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Posts posted by funtimehippie

  1. i just want to say for first person to work doesn't mean it would have to follow %100 of our characters  spinning and flipping animations in fact it would work just as it does but just zoomed in.(maybe except for standing and jogging the characters model would follow the camera so it wouldnt make you seem like an owl while playing)

    in fact there used to be a fp bug that if just a few meshes were see through it would have worked as a simple first person mode.


    there could be three options.

    off for those that don't want it. simple (no spinning/flip animations for the camera). and ludicrous so you can feel you brain going into your feet 


    i will say this though. for how many ppl want FP wouldnt really justify trying to implement it in a really good way without it feeling just tacked on and just there. as much as i want it its more than likly not gonna happen.(though i still hope for it)


  2. 24 minutes ago, yles9056 said:

    I think DE once said they are not going to use other buttons for melee. I'm not 100% sure though.

    i remember during a live stream that they mentioned that charge attack would bind to the reload key. this was mentioned maybe 5 devstreams ago, it was also the first time we seen the new air melee dash.

    i wish i could remember which stream it was.

  3. so got into an argument on the steam forums about multi shot not affecting status per second weapons.

    does multishot affect status on status per second?

    also does it affect fire rate for continuous beam?


    i don't think so. i even did a test for well over an hour testing status per second weapons with and without multishot mods.

    and my conclusion was it didn't affect the status.


    also he says its a hidden stat....

  4. 4 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Wouldn't work, every tenno has an orbiter for their liset, and Lotus would be taking a huge risk not remaining in a secure place. The orbiter has been invaded by Hunhow himself through the Stalker after all, he would have known then and sought to destroy her then and there.

    ahh i but i have another idea. the lotus may not be able to enter the void. but may have some way to open portals, since how did she get the moon in the void in the first place.

    so we could be staying on her ship, but we could be deploying through void portals to get to any planet at any moment.

    "been invaded by Hunhow himself through the Stalker after all, he would have known then and sought to destroy her then and there."   true cant really think of a counter to that. 

    (but i wont deny thats just my guess and could be wrong.)

  5. I'm just gonna through this out there but.. what if... the orbitor is said sentient body. i wanna guess sentient have pilots of some sort. and need that fancy piece of headgear to control it. since hunhow when first introduced looks to were similar headgear.

     just a random thought.

  6. i like how its only the hook that you mention lol.

    the worst part of ancients is when there is several of them and they keep hooking you and knocking you down, iv literal gone from one ancient to another and again to another. its the worst.

    and yea they have better accuracy than the ai snipers in this game

  7. 1 hour ago, polarity said:

    Or just make melee a more than one button thing, so you don't have to map every possible attack to that button.

    I mean seriously, how many times does it need to be pointed out that the reload button is not being used for anything while you have melee equipped?

    Why do have a ninja game, which has a control system that's the melee combat equivalent of Flappy Bird?

    didn't in the last devstream they mentioned R or reload would be dedicated charge attacks?

    (maybe not last stream, but it was within the last 2-3)

  8. 1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    We already know that Natah was a sentient though -- not a cephalon. I have considered the possibility though, that Ballas, loving Margulis and knowing she was about to be executed, found some way to save her unbeknownst to the other executors. Like somehow turning her into a cephalon while still staging her death. Then Natah (the sentient that becomes Lotus) could have fused with that Cephalon, and became Natah/Margulis AKA Lotus. 

    well my theory is that Cephalons were originally meant for sentients and control them.  (side note, from my understanding the origns of sentients and cephalons is still unclear on who created them)

    but were also found to be useful for many tasks such has a ships guidance system. 

    i remember from somewhere that margulis wasnt exactly executed but sentenced become something maybe of servitude for the orokin. (for the life of me i cant remember where from and not as detailed as i wanted)

    A quote from ballas wikia

    "The Detron Crewman's Synthesis imprint also suggests that Ballas was involved with the creation of what would become the Sentients, a rather ironic action given that the Tenno would be created to fight the Sentients when the latter turned on the Orokin." (excalibur was the first warframe, but was natah the first sentient?)

    so maybe ballas was able to become a sentient, and maybe is hunhow(personalty could be complety diffrent with strong original emotions shining through, maybe with margulis wish to save the tenno, and ballas love for margulis)


    again this is just my attempt at a theory


    (welp seems the guy after me knows the lore better, lol. also "Either way, apologies for going on, as always." dont be sorry i would rather be corrected than remain wrong)

  9. 16 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Have you ever compared Lotus headgear with a sentinel?

    Did you know that the Tenno found them in an isolated colony and that they look eerily like Sentients? 

    Margulis died. Lotus told us. She allso told us she killed Natah and became Lotus.

    I am very skeptic about this idea of Margulis being alive, but in Warframe nothing is certain :)

    what if natah was a cephalon, and margulis in some way was able to combine with natah to make lotus

  10. been playing since open beta started. and iv been fine playing the test server.

    more players, more glitches get found which get fixed when they are brought to light.

    no matter what the PTS wouldn't find all the bugs the public build would fine. which would show why a separate test server is redundant.

  11. Just now, Rogue_Striker said:

    Not to install false hope but they said it wont be released as a companion, it could still become one in thr future. Otherwise I am on the same boat as you.

    that's true, its possible. plus wasn't kavats introduced as enemies only when they were first added to the game.

  12. im pretty sure the 2nd ability goes really well with his 3rd ability, and a lot of ppl tend to go with a ice tank chroma.


    though i do agree his first is lackluster. i also think it would be good for the 4th ability to fly around ,fight and follow instead of being just in one spot.

  13. 51 minutes ago, AlphaSierraMike said:

    Probably the same reason why there's a Riven cap. There's a limited amount of space for every player profile.

    A loadout for every frame is impractical anyway. You can make do with a loadout for a specific purpose, and have leftovers.

    this. as much as i would want to have a loadout for every frame.

    the way i get around it is by using my last loadout as an "extra" to change to whatever i need at the occasion, or just to make themed builds.

  14. "DCUO was developed and published by Sony, the developers didn't need special permissions from Sony because they were Sony."

    "Yeah, but I still don't understand how they were able to avoid version mismatch with the Xbox One."

    if you read the next line after that it would explain itself.



    DCUO was never planned to be released on the Xbox One until after the development studio was sold to Colombus Nova, at which point rolling back cross-platform functionality would benefit no one

    • DCUO Xbox One players do not have cross platform
  15. "besides, full cross platform play isn't happening right now, since sony and microsoft haven't even done it yet."


    so how can we cross platform play with all consoles, if its not even possible for all consoles.

    (wanted to clarify, ik each is able to but are unwilling with eachother.)

    look im an advocate for getting CP for a long time, its just not possible right now, plus it would hurt pc updating essentially slowing down the console version even more.

    DE finds it easier dealing it this way, updating pc, finding bugs, fixing said bugs and then updating the console version when sony or microsoft lets them



    "And as I've stated- using the public PC server as the testing grounds, it's just a flawed way of going about it."

    how getting thousand's of ppl testing the game reporting bugs is bad compared to your idea of paid test server.. which even if it was free those testers will more than likly miss bugs that dont happen to everyone, so even then the normal game would still be better at finding bugs


    but whatever keep doing what you do. idc just wanted to get my 2 cents in.

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