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Posts posted by Talis7

  1. Same bug still in the system. Would think it would be an easy one to fix. That have it so only so many show up. But some of them will disappear I guess. So if they just made it so there's an excess, and then destruct all the ones that are left over once that cap is met then there wouldn't be such an issue.

    • Like 1
  2. Dunno if the designers will see this or not. Just wanting to put a sounding board here for my own thoughts on this to get them out. If this is seen as being cool enough of a thread, maybe somebody could sticky it or whatevers? Meh.... anyways.... let's get to the gritty of it yeah? Yeah! Cool. Okay here it goes.

    SHIELDGATE! What?!:

    Okay so one idea: Add shield add ons (through a new mod slot that can be unlocked through a mission specifically for these shield mods? Or make it so they can only fit into axillary mod slot?)

    This could make it so if people out there don't want to have the extra shield boost they don't have to have it. Would make the Rage modders happy.

    This could also mean all sorts of creative shield effect mods for both offence and defence. Mods that make it so when shields are at full, there's an effect? (health regen? Energy regen? Warframe shield bubble (like a nullifiers only for warframe friendlies)? Damage aura effect? Boost to agility?) Could also have more solid effect shield mods such as armor increase based off of current shield state (so if you have the mod on your warframe, and you had 1400 shields, then as long as you haven't take a hit yet you'd get 1400 extra armor. Take a hit and your shield drops down to say.... 1153 or something, then you'd have 1153 armor bonus instead until your shields get recharged fully.

    In either case, with any change being down to shields, it might be wisest to make the changes being done in a mod form. Then make it so there's a special mod slot for those shields or make it axillary exclusive. (kind of liking the axillary exclusive idea more then having another mod slot but I'm still halfway on the fence for that.)

    I might return with other ideas if the hit me.

    Oh! A note to any posters that might follow this thread. This thread is meant for ideas only. No critics of others ideas please. Let's try to keep this thread pure Tenno.


  3. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature buuuuut...


    I've been finding that when I'm standing between the center of a magnetize sphere and an enemy that's firing at me (mostly shotgun enemies) I get damaged. Had thought standing inside the sphere made it so the bullets didn't damage you as they became owned by you and your abilities. Don't know if this is a recent change or if it was like this before. Also... Rampart bullets aren't being effected at all by Magnetize.


    If this is the way that it's suppose to be then never mind this report. I don't think it's a good idea to have magnetize be like that though. Doesn't seem to make sense to me about the Rampart bullets at the least not being able to be attracted.

  4. Okay. Let's talk about what abuse is in the game. To me abuse is using a macro to get by playing the game in order to farm tons and tons of resources. I could understand if the people exploiting E gate had actually stood there and pressed the buttons themselves, but they didn't. They set up macros so the computer did all the work for them. They did -nothing-. THIS is unacceptable because, as previously stated, it opens the door for bots and farmer money grabbers.


    People can cry all they want about this fix. Trust me though, they'd be crying a -lot- worse if bots started spreading about the game farming for syndicate and auto texting messages to advertise websites cause chatting to be a thing of the past.


    To those who are sore over the E gate exploit going bye, grow some chest hairs and play the game.  

  5. Good on ya for the resent fix. It's a stab in the chest to would be hackers and exploiters. I recently saw a message on the trade channel advertising the sale of syndicate weapons for real money, and it's people like that which are the ones crying over this update the most.


    This update makes it so people will actually play the game instead of relaying on macros, and keep the farmers and bots at bay.


    NOTHING would cause this game to have more issues then for the caustic bot farmer money grabbers to seep into the community, and they would love nothing more to be able to do so. Do not give them an inch DE. Stay the course. Criers and baby whiners be damned.


    Play the game Tenos.

  6. Found an interesting bug. When Stalker appears, after beating him or otherwise, no more enemies spawn, and the objective will not finish.


    Has only happened twice for me so far. Once in a defense mission. The second time was in an interception mission.


    Guessing there's something wonky in Stalkers coding that's tripping up the code of the mission to continue through. Perhaps a misplaced end statement or some such.  


    Additional: I just found that there was already a post on this. Searched around before for a related one but I must have missed it. Sorry.

  7. I mostly like the new update. The ship does feel a little cramped, but it's still kinda cool. They need to have the Tenno stand back a little more from the UI menus for some of them. Head is blocking the view for some of the mods and the like when looking at the UI. But I'm sure all that will be fixed.


    I hear a lot of complaints about how 'Ulg! I have to click extra clicks to get to where I'm going!' and I can't help but think 'wow... how -lazy- can a person be?'. I mean... they're complaining about an extra click with a mouse. Perhaps an extra one or two seconds. At most 5 if you're tired and slow from it. To me the immersion and the future forseeable benefits from it are well worth that minor cost.


