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Posts posted by HanShotFirst

  1. 1 hour ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    id love a hysteria that severly boosted its exalted damage but weakened your defenses. would actually give use to its life steal. she has warcry so she doesnt need invincibility.

    You're having difficulty killing things with Hysteria, but simultaneously chastising the ability as a "crutch"?

    Um, okay.

    1 hour ago, VPrime96 said:

    Or 1 hour+ in MOT. Enemies in lvl 100 - 180 at MOT can one shot you as Valkyr with WarCry.

    There's been a few events as well such as Rathuum and another that escapes my memory (had a pretty brutal juggernaut boss IIRC) which benefited greatly from Hysteria's invincibility "crutch".

  2. 17 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    It provides healing that looses its entire function after a hit or two.

    So getting to full health after a hit or two is bad... because why again? You'd prefer if it didn't heal or if the healing took more hits? What am I missing here?

    17 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    It stacks up damage that could literally be healed if you are not using it.

    Not following. Can you rephrase this?

    17 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    It isn't straight up invulnerability for the cost but more of a 70% damage reduction with a delay (the most expensive of its kind). Reviving, healing and whatever is thus only possible if it is actually possible to clear a room and more or less impossible in game types that spawn enemys....what's the only game types that would require a panic button in the first place.

    Again, not following you. How is it not "straight up invulnerability" and where did you derive this 70% damage reduction figure? 

    17 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    The fact...

    You're entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

    17 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    What about hysterias limitations? For a panic button type of short living ability, it provides you with awfully little modding options on your melee.

    How is that even a question? Does this ability make sense to you? Even as a panic button?

    I'm still trying to make sense of your post(s). 

    Didn't you start by saying there isn't much wrong and that you find Hysteria's design rather nice?

    Sorry, best I can figure is you prefer how another warframe functions and are trying really hard to make Valkyr similar if not identical?

  3. 12 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    The design also provides pointless healing. It's frickin flawed as it is.

    How is it flawed? Hysteria is an "oh sh_t" button. With a full bar of energy I'm able to maintain it for more than two and a half minutes. In most situations that's plenty of time to clear the room, revive any fallen teammates and get to a safe place to toggle it off.

  4. With all due respect, I couldn't disagree more strongly with the OP. IMO Valkyr is top tier as is. Hysteria is fine (and best reserved for OMG moments and extremely challenging content). And while I'd love more life steal in the game, we already have tools like Life Strike and Hirudo which are more than adequate not to mention thematically appropriate. 

    Further, Nullifiers are supposed to be scary. Think Valkyr has it bad? Try Mirage. Better still, equip a decent ranged weapon and shoot them before they become an issue.

  5. Not sure if this is related, but it sounds similar.

    Roughly within the past two months upon launch of the game, the first time I interact with the Orbiter's Navigation UI there is a sudden, radical drop in framerate (single digits). It only lasts for about a second or two at most, then returns to my preferred cap of 60fps. All subsequent interactions behave normally without any noticeable drop, even if I change instances to run a mission. 

    This isn't really gamebreaking or even particularly inconvenient. But given I'm accustomed to Warframe's typically amazing performance, I thought it might be worth mentioning.

    Running client with max settings @1080p, borderless window mode.

    CPU: Intel i7-4790 @3.60GHz
    GPU: NVIDIA 1060 6GB
    Memory: 16GB ram
    OS: Windows 10

    • Activating your Focus ability in mission now occurs on holding your '5' key (or whatever binding you have) rather than tapping. 

    Can't say I'm a huge fan of this change. Since I don't have my abilities set to activate on selection, now it would appear I have to do an awkward combination of holding down the button I have focus bound to AND my activation button. 

  6. In the current (War Within release) build, any changes made to the options menu are saved even if you choose "Back" and "No" when prompted with "Your settings have been modified. Save changes?" In other words, there's no way to back out of the menu and cancel any changes made; the game will save your configuration regardless.

    I don't believe it's a gamebreaking issue, but it can prove frustrating for settings such as Field of View wherein there is no (numerical) indication what the current or default state is.

  7. Well OP - hope you have your answer now.

    People speed run because they're jerks - they'll tell you it's "efficient" - but that's just an excuse to avoid not being jerky to people.

    That's what I've gleaned from the responses here anyway.


    Nah, I don't think they're all jerks. Most seem to know better. Some I believe are just overcompensating with typical interweb swagger. Then there's these...


    Speed run is never a problem. Problem is people don't think before complain.

