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Posts posted by DarkDrakeDrakus

  1. 1 hour ago, RealJamBacon said:

    Warframe, one of my all time favorite games next to CSGO and TF2. I love the game because of the way it played, the grind, while annoying could be fun. I enjoyed having goals to get the new frames, I recently completed my goal to get 5 set of Loki Prime. While it was tedious it was fun my friends enjoyed it and so did I. Then Vauban Prime finally dropped. I was extatic, he looked so sexy DE had really outdone themselves everything was perfect. I jumped in and within 3 hours I was able to get the full set (did some research and realized that that's really freaking lucky). I felt amazing I was going to have the new Vauban with in 4 days, then I see the requirements. 20 nitan and 7000 oxium. 

    What did I do next? I sold the set. I don't wanna farm for nitan I have a life outside of the game and 20 nitan is basically saying pay DE for prime access. What this has done to my overall drive for playing warframe, it has basically killed it. I wanted to play this as a secondary game to Overwatch. Unfortunalty I no longer want to play this game at all. Vauban prime has killed my love of warframe. Intact Vauban prime is the first prime that I will NEVER grind for. I wish DE would change the Vauban Prime Reqs but they probability won't. Vauban prime should be called "Scam". 

    On a final note I love DE and warframe but the grind is killing me. I refuse to pay money to a game with this much of a grind. Vauban prime is the WORST prime I have ever seen. He looks amazing but his reqs are a scam.


    Little did he know vauban itself would've taken months to farm for.

    Compared to vauban prime. The prime is waay easier. Unlike conventional frames.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Katinka said:

    This I'll agree with.  Cryotic needs to be available through other means.  Perhaps replacing Morphics on Europa or something? (I picked Morphics as they are available on 5 planets which seems excessive and having Cryotic as a standard drop would allow Titan/Distilling Extractors to be sent out to gather it passively as well as opening more options for active farming.)  Oxium I'm less concerned about as it does drop from containers everywhere now (as long as you play missions that have containers...) and also can come up as an alert reward in batches of 300 if I remember correctly.

    People will eventually succumb to core farming... xD

  3. 2 hours ago, falconwarrior said:

    While I understand and respect the decisions being made at DE, I do still think that 20 nitain is a bit too much for him, especially with his drop rates. 10 would have been more appropriate, it just seems like a punishment to those who arent actively playing because of a family or job.

    Naw. 20 nitain is decent compared to getting vauban. Vauban would take months or years to get depending on your playtime and rngesus. Nitain comes frequently and is guaranteed every 4.7hrs, If people complain that they fail to get nitain then they failed to get vauban in 2 weeks or so... either way it's less grind compared to getting vauban.

  4. People get increased gains with their warframe because they hit their nuke key and kill enemies with warframe abilities, which nets the warframe 100% of the affinity from a kill.  This is why support frames like Trinity are screwed - they can't really kill with their abilities, so playing in a group with ult-spammers nuking everything means even with the quickest draw they'll still fall way behind in focus gain between only receiving 50% of the affinity on either their warframe or weapon on top of the sparse pickings for stragglers that survive the mindless ability spam onslaught.


    There kind of needs to be a control of sorts implemented, especially if the system is intended to take a God awful long time to "master."  Unlocking everything won't take too much time, but maxing out everything will, and this is clearly intended.

    Trinity Can with a 1-2 combo.


    248 enemies netted 18k focus with no booster. stealth kills 500% xp most of the mission.

    No Booster, just greater lense on warframe.


    did another run 11k focus only needed 146 kills this time, 500% xp stealth bonus up only 1 down time. No Boosters, only greater lens on warframe.


    my final run: I ended up finishing my daily just an hour ago with 78k+ of focus in 1 mission with 400+ kills WITH an xp booster too. So I saved a lot of time by playing for about 20mins and triggering spawn points.


    All with Ivara. Didn't need her bow, I only used it when I pinged enemies to get near but I would advise against it and instead be careful with grouping them up without enough punch-through on your weapon. I used the Dread and also melee.


    Really easy farm.


    What frame did you use? Ivara?

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