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Posts posted by dthorn92

  1. Also all the armor stripping moves in the game don't hold a candle to 4x Cp because 4x CP doesnt require you to use energy/spend time casting to to strip the armor! Doesn't matter if you can shred armor in a second with melee it's still slower and less efficient than instant 100% armor strip for all enemies. Is it dumb? Yeah but doesn't mean it isn't the best mod for a full squad to have at lvl100 up 

  2. 3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Lemme crunch some numbers

    Dok Thul: 50% duration reduction
    Gorth: 85% duration reduction
    All others: 75% duration reduction

    As long as your Banish is lasting at least 30 seconds (i.e. Continuity and no negDur mods), you should be good; they'll stay banished for about 7 seconds

    I believe you, and not arguing at all, but when I was playing PUG I was stunned at how short the duration was (i have maxed continuity and constitution as well as maxed narrow minded) and it was nearly instant, especially when it came to Garesh. So I went solo and same results. Barely enough time to one shot an enemy if lucky, several executioners instantly when out of it. I think some of them have a roll, maybe they're somehow jumping out early? 

  3. 3 hours ago, hazerddex said:

    all i ever got was fusion cores...

    Yeah like I said .25% drop rate. less than 1% ma dude. Farmed it basically since the event came out before I got a rare mod like that. Ended up with over 1,000 judgement points and like 70 gold cores (starting from 0)

  4. 3 hours ago, CrimsonDalekanium said:

    Ice Chroma works well (if you have Zenurik or something similar). Build for strength, duration, and efficiency, and keep 2 and 3 up. Tanks level 60 executioners like a boss. Loki can work if you have duration w/ invisibility and a QT strength/durability banshee can keep sonar up and shotgun the bejeezus out of executioners.


    Most frames will work with a strong burst DPS weapon (hek, tigris, tonkor) if you build for movement speed and durability (vigor, redirection, rush, speed drift, armored agility, vitality, and your favorite ability mods). You really just need to keep moving and be able to tank an incidental hit.

    Oh I totally get that their are frames that can do it! I appreciate the advice btw. I've farmed the hell out of the mission (got a couple Vengeful's even!) and i'm just saying it's not good that a handful of flames completely invalidate other frames their. While some frames will always be stronger it shouldn't be that giant of a gap. I have used Zephyr and Loki to good effect and can attest to their usefulness. But i've brought a couple other frames their that took every bit of skill I had to do even remotely close to as good as someone with an Ash or Valk are. It's like this; Mag was god at Corpus but just about every other frame could do awesome vs them as well; in Raathum there's like 4-5 frames that completely cheese it and the rest are liabilities 

  5. 3 hours ago, hazerddex said:

    that takes long practice with limbo seeing as if it did not last 1 second the enemy would instant gib you like in most high level mission i would recommend trying a quick draw style fight in the simulator 

    They do insta-gib you. Because Banish lacks any CC vs. executioners they keep firing weapons and attacking as normal, even as you cast banish on them. Banish does nothing to interrupt their actions as it does with other enemies. All i'm saying is it is insanely more difficult using a frame like Limbo vs one like Ash. I get that some frames will always be stronger than others but it shouldn't be that huge of a gap. 

  6. 3 hours ago, hazerddex said:

    go into rift bring tigris or another heavy hitting gun

    use parkor system

    put enemy you want to kill into the rift


    dude. lol not trying to argue with you. IF you read what I said, or tried Limbo their you would know that they literally instantly pop out of the rift. So quick that I could simultaneously fire my Sancti Tigris as I banish and it would hit them for 0 because they popped out so quick. As I said, i can and have solo'd it but it's a *@##$ because Banish lasts .000001 seconds

  7. 3 hours ago, dthorn92 said:

    Yeah in the boss fight, I fail to see how he's effective in the arena vs the executioners


    He can't stay out of the rift or he will die repeatedly and the Executioners, (particularly Garesh) hardly ever stay banished long enough to one shot them. I've been playing Limbo forever, I know what i'm doing, i'm not some noob who just started playing.