    You don't like speed? Go solo or just play with friends.

    The majority love speed run, so deal with it, accept it if you want to play in pub.


    Translation: "speed run is never a problem 'cause I don't give a flying flip about anyone else's experience besides my own."
    Seriously bro, your argument is people who WANT or more importantly NEED a team (such as new players) should take a backseat to an alleged "majority" who just want to solo content as quickly as humanly possible? With all due respect, that's asinine.

    ...We dont want to create separate "Rush" and "Explore" servers now do we?


    Separate servers? No, that's silly. Separate pull-down options for match-making--aka: Speed vs. Casual (for example)? Sure, why not? Might not 100% solve the issue, but would go a long way to keeping both parties happy.

  8. I know how to copter and directional melee. If only it were that easy.


    And watching the mini map only gets you so far. Woops, missed a jump. Now I'm four levels below where I should have been and have to find the stairs/elevator/solve-a-super-Mario-jumping-puzzle to get back on track. No problem, just follow the indicator... wait, now it's telling me to go back the way I came? 


    "Congratulations Tenno! Get to the extraction point!"


    Yeah, I tried more than 2 or 3 runs of that. If by "get used to it" you mean forgo public match-making and just wait for my clan mates to log in, then that's exactly what I did.


    Honestly, I'm not trying to poop all over PUGs, but frankly if it isn't a survival or defense mission, I'm just not going to bother.

  9. Those who go slow will never know the joys of those who go fast.

    Rather than speed up they often demand the others to slow down.


    This "Its a public game" defense to demonize people who like to run ahead is a double edged sword, as you can easily start a private lobby of like minded people to avoid it yourself.


    It's about having a modicum of consideration. I'd be just as critical of someone purposefully mulling about and holding up the rest of the team, assuming they knew better and weren't simply a newbie.
    There was absolutely no reason for the players I encountered to be in public match-making. None. Unless you're there for the sake of socializing, helping new players out, or because you need help yourself, why do it? To show off? Because you're too lazy to hit the pull-down and choose "solo"? C'mon, man. Be reasonable.
    I'm not trying to "demonize" people who like to go fast. *I* like to go fast. But going fast simply for the sake of going fast with ZERO consideration for anyone else, in a mission you could *EASILY* solo is just obnoxious.
    And for the record, I *did* start a private lobby with like-minded people to avoid this nonsense. And it was quite successful. However, that's no excuse for people who don't need a team nor want a team to behave in a manner that's detrimental to team play. Fast or slow, that's just being a jerk.


    You seriously need to bring a fast melee weapon like tipedo,amprex,etc. I just use my mag prime to get rid of both their shields instantly. After that, kill Zanuka then Alad V. As for the map, it's random but you just follow the mini map while zipping around using copter and air directional melee. You'll get used to it after like 2 or 3 runs.


    I also don't bother to extract for other rewards like valkyr bp because I'm there for sensors. If it doesn't drop, I'd forfeit immediately after killing the boss. Faster to restart mission.


    I was using Glaive Prime. It might not be quite as zippy as Fang or the Tipedo, but it's certainly no slouch. 
    Again, the issue wasn't the speed of my frame or weapons--it was my general unfamiliarity with the tileset. I haven't played in like six months (or more). I'm still accustomed to maps that were mostly linear.
  10. Sorry no time to read your wall of text next time  TL,DR 


    It wasn't a "wall of text" - it had paragraphs and even punctuation. And the "TL;DR" was the first sentence: "why [speed run] in a public match when it's excessively clear you could solo the mission handily?"

    I think you need to install a rush mod... or 8... I dont know how you are going that slow in a mission, unless you're like MR 2, then its understandable.


    you need to move faster, thats the only thing I can think of. a lot of high level players, including myself, speed run Salad's fight all the time, I can get that mission done in less than 3 minutes with a good team.


    start coptering, wallslinging, wallrunning and using Dir. Melee. you're gonna need to if you want to do any end game missions ever.


    and I'm not trying to be offensive, at all.


    No offense taken, but as per my original post, I was playing Mirage, a warframe with one of the highest default run speeds. And again, as per my original post, I was running with a max-level Rush, and "Zoren Coptering" every chance I could. I wasn't dilly dallying. I wasn't stopping to loot lockers or fight trash mobs. I was however, not particularly familiar with the tileset. So yes, I was occasionally missing key elements to get to the boss quickly, like elevators/stairs/etc. that apparently everyone else knew like the back of their hand.


