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Posts posted by NERVNQSR

  1. yeah, one might argue that it would be deceiving to others that your effects don't match your actual element but i don't think anyone actually cares in practice

    i use a lot of pure slash weapons so i don't get to see much of the new effects

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  2. Warfame's lack of an ability to swap to specific weapon slots has been unintuitive to me for the longest time, and with the new melee instant swapping it feels completely out of control for me to get to hold the weapon I actually want at every moment, especially since you can't manually block/glide with melee anymore and it swaps to secondary instead. My instincts aren't going to easily adjust especially when Warframe is the only game I play that works this way.

    Yes this would eat up keyboard estate and most people just go with default controls so they have 1-4 for their abilities, but I prefer Q E R F for abilities and numbers for weapon slots, and I'm just asking for the option to bind things this way.

  3. The game's still heading in a sideways direction. More grind and more weapons and frames don't mean anything. I and many others are still upset with old golem being kept in the game and the derelict tileset not replacing some missions. How do you think people will react if you released "new regor" or "new ruk" and put them behind some more new keys and drops clogging up the market and drop tables?

  4. it's wonderful that you stopped being stubborn for a bit, but it won't return the players who have already left for good

    each and every blunder like this kills a tiny bit of your playerbase, don't ever rush an update for the sake of an update

  5. http://steamgraph.net/index.php?action=graph&appid=230410&from=1379078452

    U10 managed to drop back to normal and lower within 2 days

    complaints, rage, and frustration are all very important because they have a point collectively about the huge screwups you're dishing out

    renaming the new golem to not-golem doesn't justify keeping that old crap boss in, new players still have to deal with looking at a placeholder before they even REALIZE there's a newer version of it hidden away behind some arbitrary grind that they'll supposedly be able to get to after stashing  resources

  6. Are you really blaming the Founders? LOL


    Trust me, we had no say in the new Stamina system or the new grind-wall for the new content. We just got to name a few things and the abilities we decided for the Nekros were scrapped for whatever the Dev's wanted anyway. Douchebag. I may be a Master Founder, but no way am I spending Platinum on weapons or Warframes. Just cosmetics if I can't obtain them through Alerts. It's just as bullS#&$ty for me as for everyone else. Just because people have the money to support the game they (used) to love, doesn't mean they're happy about this craptastic update.

    sorry, my mistake then

  7. Then you have zero clue what an open-beta is and need to leave. like right now. or you can stick around and actually help the developers make a game you don't have to pay for.

    they dont seem to care about that f2p part as you can see, the game's shaping up to be nothing but grind and cash to relieve grind

    you need to understand the game is basically a released game in development, the beta tag is nothing but a convenient way to justify radical changes

  8. This is the same as nerfing anything else. Nothing special about it.

    At least right now it fixed to ressurect mods which been here a whole lot of time, not a "Why don't we make neurodes so rare that you can have more multishot mods than them?".

    i guarantee that it will not be here to stay, it's not a valid argument to say that "it's at least not as bad as X" because it is still very bad and has killed the game for more than a few people

  9. Yes, there are displeased people. But some people were displease by nerfing bastille. And you know what? It's always the same when another Imba got nerfed. And these people only making difficult to check if it's nerfed too much.

    there will always be some displeased people with a nerf to an ability or mod, but this is an unwarranted nerf to an entire aspect of the game being criticized by a frightening majority of the feedback section

  10. It can be changed, but what for? Right now it's good. Enough for moving in battle, not enough to run through entire level non-stop like bloody fat plummer.

    Hundreds of people? It's just another case of mouth legion.

    just going by the forums (a very tiny chunk of the actual community) you can see there are dozens of topics with hundreds of complaints, it's also only YOUR opinion that the system is fine, but that's okay

    but that does not mean you can dismiss valid criticisms based entirely on your own experience as word of god

    there are displeased people, and there are a lot

  11. That just became ANOTHER BALANCING POINT. Take it or leave it.

    this is not black and white, it's more than possible to tweak the system to be an actual balancing point and not a hindrance

    you're forcing hundreds of displeased people to "leave it" as if this is perfect and cannot be changed EVER

  12. Ogris selfdamage is just a nuisance

    Enemy bullets is just a nuisance

    Energy limits is just a nuisance

    Reload is just a nuisance


    Should I go on or you already got how stupid you look right now?

    you're obviously comparing apples and oranges, all of those are BALANCING POINTS and not nuisances that exist for NO REASON OTHER THAN TO SLOW EVERYONE DOWN

  13. You can move quickly, At price of higher risks and requiring more skill to be up and running.

    That's fair at least.

    now you're pleading, it takes zero skill to manage stamina, it's only a nuisance to have to wait an arbitrary amount of time before stamina regenerates and it also makes melee completely irrelevant, even for frames DESIGNED for melee like loki

    there's no reason for this system to exist, almost no one enjoys it except for the fact that it "punishes rushers" (not really)

  14. Do you realise that being able to perform a lot of moves in the streak was a broken part?

    Wait, I know you. You are the type of guy who will cry when they'll nerf frog jumping, zoren copting, slide rush, decoy in textures, boss stuck zones and magic lack of nightmare mutators on nightmare mission after changing host.

    why are you willing to make your strawmanning this glaringly obvious

    if moving quickly is broken then i don't want to play a fixed game

  15. there's NO need to punish rushers or make it any more difficult since it'll always end up hurting the people who weren't even rushing

    the most sensible suggestions is rewarding people who take it slow or allow people to extract separately

  16. For all the ppl talking about how hard it would be to aim with the new sprint speed, how about we just add something like "anti-sprint" key. I know it might sound stupid at first but that would allow you to move slow if u need / want it and wouldn't disrupt any of the new system.

    Edit: Btw I don't think ANYONE will ever swap flow / streamline / redirection or anything like that for a stamina mod no matter how hard or slow u make the game without it.

    crouching's almost useless so it could just make you walk instead

    flow, redirection, vitality and all ability mods should be removed and added as a separate upgrade system as well anyway

  17. This change was absolutely intentional. Just be glad you play a fast warframe to begin with. 

    wow, the "just be glad" card

    people are complaining because they want the game to shape up to be something they want to play, not because of a stupid base desire to get what they immediately

  18. you can't wallrun anymore, melee is completely destroyed because it's impossible to catch up to an enemy and sprinting only lasts a few seconds (trained people, let alone ninjas, could sprint longer than this crap)

    in no way does having a controversial opinion somehow make your argument better

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