    Would like to be able to have my ship fly to planet to planet as I select it in my system menu somehow. Have an option for it or some such. And eventually being able to actually fly the ship would be cool as well. Which I'm hoping they'll be building up to eventually.


    There's still a lot of bugs with the new UI and update, but it's to be expected. And a trial by fire that they are doing with the player base is the fastest way to get rid of those bugs.

  8. If they were to change Saryn's abilities just a bit, she would be a we bit more fun and useful. Least in my opinion.


    My thoughts on ability changes for her as follows:


    1. Venom


    Making it so she can leave venom trap 'mines' to pop when enemies get too near or when you shoot at them would make the ability more useful and fun in my opinion. Not completely like Vauban and his electric grenade turrets since they remain static for awhile. The venom trap mines would just explode, and perhaps have a small cloud of poison left behind.


    2. Contagion


    Would love to see them turn this into a toggle. Make it so when she makes melee attacks when it's on it costs energy, instead of having to trigger it all the time. Kind of like a second charge attack option for her melee weapons.


    3. Molt


    I see nothing wrong with this ability. But... maybe make it so when the ability is triggered again when a molt is already out, she will teleport to a previous molting while leaving a new one behind?


    4. Miasma


    It's a pretty good ability. Very powerful. Not sure if it melts mitigation or not, but if it doesn't, maybe make it so it does? Having it leave an area effect cloud or pool of poison would be cool as well.


    But... she doesn't really -need- those changes. Would be more fun, but not needed.

  9. Someone said emotions = weakness. I have to disagree however.


    Without emotions we would have no drive to do anything. That is, unless we were -programmed- into do tasks like some sort of computer or automaton.


    However Tenno are shown to be complex in nature. They interact adoringly with their pets which shows compassion.


    More ever and more importantly is this: We are the Tenno. So asking if Tenno have emotions is asking if -we- have emotions. (Sorry if this is getting too meta for you all. Just having fun with it.)

  10. -Mushari


    In regards to your reply, I did say it wasn't a bright idea for the hackers to be doing that. Basically agreeing. So... yeah... it's not bright if that is their motives. The should be going after PWE instead, you're right. That is, once again, -if- this is a DDOS attack.


    However hackers have been known to make massive attacks without much thought on what outcomes the attacks may reap. The book 'Kingpin' hits on this a lot. The book talks on real world events, real world hackers, the brilliant attacks they made, and the idiotic decisions and motivations behind them.


    Kinda wishing I had decided to take a multimedia program instead honestly.

  11. If this isn't a DDOS attack then I don't know what else it could be. There's a lot of things happening to raise suspicions that it is one. Currently going to college for this sort of thing so I'm still learning a lot about it.


    The not being able to connect is one thing, however the -highly- unusual bugs (most of which that had -previously- been fixed) raises concerns from me that Warframe is being DDOS and hacked by someone. If I'm to go conspiracy-nut for a few minutes, my suspicions would lead me to PWE trying to make DE desperate to sell by taking away their source of income, or some idiot disgruntled hackers who are doing this because they are protesting PWE's interest in DE (which works -against- DE keeping away from PWE since it would make it so lack of funds from players would equal needing to work with PWE and release more control to them in bargaining.).


    But that's just if I wanted to go conspiracy nut for a few minutes.


    I think to combat the DDOS attacks (if that's what they are) they should make it so their clients and the traffic that comes and goes is checked for legitimacy of people behind them before they are allowed to pass on to the next end of things. A closed box program with testing algorithms that are client side only. It would take 15 extra seconds from the users end to pass those tests (basically those 'type what you see in the picture' tests) but the small wait time frame test would be worth it considering.

  12. Well... I'm just thinking about the complaints I've been hearing from new players. I've been playing this game for awhile and have everything unlocked. My son and his friends however are recent to the game and have been annoyed at how things have been locked and/or difficult to get past/to due to levels or it being locked on the grid.


    DE has been saying how they would like to have new players have access to these area maps while still having areas locked. So maybe have it so you have starter areas for each planet/area (void missions and derelicts being a different story), and have the slider there for the level options.


    In having a prerequisite to using the settings, it would defeat the purpose in having them, since having them was to make it so new players could get to areas easier.


    I think as players who have been here for awhile, we have forgotten how slow starting out was. And I'm not sure what it's like now since things have changed from when I first started with my account.

  13. There's been some debate on how to make it so new players can enjoy content that is high level and difficult and old players can enjoy new low level content.


    As it stands right now, every area has a level range for enemies. Mercury is 1-5 and Venus 5-8 or what not.


    So... I suggest instead of having every system with it's own separate level ranges, to instead have a slider menu to determine what level of a mission you want to try for, and have it be for all systems.


