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Posts posted by vrdwrst2

  1. Well, here's something else to consider: don't use archwings when moving across open world levels. Deploy your K-Drive instead. Whenever you're in the air, spam Copter (W + Space on PC) and Nose Planker (W + RightClick). It will build up your multiplier pretty fast, as long as you alternate between the two. Seriously, you can get 100 points from a charged jump on flat terrain, more if you jump from uphill to downhill.

    It might not be as effective as dedicated rail grinding, but if you make a habit of it, you can build up some good standing over time. 


    I still need to know how the Ventkids are aware of tricks you perform in the Plains of Eidolon, though...


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  2. I am having troubles with keybinding. I came into this game after playing Planetside 2, so I set sprint to control and crouch/slide to shift (as well as some other trivial keybinds).

    For some reason, I can't use afterburners in Archwing levels. I've double checked the warframe wiki, it said that afterburners are engaged by pressing shift + space (default binds for sprint and jump in normal levels). I've tried control + space, but that doesn't do anything. I've also tried mashing other seemingly relevant buttons, sometimes together, but nothing seems to work. I'm just stuck at the default glide speed. 

    Any suggestions for how to fix this? I'd hate to keep my teammates waiting, especially now that there's a fomorian upon us. It's been a while since I have used this system, and I don't know how to upload pics properly. I'll just list off my keybinds in the spoiler.


    Jump: space

    WASD: forward/backwards/left/right movement (and arrowkeys too, for some reason)

    Move Up/Afterburner (Archwing): space (or Z)

    Move Down/Afterburner (Archwing): Ctrl

    Roll Left/Right (Archwing): O/P

    Toggle Crouch: V (I do not use this at all)

    Hold To Crouch: Shift

    Sprint/Roll: Ctrl

    Sprint: Unbound

    Roll: Unbound

    This should be everything that matters to this particular issue.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  3. Old stalker was immune, now Shadow Stalker isn't. 

    I'm actually kind of disappointed with version 2.0.

    Old Stalker, now HE was terrifying. (or she. how do I know?) He had weapons for targets of every range, his powers were diverse and surprising, and there really wasn't a proper strategy against him/her, save praying.

    But now? Shadow Stalker can be kited to infinity and beyond, his powers are evade-able and mainly just annoying, and HE LOST HIS MUSIC!

    I just wish I had my old, terrifying buddy back...


  4. Anybody else notice that the Saturn Junction tasks included "defeat Vor and Kril at War, Mars?"

    Does this mean DE is *finally* getting rid of The Sergeant? 

    And maybe replacing him with Nef Anyo? I mean, probably not...

    Or Derf! Devs were talking about adding him, right? I mean, he was on the "Upcoming Features" wiki page...

  5. 2 hours ago, DeMeritus said:

    So now you have to grind RNG so that you can grind more RNG so that you can grind some more RNG so you can attempt the wacky RNG on DE_Sheldon's drop tables.

    You have to

    1. Randomly obtain a Projection (RNG)

    2. Visit a level with a corresponding Void Tear with your Projection (more alert...)

    3. Complete the level and randomly get a reward. 

    More like rng, alert, rng. Close enough tho. 

  6. Second Dream points towards Tenno. As your Operator is waking up, "you" and Stalky McMuffins do the same looking-at-their-hands thing at almost the same time, and Hunhow's dialouge seems to press that idea further.

    But the memory of the Cermony Slaughter tells us that he's Low Guard... unless he is a Tenno that gave up the fight and joined the low guard. A conscientious objector, maybe. His codex implies that tenno killed off Orokin by the busload, but somehow HE survived. Maybe those early murderers spared his life, seeing he was "one of them."

    Or maybe it was a fake memory. Who knows. 


  7. Too many variables to consider. Is the metamorphasis theroy true? If so, could we have a Umbra/Prime fusion (a tenno is both shadow and light, sign from a relay)? If not, should I start farming up a new Volt now? But what if DE dosen't make every frame Umbra-able? And what if I can't do the quest/trial or whatever is required? Are there going to be Umbra weapons as well? And how do we know that Umbra won't hammer us with some requirment that we can't reach or gimmick we can't master?

    Excuse me while I hide in the corner and jitter around for an hour or so.


  8. Ye gods.

    Last second ditching is older than the hills themselves.

    Just do what my sibling and I do. Choose Battle, then hover your mouse over Extract. If even one name flings from Battle to Extract, follow them.

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