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Posts posted by Xeverous

  1. The problem I have with people using faceroll as hell builds is not that their using it, it's mostly their attitudes that make me really dislike any kind of those builds. Although I've never seen an Excal wiping everything so that other people couldn't get kills. 

    Steamrolling a mission with a Mirag-ulor and after that complaining about having to 'carry' other people and 'doing all the work', sounds about right doesn't it? I mean, you pressed 1 and spent the rest of your time left-clicking (if you don't have a macro for it), huge effort. And yes, most people want to play the game as well. That's what games are usually made for. I do not say that these builds shouldn't be played, I'm just saying if you're playing faceroll, don't be a Mr. Big-Head about it.

    Towards OP: Maybe that Chroma wanted to farm credits with Effigy and got annoyed that he couldn't because other people killed the guys too quickly, although why you would farm credits in a fissure mission is beyond me. If that was the case, he could have asked you to let enemys get in range so he could farm some credits for the squad, and not just as you've stated insult you immedeately.


  2. Got the same message after reinstalling 3 times. I'm running Warframe on my internal drive and i have plenty of empty space (~2TB).

    To get the did-you-switch-it-on-and-off-questions out of the way:


    Yes i have tried running it as admin.

    Yes i have restarted my pc before trying to update again.

    Yes i have the latest drivers for everything on my pc installed.


    So can anyone help? 

  3. You're forgetting one thing: Vauban makes the Infested a complete JOKE.


    They have to have something in order to kill us.


    So you're saying i need to have Vauban to play Infested Missions now? Well, i don't have the frame, cuz i personally don't like him. What do i do now in your opinion?

  4. Further note: You might want to rethink ancient healers, since 3 or more of them together nearly make anything around them, including themselves, immune to damage.  (Blue 0 damage readout)


    There is already a threat for that. Give it a little time, i don't beleive DE will keep this in.

  5. I really can't think of anything else except waiting for the Support team.

    Yeah you're probably right. Let's see if i don't get an answer i'll ask DE to give the Invitation to someone else, probably to one of my friends idk.

  6. Hello there,


    I am one of the Players invited to TennoLive. Would all be fine if there wasn't this kinda big problem in my way:

    The Invitation says that i have to check my Warframe E-Mail account to respond to it, but i've checked it for 4 days now and i still can't find it. I've opneded a Support Ticked but with the Support being a bit busy right now because of the mass of bug reports i fear that i can't respond in time and if that happens i can't be there. So does any of you guys know what i could do?





    UPDATE: Problem solved.

  7. This is because so many people cried he was too easy without providing constructive feedback on how to better approach the situation.

    DE simply buffed him, scaled him better and shoved him back out the door in hopes of satisfying the player base.


    With him not being common...it's taken time for people to get a feel for how he behaves and fights. Hopefully DE will come to their senses and give him another look-over.


    Hmmm regular Stalker fight:


    -Ports to you

    -Slash Dash

         -if you're not dead get one-shotted with the bow

              -if you're still living: 300dmg/second bleed proc



    That's my common Stalker-encounter while leveling stuff or if i'm not fast enough to crunch him down 1 second after he stood up.


    He's supposed to be strong i get that but i think he should be on the same level of difficulty as Harvester/G3 (which are clearly weaker, not low, but manageable).

  8. Einer der Gründe warum ich nur mit guten Freunden oder Solo spiele, aber ich glaube, dass man Spieler die einfach nur mit dem Argument "nö, keinen Bock mehr" quitten nicht melden kann. Ich fände  das zwar extrem, wenn es ginge, aber mal ehrlich: Mit was für Leuten spielst du da???

  9.  I dunno where this game is going anymore thank you DE...

    Ah good, one of those "i hate DE for what they did" douchebags guys. This is a Topic about FEEDBACK not bashing on someone. There are plenty of Topics for things like you, so if you would please gtfo leave this topic and go somewhere where everyone is just complaining? This was probably just a test and according to the feedback it hopefully will be taken out soon. No one likes these new Infested and the feedback is coming so chill your pants.