    Example: Let's say I want to fight on Jupiter but I'm just starting out as a player. I choose a mission there, then I hit the 1-5 level option for the mission (assuming scales of 1-5, 5-8, 8-whatever, bladdity-throughbladdityblah,) and then fire away.


    And on the opposite side of the spectrum, what if I want to head to Mars because I enjoy the appearance of the landscape, but want it to also be really challenging? I head to War, I choose the 30+ level option, and fire off the mission.


    This will obviously be a wee bit tricky with the scripting, but I think in the long run it would solve a lot of problems in regards to new players feeling confined at the get go, and older players feeling underwhelmed at low level areas.


    -Additionally- it would make it so new content for new players could be better enjoyed by experienced Tenno by adding a mission level tab.


    Community thoughts? I hope I explained the concept properly. Not sure if this has already been suggested. Would be surprised if it hasn't. 

  14. I'd rather have consistency with the enemies I'm fighting on the mission and how they get progressively harder or stay the same depending on mission type (exterminate vs survival for instance).


    I think having the enemies -also- getting progressively stronger/weaker depending on warframe levels and number of warframes present is a lot of unnescary programming. Too much scripting for too little being accomplished from it. Additionally... the difficulty rating can be dealt with by having said players simply go to a different map where the level matches better.


    This gives me a thought however which I'll open a new thread on.

  15. Tested this to make sure and it's a definite bug.


    When using Hydro's ultimate while in a freezing ice field (the ones that can be found in tower missions) it will make all of Hydro's abilities unusable (says all his powers at in use at that point) and melee attacks will not work. You can still switch to melee to block but you can't attack.


    This bug report brought to you by:


    Me. *squee*

  16. Dojo isn't the same. It's a different environment, and wouldn't have so much social interaction. Additionally, for those clans that are actually highly social, this would bring about a way to interact socially while enjoying the scenery and doing park or racing and possibly betting on matches between Tenno.


    I swear, it's like people don't take the time to bother reading. READ people! And use your minds to tell the difference between things.


    The dojo only has one park or training area. This would be a way to introduce many. And there are those people out there who would rather not be in a clan. They would miss out. This gives them the opportunity to enjoy those elements of a game without having to be in a clan.

  17.      I was in a survival mission the other day on Jupiter and before I started the mission I looked out over the vast orange clouds and had a thought. That thought was 'I wish there was a way for me to enjoy the art of the game without things killing me all the time. To see the environment without objectives.'


         So then the thought came to me 'Well... why not?'. And so here's my thought and improvements on it.


         Why not have Tenno hang outs. Like conclaves only they can hold more then just 4 Tenno. They may have little sparring rooms for two to four people while 12 (or 32 or more) other Tenno watch on or explore the rest of the planet/space station/environment that the hang out is located at. And perhaps with the space ship update that is in the works, have landing pads (a number of them equal to the Tenno which are there) for the various Tenno stealth ships. Being able to actually walk from and to the ship to land would be cool and would add that much more immersion to the game as well.


         Could also add park or race areas and perhaps a high score listing for each environment? Perhaps betting areas for the sparring arenas as well. I might revisit this topic later on if more comes to me. 

  18. I'm not sure if this has to do with my specific build or not. If so I'm listing it to help out.


    I was testing out a build for Rhino with fleeting expertise, Stomp, Streamline, Stretch, Overextended, Rage, Vitality, and Iron Skin.


    When I used Rhino Stomp the more I used it the longer the recharge was on it. It got to the point where it was taking minutes to recharge. Maybe in relation to the fleeting expertise I'm guessing. The lower duration somehow effecting it's recharge time? Unless there is something about the Stomp powers mechanic that I'm not understanding.

  19. Question 1: Will there ever be a 'helmetless' cosmetic to the warframes? And if so will there be multiple types of heads for it? Human looking verse alien looks? 


    Question 2: Will there be more powers for the various warframes added eventually? 


    Question 3: Will there be a mode where during the invasions you face teams working for the other side eventually? Meaning if you fight for the grinere on a mission and they fight for the corpus, you could cross paths and have a skirmish? 


    Question 4: What's the story behind the Corpus, Grineer, Tenno, Infected, and earth? What happened? Are the warframes human? Or where they human and now they're not?

  20. The suggestions I was giving were more twards style then practicality.


    That and some usefulness. Everyone wants to feel useful.


    Additionally there are some skills that do actually need nerfed. Mag's shield skill is a good example. There are few instances when it's of use at the moment. So I don't think bulstering that or making it so it has more uses is a big thing.


    Also the designers are asking for input. So it should be given. There maybe a lot of threads on the subject. Which is a good thing. Means the community cares enough and likes the game enough to say something about it.


