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Posts posted by Mokona512

  1. Often in a mission, you will hear at least one of the grineer say bacon a few times.


    This makes me wonder, how does the bacon tie into the conflict between the various factions?


    For example, did a bacon shortage lead to a conflict between the tenno, corpus, and grineer, with those going too long without having bacon, becoming the infested?


    With the return of the tenno, the grineer and other factions are now being reminded of the ancient bacon crisis, which is causing them to seek vengeance upon one another. Are the tenno who are under the command of the Lotus being lead on a mission to various places in the void, and dark sector in order to search for the prophesied bacon chamber with enough bacon to finally end the war?



  2. In that case, near the end of the battle they can unleash an entirely new enemy. Through eons of time spent on research, the corpus and grineer together, were able to create a monster made out of pure lag, and the minimum requirement to begin the battle, is to have 200 players in the relay ready to fight it.


    It can also be reavealed that one of the extra rooms  in the relay that was previously closed off, houses a special generator where as long as it is functioning, will give all 200 players unlimited energy to fight the boss.


    Overall, it just seems that so much more can be done with the relays.

  3. With how the relays are designed (seems that can handle 100+ players in the same area), it would be cool to have a large scale defensive battle.


    Just imagine having a huge fleet of grineer or corpus, or both, attack the relay, and it is up to everyone in the relay to protect it.


    This can be further enhanced by allowing both ground combat, and archwing combat depending on the location in the relay, e.g., running to the area where the ships are docked, will allow you to activate the archwing and fly outside of the relay and attack enemy ships and other units heading for the relay, while others inside can attack any enemy that boards the relay. Or use it to introduce a 3rd combat type of ship battles Liset ships that the tenno use as a personal base, can be fitted with weapons and used to fight other enemy ships, while other players in archwings fight smaller flying enemy units outside of the relay.


    This seems like it will make a good large scale battle/ 100+ player PvE event

  4. found another bug, if someone invites you to a squad that is full, the accept/ decline popup does not go away no matter what you click on.


    and if you exit out of all menus to where you can move around the ship, the game completely stops responding to user input, requiring you to kill the process.

  5. Just tested again, issue still remains, though I noticed more to it, up close there is a delay between when the molecular prime wave passes then and before it takes effect, but in addition to that, the further an enemy is, the longer it takes for molecular prime to take effect after the wave/ animation of the molecular prime passes them.


    On top off that, it seems on really low levels e.g., defense on mercury (second mission) the some of the explosions will do AOE and others will not, but once you start to go higher than that, then the AOE has almost no damage, thus no chance of chain reaction.


    The increased delay makes it useless in more difficult missions (e.g., some of the ODD missions and void ones, due to the delay in taking effect and the ineffective AOE) overall, to test this and properly see the issue, you need to be more more difficult missions.


    Furthermore, even on the simple missions, the chain explosion only does about 2 to at most 3 people before 1 enemy in the chain gets stuck in a weird animation which delays their explosion. thus even then, in the time it takes you to cast it, you could easily just shoot all of the enemies.


    When this issue, the nova is 100% useless as a team member as all other frames are more useful. I am now able to make it further in ODD with a mag than with a nova simply because it is better at crowd control when we get rushed than the nova is. (which is prety bad since I have 2 forma added to my nova while my mag only has the orokin reactor installed)


    the only areas where the molecular prime is useful now is in areas where it is not needed.

  6. I think that's a fair nerf

     it pretty much makes it useless, the delay is far longer to when it takes effect, thus making it ineffective in emergency situations, and the lack of AOE makes it so that if a team member is down, you can not rush over to them and use the molecular prime to do enough crowd control to provide you with a chance to revive them without getting killed yourself.


    overall, it takes one of the weakest (defense wise) frames, and makes its most powerful offensive ability (to balance out the weak defenses), almost completely useless.


    Furthermore, since you can take damage while casting it, and the 4-5 second delay before the effects take place on the enemy, it is pretty much suicidal to use the attack on any enemy that can shoot at you, as well as suicidal to use it if infested enemies are very close to you (e.g., in situations when you are being rushed by a large number of infested, as the moment you start casting it, the enemies are able to incap you before you.


    basically the only way to effectively use it now, is to have your team mates become your bodyguards while you cast it, all for an attack that is now so ineffective that at best, it will just slow the enemies down a little. (but not enough to really offset the amount of time it takes to effectively use it in a situation that warrants it.


    At the moment the only levels where you can safely use it, are levels where there is no need to even use it.


    If these changes are intentional, then it would mean that this is the 4th nerf of that ability, and their way of indirectly removing that ability from the game by making it an attack that only hurts you and your team as the time you really start to lose at a defense or survival mission, is when someone goes down and others have to revive you.

  7. Hi, I was wondering is anyone else is having the same issue. Before update 14.5, Molecular prime was able to create AOE damage on each enemy that you killed within a close distance thus allowing for chain reactions if there were a large number of enemies.

    After update 14.5, Molecular prime has about a 4 second delay before enemies that the wave goes past, actually gets primed, and after that, shooting an enemy no longer causes AOE damage to nearby enemies.


    I feel that this may be a bug as these changes were not mentioned in the update notes.

  8. Is anyone else having an issue with when you complete the event mission, the UI for the game disappears, requiring you to quit the game, then relaunch it.


    (so far 2 issues added with the update = UI not showing up after mission is complete, and nova molecular prime no longer generating AOE damage when an enemy is killed, thus no chain reaction)

  9. I think it would be cool if the kubrow's could have special passive abilities based on their physical attributes, e.g., if you make the kubrow look really tough and fierce, then there will be a chance for it to scare enemies away from you while in combat along with a number of other benefits while in battle. This will certainly require a lot more customization freedom, but I feel it will add a new dynamic to combat.