  10. So now this brings us to my second point of making this thread. You see I knew responses like this would be incoming. And all it's done is show us that Stalker needs adjusting.His combat mechanics are rather unfair. I'm sure everyone here can agree there's a difference between difficult, and cheap. People asked for buffs over and over for the Stalker cause they were able to kill him so easily.....but of COURSE it's going to be easy if you're killing him before he even gets up!


    Thus my second proposition (Still believe initial invulnerability should be a thing).

    Low shields

    High armor

    Moderate health

    And much lower attack power


    Reasoning why?


    Stalker is an aimbot. He hardly ever misses, and he can in essence, "lock on" to us strafe around and nail us with his insanely strong weapons. With low shields we'd be able to give him a slight chance to protect himself if we don't stay on the offensive. With the higher armor and moderate health we could have more of a chance to fight him fairly and actually see him for more than a mere few seconds. But of course, this is only possible if his attack power is lowered. Can't very well fight him if he one shots most frames.


    He can already TP to us, can cancel out or buffs and powers, and reacts quite quickly with his slash dashes and instant weapon switches. He needs to be looked at if we're to have any sort of hope of fighting him fairly.


    Give both the Stalker and Us a chance.

    Agreed. Since i'm playing Loki on a high-utility build (so no health and shield mods) is is almost impossible for me to kill the Stalker. The only chance i have is when i roll at the moment hes about to shoot me with his Dread (if he goes for me with his kunais i'm instakill'd) and he misses me. He was completely alright in U10 when he was actually balanced but now hes almost impossible to beat.

  11. Ouf my first encounter... damn more than one year now but i still remember:

    Lights started flickering and i was like "What the f*** is happening?" I got the messages ann since i got through this game pretty easily i just thougt "well, bring it on then". So i waited until i saw him and starting to unleash hell on him and i actually was able to beat him thanks to my lvl 8 Steel Fiber mod which worked with shields back in the day :D

  12. Oh, this thread again.


    Remove stacking auras but leave everything else in. You could sleepwalk through old infested and it was ridiculous, no faction should be that weak.

    This statement made me laugh so hard. Of course it's easy to absolutely pulverize infested witht the right gear but as Otomaru said:

    One unexpected Anchient = 1 less revive with almost every frame...well, except Rhino of course.

  13. T4 Defense is a bit harder to solo but as advice i could give you if you can get your hand on Loki or Loki Prime if you can and run him on a full Radial Disarm build.

    I myself am also a soloer too and i've gotten to Wave 25 without much risk with my trutsworthy unforma'd Soma, my Castanas and my Dakra Prime with such a Build. If you don't know what this full Radial Disarm build is I can give you mine:




    With this build you have more than twice the range on your skills which comes in handy with disarmed enemies in combination with your decoy. The thing i've found out about enemies is that if an entity is near the Crypod, will say Player OR Decoy, the will first swarm that. I for myself use this tactic in this situation:


    - Move around the room and disarm your enemies (which is quite easy due to the low cost and high range combo)

    - Place a Decoy near the cryopod, because the enemies will first swarm that.

    - If your Decoy dies place another one immedeately

    - Kill all enemies

    - Try to not-run out of ammo

    - Profit :D


    I know this isn't probably "the overkill-sollution" for T4 Defense but it works pretty good with a bit of practice and i managed to go through until wave 30 before i completely ran out of ammo. So i hope this helps you at least a little bit :)

  14. They are not on A & B rotation They are on every rotation.

    According to the drop tables (which are up-to-date, i guess) in a Void Survival Mission you are getting a guranteed prime part after 20 minutes. Will say either on 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. It is although random how many youre really going to get. All i know is: You're getting at least 1 prime part every 20 minutes aka. in the C rotation and rarely parts in the 5. 10. and 15 minutes aka A and B rotations so 20 minutes R5 is a bug everything else is RNG. If you want prime parts: happy grinding.



    Edit: If this happens again, take a screenshot and post it in the bug forums, because if this is correct and you got nothing but R5 Cores in a 25 minute T4 Survival this needs to be changed. 1st because this is a huge waste of time and 2nd because this is almost unsuitable for solo-players or 2-3-man-squads.

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