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Posts posted by Hithrenluin

  1. I tried my test since two days ago I am having the problem when practicing doesn't add seconds to the timer when you go through the circle. (it doesn't happen all the time)

    It is tricky enough to complete it,  is a test after all but; if it doesn't add the extra time how am I supposed to complete it...

  2. I have tried that and is quite fun,  you need a lot of teamwork.

    You cannot see any marking at all, no waypoint, no crosshair for any weapon or scanners, for example you cannot see extraction because there is no visible map like is explained above and you need to look for that eventually =_=

    If someone dies you need to give a lot of directions for them to find you (so stay close), pretty much like when you revive the hostage in the sortie, no localization at all.

    Is Good to use Gliphs to leave marks along the path or warframe's abilities that can leave any kind of signal/trace as well, map awareness is necessary so talking between teammates is part of the challenge, the fuss and all, pretty fun.

    Survival are one the best options to do this. So whoever is not frightened by the idea or think is too easy should try this with friends and see how it goes. Want more difficulty? bring just one or two weapons, maybe make it melee only? I don't know..

    bad thing? if you die you cannot push revive button you must activate hud again to be able to revive :<


  3. On 21/6/2016 at 2:42 AM, (PS4)Asdeft said:

    Update 18.5, I highly, highly doubt you are actively fighting the Stalker everyday since his release. Why lie? I get something different from the last every time I fight him. The odds that you fight him everyday for several months and only get a Dread once a month is just so obviously bs. You've lost all credibility since you seem to be here just to make stuff up and whine. 

    Why are you here then? you have everything, right? Then you come here to whine on someone post who is trying to get some help, for tennos with the same problem, I think you are the one trying to make this lose credibility, so knock it off.

    Is fun to farm, the grind is part of everything, and those who stay playing WF are aware and more than ready for that, but to what extent must this happen, kill the stalkie, I don't even have 1 year playing but, three years and no wepons, rly...

    Asking to have better chances, better percentajes or crop some of his drop is not too much to ask,  so i only hope at least a tiny help will come. just that.

  4. On 23/6/2016 at 7:32 PM, Error_Head said:

    Dear DE, I'll be honest here, I've been playing for over 3 years. I literally have everything but the cosmetics for most of the prime packs and I have very little money these days. I've put literally more than $1,000 USD into this game, which it has rewarded me so generously with about 1-1 $-hour ratio of fun. But this is the breaking point.

    If the pack inst able to be broken down I'll simply have no choice but to stop investing money into the game. I have no need of plat when i have prime bps coming from my ears and 22 trades daily to do with them what I will, and no need to have 2 mag primes, 2 boar primes, and 2 Dakra primes, so, why should I be made to suffer with not being able to get the best looking armor in the game (in my humble opinion)?

    Honestly, 20-25$, Maybe 30, for just the armor. I still may not even be able to afford that much, but the point is valid for pretty much any founder/alpha player. Anything over $35 is heinous and out of the question.

    I love DE, I love Warframe, but i'm only paying as long as the prices maintain some civility, and some sense of value. Its bad enough you wont reduce bundle prices for things you already own, (Looking at you What Stalker pack, when I only need despair) even though the game can tell you own and don't own certain things in a pack. Please make a smart choice again DE.

    Please, I beseech you not only as a long term fan, founder, recruiter, and investor, but as some one who speaks for a large portion of your most profitable player base. Release these items in separate, or configurable packs.

    Thank you for your time.


    PS: Yes, RNG hates me. it's been 3+ years and many, many, stalker kills but no despair. ><

    I pretty much agree with this.

  5. Is just hard enough to get the chance to fight him, showing up in mission and all just to get nothing, heavy impact? yea right...

    I have lost count how many people i have meet farming the stalker, getting the beacons, rectruing for them, even players that have been  a long time in game just like you, I am not an veteran player but; by now I wish I could have some of those without having to buy a bundle. I would really like for those to actually happen one day.

    So DE, consider the idea of more chances for us to get those amazing weapons please. Thanks!


  6. Hello, thank you so much for this new event for us! I really like the concept of this Event, is really challenging, I like the difficulty, you cannot adapt faster which makes you suits for it accordingly and face its proportions of it, I do like that side. To get 1-5-10 points seems too much to do but is not if you share the difficulty with your squad, so the difficulty and reward adapt well. The boss fight is nice, you have to do puzzles even during the fight, is crazy but is good, now the last one is.. oh well.

    Now saying this, I got to say that is quite ridicule to have to go back and get more point,s again, to fight the boss, when i realized this, thinking it was bug, right there it took away my desire to keep doing it at least as often as I would like to, it is 9-10 days of event, yes but, considering many of us work, study, etc,  a great part of people will only have few hours each day to do this, and of those hours we have to farm the points, so is not only about being and getting annoyingly repetitive (and we tenno know what grind is) is getting frustrating, (that's not the goal) but is also about how much time we have invest to do this each day to then get to fight the boss, like.. twice a day? dunno..

    So please reconsider in taking that 50 points penalty away, I love what you did with this challenge, love the new enemies, they rock! but reconsider this, I know many of us had already say this but i rather express with my own words, the same thing..  but oh well.

    Also after the hot fix, the high volume of the.. drones? the one some enemies deploy, is still high, i like so much the new sound effects, they spook me to death with the volume but, is still too high.




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