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Posts posted by (PSN)Chaosweaver6139

  1. This is what I love about Warframe and Digital Extreams. This game is practically written by warframe fans for warframe fans, and they dont expect money from every single update :) thats why they deserve my wallet ^.^

    A whole liset load of this statement right here. I will gladly give the money I can spare for a game designed by love as Warframe so seems to be.  Keep spooning it out, DE, and I'll keep buying plat.

  2. Oh god i hope this ain't true.. what benefit do those groups have with doing attacks like that.. its only the kids on christmas these people will be affecting.

    Unfortunately, a number of reputable youtubers have confirmed that those scaled dingleberries are at the very least planning a follow-up attack. If they were any good at what they did, though, they'd be attacking ISIS and the IS group like certain other known hackers.


    On a happier note, I've engaged my HYPEr drive. Still need to get around to farming Capt. No-neck, though.

  3. Heres my entry :) And Oberon just looks dashing in that stache.



    Just have two questions... 1) How did you get that many bullet holes at once? 2) How did you get such amazingly pointed tips?

  4. We need more cosplayers like you (and all-around awesome people. Seriously, the charity idea for the sigils is genius) over here in the U.S. I have done security for local conventions for a number of years, and so many peoples' idea of cosplay is to wear a shirt that kind of looks like something a character would wear.


    I am, for the first time in years, inspired to build a new costume. Perhaps Limbo is in order?


    Do you intend to ever design the other helmets? Would love to see the Herlequin.

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