    It's not the still ridiculous 1 shot potential (it's some of it) it's not the bullet sponge nature of the enemies, and even starting with zero energy isn't the worst. It's the fact that only a few frames can go in and solo it or be useful. I have a max duration Limbo and banish literally doesn't even last long enough to line up a shot with my Tigris. Cataclysm isn't an option because I will get f***ing melted in there faster than I can blink. What do I see in PU play? Ash Prime, Ash Prime, Ash Prime, ooh a Valkyr! Maybe, MAYBE a Slowva. Are you kidding me? So I get punished for using a frame and trying to use his kit but Ash and Valkyr are free to spam their 4 until they have 25 kills? I don't mind getting carried but I should be able to do SOMETHING. This isn't Halo I want to use my damn abilities and have them work more than half a second. Pretty garbage. If you're gonna make abilities useless make them ALL useless. God awful idea. Extremely frustrating. BTW did manage to solo it with Limbo but it wasn't fun and I barely pulled it off. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, Sphetzlana said:

    Thanks for creating the thread SweetCuppinCakes! I had no clue where/how to post this. Muramasa is my Warframe design. I do have some ideas for move set animations and themes based on his lore, but stat building is not my forte. I fall more into the creative-visual side. So, I am open to suggestions and help in fleshing him out into a well balanced and unique Warframe. If I get solid ideas for a move set developed, I'll draw out animation keys for everyone to check out. I can even rig him and do some animating/FX work in my spare time so you guys can see his move sets in action.

    He's a melee/infested themed frame, and with his samurai armor he'd definitely have high shields and decent health stats.

    I planned a sort of cursed blood ability or viral element that weakens/affects enemies to set him apart from Excalibur and to add a darker theme to his move set. Excalibur is a white knight of sorts, but Muramasa is more of demon. So added dark caster abilities would be beneficial.

    For his final I definitely want to deal with Hari-Kari/Seppuku since his blades were rumored to drive the user mad and commit suicide. A health cut for a boost and creation of an AOE on enemies would be cool dthorn92, plus the timed possession in making enemies into allies goes with the demon theme. I like your move set's progression.

    As I get suggestions and develop ideas I can draw up some concept sketches and post them to the thread. Once things get more concrete I'll start on some animation sets.

    Here's a little bonus sketch I made for fun : a Warframe horse-creature themed to match Muramasa. (Hopefully I embedded it correctly, I don't know what I'm doing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) What's a samurai without his trusted steed? It is a base frame that could be customized with various armor sets. I know they don't have any ride-able pets in game, but the idea was too fun to pass up. Thanks for checking out my frame! I'll keep posting more art updates and checking in on feedback.


    Did you see my move set? Lemme know what you think! I'd love to contribute 

  10. I feel as though you're under rating the ability to banish multiple targets without having to have up Cataclysm/be in rift yourself. But I do see what you're saying. What happens if you cast it while cataclysm is already up? Instant explosion/knockdown? 

  11. 4 hours ago, tennorod said:

    I agree with the skill set & the high armor & hp

    Thanks! Really tried to keep with theJapanese Samurai / infested concept without making him super magical. Two abilities use his sword without resorting to cheesy "Exalted Katana" and two use his infested traits, with a little synergy to top it off. I'm personally invested in seeing this frame come to fruition now haha

  12. 26 minutes ago, Clonmac said:

    I am usually against the idea of merging Banish and Rift Walk into one ability, mainly because he needs to be able to cast Rift Walk quickly without holding down a button as Gurpgork said. But, if the casting time of this new combined ability were made to be instantaneous, then that might work. Since it takes about a second to cast Rift Walk anyway, then a quick hold of a button to activate an instant cast ability could still work. That may also cater to the Banish side of the ability which would allow you to quickly and instantaneously cast Banish on several enemies much faster than you can today. I would almost advise to do away with the casting animation all together or make it extremely fast to allow for this to work.


    As an additional ability to fill the gap, what about this? It could be called Dimensional Collapse. Limbo places a small blackhole at a targeted location and in the same dimensional plane that Limbo is currently in. This blackhole sucks in all enemy gunfire in a radius around it (similar to Mag's Bullet Attractor) and them spits them out at random targets in the opposite rift plane. After it takes a certain amount of gunfire, it explodes and knocks down all enemies around it. Furthermore, if Cataclysm is casted on top of it, it will immediately collapse and knockdown all enemies around it.

