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Posts posted by dated

  1. 29 minutes ago, (XB1)Taz Deduction said:

    All the same warframes will suddenly have to be played in entirely new ways in order to not obliterate their own team in mission. Instead of constantly focusing on burning down whole rooms of bad guys, this mode will encourage more direct, surgical combat.

    yeah, if i remember right - back a that time when - DE tried out friendly fire mode. Team mates is having fun shooting you on the hutt...

  2. The process is always been like this - just see it like more layers of within layers of layers of grinding....

    Or like goal within goal within goal within goal and looook how well you have accomplished so many goals... it's just goal(s) or catching moar duck with one stone...


    Don't mind me - I'm typically just being lazy to pay plats and farm

  3. On 2018-12-15 at 5:25 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    You must be Old Mate to participle in the Heist Bounties. So if you're not there yet - you've got a new goal for the weekend! Once you've gone through a full Heist - including the finale of taking down The Profit Taker Orb, you'll be able to freely access every stage of the Heist... this will make more sense once it's live :wink:.

    Kewwwwl soo many new goals - after - another new goal  - after - ancient Hema, Garuda, Kreska, Ocucor, Battacor, Oxylus, Kitguns, K-Drive and Moa.

    And the best part is failed PayPal authentication that comes with "table tennis" - which makes my wallet is safe.

  4. yeah, probably random or if you decided to closed it.

    Like when i was having problem with stuck kubrow breeding timer. After 4 days with no response, i decided to feed the kubrow to "...." and update ticket status to solved. And then one the support responded saying " Glad to hear everything worked out, I will be closing this ticket then. Thank you and have a great day! "

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