    First off, the mission parameters take priority.


    If the mission is "Kill Alad V" then the mission is clearly NOT "farm his Neural Sensor drops".


    If you are there to get Sensors - and not even after the Frame parts the mission drops as a reward - then clearly you are the one in the wrong setting, and you are the one that should be selecting "Solo".


    You have stated that you can't solo the mission so you are clearly there to sponge off other people better setups, and still you are complaining.


    Go to general chat, ask for help to do exactly what you need and get people to help. Joining a PUG expecting that people will do what YOU want is rather insane. What about those that just want the Frame parts? They would consider the fast in-and-out of rushers a blessing.


    First off, it's the boss, Alad V, who drops the neural sensors. So yeah, killing him, aka: following the mission parameters, is kinda essential. Thanks for the insightful pro tip though. My preference for neural sensors over frame parts however is irrelevant and frankly, none of your concern.
    And I stated (quite clearly, I might add) in my original post that I *DID* solo the mission: "First time through I soloed it, but died once in the process. I decided it would probably be best to go with a team on subsequent runs."
    "First time"--with emphasis. It was the very first time I've even attempted Alad V. And yes, I soloed it. My. First. Time. That was without the benefit of knowing anything about the encounter or what even to expect. All I knew was Jupiter, Themisto, kill boss, get neural sensors. That's it. And yes, I had to revive once. Once. So yeah, I thought it might be a good idea to go with other people, at least until I got a better handle on the mechanics of the fight. Crazy, right?
    As for "sponging"... why would I be complaining about others defeating the boss for me if my intent was to "sponge"? That doesn't make a lick of sense. If all I wanted was to be an inconsiderate jerk and ride others' coattails, I could have happily taken my sweet time to collect the loot while everyone else waited at the extraction point. Why would I complain if that was my intent? Did you disengage your brain before you started typing, or are you just not very bright to begin with?
  11. This is really just a "joined a game in progress" problem. I really dont see how can you stay so far behind that you cant find the boss drops unless you are a unraked Frost with a Gram. You can always try asking the other players to mark the drops for you most people will understand but then again most people know all the tilesets well enough to not even think about marking.


    Yep, obviously I'm exaggerating or made this whole story up. None of it happened, especially four or five times in a row. Nope. Just my imagination. Thanks for clearing that up without even a hint of condescension.

  12. Ahh, I can see where you're coming from. I joined Warframe with some friends/family so we always ran missions like that on "friends only". If you'd like, since I'm online now with nothing better to do, I could help you take on Salad at more your pace.


    I really appreciate the offer, and would gladly take you up on it. But I expect my clan mates to be joining shortly, and I'll just farm with them.
    Sorry if this topic is beating a dead horse (I know I've seen similar complaints since closed beta), but typically I only join public matches for alerts, survival or defense mission types. It's been a long, long time since I've run an assassination with PUGs. I had no idea this sort of thing was still an issue.
  13. To answer your thread title: Because it's efficient.


    I get that. Honestly, I do. But why join a public match where you're going to need a teammate to help open doors? If it was just me and one other person, they would have had to wait.
  14. How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


    I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...


    That's kinda my point: I'm NOT *that* slow. While I'll freely admit I don't have the tileset memorized and have taken a wrong turn here and there, I'm NOT a total newb. Granted, I'm only a Mastery of 8 (which I didn't think was so bad), but most of these teammates were 17+. I was literally getting the in-game announcement that Alad V had been encountered followed by congratulations on his defeat no more than thirty seconds apart (if that long).
    Is that normal? I know when I soloed him it had to have taken at *least* a minute, if not more like two (I think I was blinded about half the battle). I'm just coming back to Warframe after not having played for a few months, so again, I admit I may be a bit rusty... but this just seems ridiculous.
  15. Or more specifically, why do it in a public match when it's excessively clear you could solo the mission handily?


    In pursuit of neural sensors, I went to Jupiter to fight Alad V (as per the wiki recommendations). First time through I soloed it, but died once in the process. I decided it would probably be best to go with a team on subsequent runs.


    First attempt with public matching: teammate clearly over-geared and over-leveled was halfway to the boss before even my loading animation finished. Third teammate spawns (apparently next to him), helps open a door, and the two wipe the boss long before I catch up. The map updates and I have no idea how to get to the loot drops.


    Second attempt: spawn a mission in progress next to someone miles away from the objective. Other teammates defeat the boss, once again, long before I catch up. Another loot drop missed.


