PG.

  2. people will always say the same thing: 'farm tolstoj on mercury'. good luck though cause that's what i've been doing back and forth with kiliken-venus defense mission runs since U7 came out and i've still never gotten it. fastest and easiest way some ppl got them was from the Hawk mod pack with platinum, but since the DE's said they were going to change the health/shield system soon anyway i don't see the point in wasting the platinum now.

    go with the tolstoj and defense missions if you've got enough faith, otherwise just wait for a fix. Redirection is definately not a 'Common 4' mod.

    Spent 3 hours doing that, nothing, this mod might as well be a greek legend with all this evidence as to its existence. I've farmed for almost 30 hours for it at Tolstog, M Prime, Io, and a Kiliken... Not a damn sign.

  3. You should farm in easy defense modes like Killiken. Redirection is common and dropped by all factions.

    Last two days I've put in maybe 90 waves there. Before that it was Europa defense, before that it was IO, guess next thing to try is xini... Though surviving that with base stats is going to be FUN.

  4. I've been farming for a couple hours a day, typically, since the release of update 7 and I still have not found a Redirection mod.

    I've gotten frustrated to the point where I blew 150 platinum on hawk mod packs, and of course, not a damn one had the redirection mod in it.

    Am I the only one getting this &!$$ed about that mod? I swear to (insert deity here) this is is really &!$$ing me off.

    Coupled with the fact many of my mods lost a level and some reset to 0, I'm growing extremely damned annoyed at this, the fact they talk about removing a mod that I have seen no signs of its existince is driving me all the more crazy in fervor.

  5. I know, it honestly makes me not want to buy an nvidia card even more. Thats just poor sport competition. There is no sense in it, cause at that point, they end up selling less video cards cause AMD users won't even buy a spare card now.

    Quite honestly, back when I built this computer I was going to get an 8400gs to run physx until nvidia did that, my 4890 sat alone until two 6950s replaced it.

    If nvidia doesnt want my money they wont get it ($80 went to the 6950 fund :>).

  6. There used to be a way to have an nvidia card as a dedicated physx card but when nvidia heard about it they added a hidden 'feature' to drivers that would completely disable the card in the presence of an AMD card.

    Oh god if they do that, I will squeal like a schoolgirl.

    I want physx so bad, but nvidia cards cost more than AMD and I enjoy my 7850 too much

  7. I honestly don't see the justification for multishot anymore...

    Lets say use a 40% MS mod, okay, that's 13 points, damage mod that's (5?). 40% multishot is effectively the same effect as a 40% damage mod but far less reliable and more dependant on luck. With all the mods to go on guns that are deducted from a budget, am I the only one thinking it's flat out useless (especially) on rifles?

  8. The tabs are known to be a slightly to the left of the cursor. It's a minor bug, imho.

    That's why I put this in the feedback forum, it didn't seem to break anything, just a misalignment of graphics and actual interface.

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