    An ability like this will accomplish several goals:

    1) It will give Limbo more survivability inside the rift. Since all gunfire around the blackhole will be absorbed and sent to the other dimension plane, he can use it to protect himself with proper placement between him and the enemy.

    2) He can also use it to damage enemies on either side of the rift. He can cast it in the material plane (outside of Rift Walk) to allow a large enemy mob in the material plane to help him damage a single banished enemy inside the rift. Or, he can use it inside the rift to help him deal damage to enemies in the material plane. He can cast it outside of a Cataclysm, but still in the rift, to allow all enemies in the Cataclysm to attack other enemies in the material plane nearby.

    3) He can also cast Cataclysm on top of it which will cause it to immediately explode and knockdown enemies inside Cataclysm. This will give him some synergy between his abilities and allow him to get first crack at attacking enemies inside the Cataclysm when it is first cast.

    I think something like that would be a really cool addition to his arsenal while also staying true to who Limbo is.

    I like this, but we still have the issue of single target only banish. How about if the black hole collapses (no cataclysm) it sucks surviving enemies into the rift up to 10 meters away? 

  13. I personally do not like the idea of a rift portal. I think (see previous post since it seems only a couple noticed) is a Rift Marker of sorts. Mark enemy and when they die they explode (radius affected by range) damaging and sucking in enemies to the rift, with knockdown. That gives Limbo much needed AOE CC and a multi-target banish. You keep his 1 and 2 and 4th ability as is. A rift shield to shoot enemies through the rift is cool but is way less functional. Just my opinion, not saying it's a bad idea just that he could really use some group CC. Imagine your teammate is down and swarmed, you mark a target, kill him and ta-da! All the enemies surrounding him are now useless! 

  14. @Sphetzlana

    So like an infested Samurai? 

    *straps on creative pants

    1. Hariken

    Muramasa performs a single twirl with his infested blade, striking all enemies within 5 meters proccinn viral and staggering enemies.

    2. Torment

    Muramasa sets forth 1-5 (not sure of good numbers to go along with ranking) parasites along the ground that find and burrow into the minds of Muramasa's enemies, causing them to switch to melee and attack their foes. Enemies affected by this take 3x damage from Viral elemental. 

    3. Dorobo

    Muramasa tendrils break free and attach to enemies (not sure how many, could be similar to link) up to 10 meters away (not sure if ability to increase range would be good, I have no ideas what numbers to go with haha) that rapidly drain health and restore a small amount of energy per enemy (3% per enemy linked per second). You are knockdown and cc resistant during this ala Link. The initial connection of the tendril to enemy stuns them momentarily.


    Muramasa performs hari-Kari with his infested blade, halving his hp while granting him temporary immunity (up to 12 seconds) to damage (health drain stays after ability ends). His infested blood drives any and all enemies crazy with blood lust drawing agro up to 25 meters away. Enemies infected by his 2 gain a temporary invulnerability and a permanent damage buff and actively fight for him for the duration. Enemies killed while this is active get infected by his blood turning them onto their allies for a time.

    tell me what you think! Switch around, tinker, or outright change whatever :) just having fun here 

    i think high HP and armor would be fitting for him. Somewhere around Valkyrie level armor and maybe 800hp at max rank?

  15. 6 minutes ago, Zyrinthian said:

    Very rare indeed. As a Limbo main, I've been scouting the forums for info on the new event to see who I should do it with... I think I know now. XD

    Look me up, dthorn92. I main zephyr, limbo, and Equinox because I am a masochist and I like to suffer while I watch other frames get reworks haha

  16. I've got a funny story about trading. So I spent about three days (no exagerstion) going through all my t1 survival keys to get my Volt P chassis. Of course RNG was like "you got vengeful revenant yesterday lol you aren't getting S#&$ for a while" so I turned to trade. Come across a dude who I believe was foreign (broken but good English) who said he had it, and asked what I was offering. I said $30 (why start high?) and he acted like I just offered him $5 for his first born. We finally settle on 45 in his dojo and as we finalize the deal he goes "oh no not enough credits" even though I can see he has 300,000 lmao. Tells me he'll get back to me when he has the creds. An hour later I see him selling again "Volt P chassis 60p." 

    Face palm. Smh. Whatever you wanna say haha that guy was a #$&(%.

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