    For example, if you want to strike fear into all enemies (and possibly even the enemy bosses), you may go for a kubrow that looks more like this :)






    or to really scare them away, something like this



    It can still fit into the lore since they are already genetically modifying them.



  10. They may add a rush function since everything else seems to support it. Apparently throwing money at machines makes them run faster. e.g., suppose you just got finished making your feature film in 4K and adobe after effects wants 8 weeks to render the movie? try tossing a stack of $100 bills at the computer and I bet it will finish much faster. :).


    Anyway, it seems too expensive to maintain a kubrow in the long run. They should make it so that we can at least keep them as a pet just to have around the ship and not take into battle. e.g., make it so that when in the ship, the life support systems keeps them healthy


    PS, they need to allow us to decorate the ships, add extra rooms and other stuff. (I would like to have a beer dispenser right next to the flight controls :) jk

  11. If you have a dedicated GPU that is lower midrange, then it is unlikely that the game will use 100% GPU usage. (GPU usage will increase if you disable all vertical sync and allow the game to get extremely high frame rates, but that is no recommended as you will only get screen tearing with no real benefit)


    If your temperatures are hitting 90+c then it means that you have gone too long without cleaning the laptop's heatsink, and it is likely clogged with dust.

  12. For the screenshot you posted, were you running warframe at the time?


    Is needed, also remove any unneeded startup items that you may have



    (if you do not know what a specific startup itme or service does, leave it enabled until you are able to look up info on it, or ask about it)


    Many programs will have startup entries even if they do not truly need them, in many cases some developers will add them so that their application will be loaded into memory at startup so that when you are actually ready to use them, they will appear to open faster, since they were already loaded into memory. The down side of this is if you have many programs that are doing it, then you can end up with a slow system startup and high memory usage.


    Also since your system can address 4 threads at a time, purely single threaded non graphical application will only bring the overall CPU usage to 25% (applications such as firefox are single threaded but the browser overall can use up to around 50% CPU usage on a system that can address 4 threads, due to certain elements being separated (mainly the plugin container).


    Also depending on how long you have had the system, you may also want to monitor your CPU temperature to see if it is reaching temperatures in the 90C range (if so, then you may also have CPU throttling while trying to game) (laptop heatsinks clog faster as they require a higher fin density to get as much surface area as possible for a small size.


    because of that, they clog along the inside facing part of the heatsink like this (overall, laptop heatsinks have to be cleaned more often than desktop PC hetsinks)



  13. Warframe generally has high CPU usage on systems with good video cards and few cores (2 or less).


    The way warframe seems t be designed, is, the thread handling the nongraphical work, is single threaded. Graphical libraries/ renderers, will run in a separate thread.


    If your videocard is really slow, then the game's CPu usage will also be low as the game ends up waiting on the videocard.


    If you have a CPU with 4-8 cores, you will notice that as you add more cores, the CPU usage gets lower, that is due to the game being unable to make use of many cores.


    Warframe is simply not designed with the intel HD graphics in mind, and thus you really need proper gaming PC (you can build one that will max out warframe for around $500 or less (much less if you already have a non gaming desktop PC with a case, power supply, hard drive, and RAM that you can salvage).


    The reason you are getting really bad input lag, is also due to your videocard (onboard intel HD). You are having major issues with frame time.


    While upgrading from 4GB of RAM is a good choice for many other tasks, warframe only uses around 1.3 - 2GB of RAM (thus a RAM update will not help over 4GB unless you are one of those users with a really long startup time and like 90-100+ running processes when they open task manager.

  14. I'm not blaming DE for being attacked, Im blaming them for not having proper security measures and informing us of whats going on or at-least giving us a status update. After being up for more than 2 years you would think the recruit would be better. Ive played a lot of online games and alot of them have been hacked. This is the first I played one that's been down for days.


    While they certainly can do a better job of informing us of what is happening, if the issue is a denial of service, then it is not a security issue, there is no security that can protect against DDOS at an endpoint, because the issue happens between the endpoint and the first hop in the ISP's network. e.g., if you have your server on a gigabit internet connection and a botnet floods your connection with 4-5gbit/s of traffic, then your gigabit connection will be fully saturated, switches handling the traffic to their port will have all buffers filled, and as soon as a packet is dropped, any space made in the buffer, will instantly be filled by another bot.

    Those attacks are so effective because the bots are not concerned with the 3 way handshake of a TCP connection, while users looking to actually use the service that the server is providing, must not only complete that time sensitive 3 way handshake, but also maintain that connection.


    With low bandwidth attacks, it is possible to block them, for example the old SYN attacks can be blocked by quickly releasing them if the connection is not completed, in addition to limiting the number of connections a single user can make, thus a user cannot use a low bandwidth attack to eat up the server's memory and max out its sessions. But with the classic throw as much data at the target server as possible, you end up with a denial of service where no amount of perfect security or configuration at the end point will restore service.


    The best way to deal with this issue is to provide as much info about all attacks, that allows people in the gaming community to step in and help catch the attackers.

  15. For DDoS, there is not much that can be done to stop them, modern attacks are simply designed to consume all available throughput to the server. The only way to mitigate it is to either have a connection that can handle all of the traffic a DDoS generates, or go with a service that will act as a relay for your traffic where they have ample bandwidth to handle a DDOS (though they do not work well for gaming as they can increase latency)


    For the people that DDoS actual good services like this, they should really send the military after them.


    If it is not denial of service related, then they should just revert whatever updates they did to bring it back to before these random issues were happening.

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