    Third attempt: ask politely for 2nd teammate (there's only two of us) not to rush. Teammate either ignores or doesn't notice my request. Teammate proceeds to zoom ahead, tripping every alarm along the way, resulting in the doors getting locked. I pause to unlock the door, during which time a 3rd teammates joins (again, presumably next to the guy who rushed ahead) and the two proceed to kill Alad V without me. Yet another loot drop missed.


    Tried again two or three more times. Same results. 


    I'll give credit where credit is due. Obviously these tenno know the tilesets like the back of their hand and can navigate them far more efficiently then I. They're also far better experienced and capable at defeating Alad V. Props to them. And I get it: no one likes a slow-poke.


    But seriously, I'm not talking about stopping at every locker, attempting to fight every enemy or investigating every possible turn. I'm playing Mirage with maxed out Rush, and doing my best to "Zoren Copter" at every opportunity. I'm not stopping to smell the roses, but still getting left behind. Short of creating a pre-made with people I *know* aren't going to behave in this manner, what else can I do? Furthermore, why does someone who can clearly solo content without so much as breaking a sweat even bother with public match-making in the first place?

  16. I've wanted to do alerts for my friend when he's at work, and my girlfriend when she's at uni.. I haven't been doing them because of the open beta agreement, but I'd love to get a message here from someone who works at DE to say we can =o


    *puppy eyes* Pwease DE?

    Never gonna happen.
    Why? 'Cause if anyone at DE ever said this was ok, every shameless knucklehead would try to take advantage of it.
    Some examples:
    "My (girlfriend/brother/cousin/buddy) used my platinum to buy something I didn't want. I demand a refund!"
    "Why was I banned? I wasn't cheating or spamming chat with racial slurs, that was my (girlfriend/brother/cousin/buddy) using my account!"
    This rule exists for DE's protection as much as your own. You are not supposed to share your account with anyone, but if you do, you're responsible for any/all consequences.
  17. The fact that you are basically pressing a button to perform one action 100% of the time, and afterwards hoping the following action bound with that key will/won't kick in is like playing Russian Roulette in this game. Whether you live or die depends on how the game feels. Does it want you to latch onto that nearby box you were trying to jump past? Or does it let you just slip past it like you intended? 

    I want control of my game. Just because you can't handle an additional key doesn't mean it shouldn't be an option for those who like to be in control.  It's a similar situation as people who like to use gamepad. It's an option, it's there for those who would like to use it. Now give that same treatment to the keyboard & mouse. Make it an option. 



    There's a difference between asking for ONE more bind option or slight refinement to the parkour/combo system and insinuating the game has been dumbed down for the gamepad user. The latter is what I was objecting to.
    I want control at least as much as you do. Sure, there are occasions when an intended backflip turns into an unwanted bellyflop, but those occasions are relatively rare (and usually, my fault). However, if every other action for you is tantamount to playing Russian Roulette, I'd suggest you might need a little bit more practice before assuming one extra hotkey is going to turn things around.
  18. Well let's see...


    We have the standard directional keys (forward, backward, left strafe, right strafe).

    We have a key for swapping weapons.

    We have a key for shooting.

    We have a key for aiming.

    We have a key for melee.

    We have a key for blocking/deflecting.

    We have a key for opening doors/interacting with the environment.

    We have (several) keys for selecting powers/abilities.

    We even have a separate key for casting said powers/abilities.

    We have a key for jump.

    We have a key for sprint.

    We have a key for crouch.

    We have a key for marking waypoints.

    We have a key for displaying teammate names/health bars.

    We have a key for summoning/applying inventory items.


    What's that in total? 20+ keys? And that's "too streamlined" for you? Seriously?


    You want even more buttons to micromanage? You do appreciate this is not World of Warcraft... right? 
  19. Have you tried remapping the sprint key? I'm good with sprint per se but I remapped the melee from E to F and moved the X to E and am now having a better time at controlling my frame.



    Tried making the suggestion. My buddy insists it's either toggle or bust.
    Again, if it were just me, I'd suffer through the numbness. Heck, it's not like I use my pinky for much of anything else anyway. But my friend doesn't have that luxury. So yeah, c'mon DE... you're our only hope.
  20. they cant make it a toggle with the way its implemented.


    Sure they can. It might not be ideal, or perfect in every situation. But it would be darn well a heckofa lot better than what we have now. The alternative is to simply stop playing.

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