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Posts posted by Shunten_Satsu

  1. I think very non-intuitive and that's what I'm going through now.  I was going to write about this issue, but I didn't know that the PUG had to leave w/ me.  I did this two times now, but now need to see if I could get a group to help me out.


    Thx for the info.

  2. So I got a Shotgun Riven Mod from a Sortie, my condition is get 9 headshots from 100m.  Shotgun, headshots, 100m ... yep ... ain't gonna happen.

    Is there a side arm that is a sniper rifle-ish? 

    Have anyone else had this condition on a shotgun and was able to do it?

    Is there a way to contact DE and state this should not be on a Shotgun Riven Mod?

  3. The last one that I know for sure was death.  That last match was lagging, everything was frozen (except me) for awhile, then hyper speed the character dies and the camera issue.  For the other times this happens, I don't remember if lag is associated with it. 

  4. Hello, from time to time, I could be in a game where my character dies and then I only have camera motion and don't see chat and nothing works.  The last time was in an Eidolon fight where there was alot of lag and then it happened.  I was able to move the camera into the water and then black out and camera comes back but only the camera and never back into the frame.

    Does anyone know how to get around this issue?  I know I put in lag and that might be the full focus of any replies however this happens from time to time. 

  5. Hello, I wanted to make a ramp and a walkway to have a 2nd floor in the main hall of the dojo, but it doesn't seem to work.  How do I connect stairs/ramps to walkways?  Is there another way to have a 2nd floor?

  6. That's a good idea and I believe every mission should be like that.

    When there is a green marker for extract and someone is goes there, that person should get the option of extracting just like it was solo and leave the others if they want to keep on going.

    This would allow anyone that wants to find all the CACHES in a Sab. to keep going while anyone else wants to leave.  Things comes up and sometimes (alot for me) I don't want (nor care) to do an extraction for over 8 machines).

  7. In response to OvisCaedo, not everyone have done the event you speak of.  There could be new players or players that never did the Recycling event, for instance me.  There are common, uncommon and gold mods that has duel stats in the event.  I have never seen those mods before and I am assuming they go away with the Ghouls since that's how events normally work.

  8. Hello, this refers to the Grineer Ghouls and Acolytes.


    To my understanding, both these events will end after a condition of number of played time, effectively making the events timed (unknown time).  There are players that doesn't have time to both the events (with the idea of getting the "good stuff" and the reason partial behind microtransaction).  In the future, can only one timed event (that have RNG drops for reward) be active?  This does not concern missions like "Gift from the Lotus" and such where you do the mission once and you get what you came for.

  9. I was trying Ash again after a long while.  I agree the #4 should be changed back to the original for quickness.  In addition, give him the option for some prioritization.  Vauban's #2 has several options, so do that for Ash's #4.  Have an option for attacking Higher Rank->Lower Rank (vice-a-versa) and Current Higher Health->Current Lower Health (vice-a-versa) or whatever would seem good.  The game is in Beta so good for testing things out.



  10. I get more than just the flying Osprey.  Sometimes, I get "a handful" of infested to run through the barrier.  Another thing the Bastille does is, it seems to glitch or stop working and release the enemy, then start back up.  Sometimes, a few of the ones let go, will continue on attacking and not go back to being suspended.

  11. Hello I don't know how focus work and frankly I was not really looking at it until I noticed something today (5/3/17).

    I see (normally) that I have different focus points from different items (i.e. Warframe and the three weapons) that's ok since I know weapons does some split thing and some ally kills stuff, blah blah.  I had seen that the difference from the start to the end (Mission Results) were the total of the least focus item.

    I started with 45388 and ended with 47877.  My Warframe got 5675, secondary: 4202, melee: 2489.


    In other match, I had notice that each of my items had individually different focus starts so at the end of how much I gained from 1 item will equal the total given:

    Focus Start

    Frame: 48620   Primary: 49409   Sec: 49299   Mel: 49268

    Focus Recv per item

    Frame: 953   Prim: 164   Sec 274   Mel: 305

    Focus Sum




    I believe this was in two consecutive runs, I don't remember doing to mission between the two but there's a difference between one end and another begin (I'll put that up to my error), however I really don't understand what's going on with these numbers in terms of should I expect a summation of the focus or just the max focus (in most case that should mean only place lens on the Frame, dependent on Frame, and nothing else)?

  12. I have a mod that will decrease my accuracy by -5% and increase damage by 15% (Heavy Caliber).

    I equipped it and it seems to take off more than just 5%.

    For a weapon with 
    accuracy 12.5 -> 12.1

    accuracy 100 -> 78.7


    I do not have any positive accuracy on those weapons and I took off my mods, so I assume that there must be something else that goes into calculating accuracy.

    The damage did increase as expected though.

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