    I like the game a lot myself. Being able to fly around all over the place and doing ninja moves is insainly cool.


    Thank you for the response. And I think your right about keeping radial blind. Also after having played alongside some excalburs more often ( I don't indeed have one) I see that the javelin animation for it sort of fits anyways with him. He holds up his weapon or slams the ground or something and then things go flying.


    What are your thoughts on super jump? Make it last for a bit like Volts speed? Or keep it as is?

  21. Bump and ideas for new abilities and frames:


    A. Mag new ability ideas:


    1. Gravity Well: Create an area that for a period of time does crushing damage and pulls enemies into it.

    2. Repulse: Pushes all enemies and objects away from Mag for a time (including bullets which may or may not return to shooter)

    3. Flux: Lower gravity effect on Mag. Making it so she can jump a little higher and have longer jump time. (Allowing her to do fly across the room acrobatic gunplay)

    4. Pin: Increases effect of gravity on all baddies. Knocking them down for a bit as well as immobilizing.


    B. Rhino


    1. Rhino Clap: Claps his hands together to make a loud stunning bang. Dazing enemies (although I kind of like this better for Banshee).

    2. Out of the way: Makes Rhino knock over enemies he runs into for a long period of time.


    Hard to be creative with Rhino. I still like the idea of him being able to pick up baddies and throw them.


    C. Ember


    1. Flame Thrower: Holding her palms out she fires off a short ranged jet of flame for a lot of damage. Lasts for about 5 to 10 seconds.

    2. Burning Rage: She gains speed, damage, jump boost, and temporary infinite stamina but loses health over time.


    D. Volt


    1. Defibulator (or however it's spelled) Only usable on -dead- (not downed but truly -dead-) allies. Volt sacrifices one of his lives (if he has one to spend) and uses all the energy he has in his pull to bring ally back from the dead. So same animation with electricity shooting down over the ally.

    2. Electricution (or however it's spelled) Like Flame Thrower above only with electricity instead of fire.  


    E. Banshee


    1. Sound Amp: She snaps her fingers and magnifies the sound there of to create a very loud boom that stuns enemies around her.

    2. Sound Decoy: Makes a sound that makes baddies want to investigate. Thus setting them up for ambush or getting them distracted off of her for a bit.


    New frame ideas/concepts:


    A. Flash


    Light manipulation. Able to shoot lasers from fingertips. Create illusions. Bend light around herself. Her ultimate would be a massive laser blast light show that shots all about her. Wouldn't be very fast, or well armored. Large energy pool.


    B. Crono (I don't like the name too much. I'll think of a better one later)


    Time manipulation. Able to put enemies into stasis. Slow down enemies. Speed himself and allies up. His ultimate would stop enemies and bullets in a freeze frame (not ally bullets just enemies) for a period of time.


    C. Blink


    Space manipulation. Able to teleport enemies to her or away from her as well as allies. Able to make pocket areas that bend space so to curve the path of bullets to enemies. Her ultimate would warp space for her enemies. Making them disabled. Unable to attack for a period of time till they recover while also dealing damage to them.


    That's all I got for now. I'll come back with more later.

  22. I'm surprised that I haven't gotten a reply or anything on this. I mean I was expecting at least -something-.


    By negative criticism I mean harsh stuff guys. It's okay to put a disagreement here or to say you don't like something.


    No input at all makes me wonder if this has even been seen. Other posts of this nature that I've just seen make things just pretty much god mod all around. Which... isn't really that cool in my opinion. I'd like to think my ideas add creativity and maybe some style. But no input.... well... nobody likes to hear crickets fellas.


    Anyway... moving on past that...


    I. Saryn


    1. The poison bubble thing? I don't know enough on it to know for sure. I think that if a monster is touching another monster within 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 feet (in regards to tier) of the effect of the bubble burst and the infection spread (meaning the infection can spread in chain of that distance from monster to monster) that would be great.. And maybe have a few seconds of infection effect. If it doesn't work that way already that is.


    2. Shed. Does this heal? Maybe add a small heal to it. Or another thing would be make it so on a second use of it that it explodes in poison cloud?


    3. Her poison weapon ability - Making it so the damage increases with weapon level as well as the abilities tier level would be cool. Perhaps adding a splash effect to it that leaves poison puddles on the ground as hazards for badies.


    4. Her ultimate - I'd like for her to make a huge poison cloud that stuns enemies, slows them down, and does damage over time. And for that cloud to stick around for awhile. As is it just seems like a straight out boom. Perhaps I'm being too picky. But she does seem to me to be about damage over time and not about sudden explosions of damage.


    J. Volt


    1. Lighting attack or 'Shock' - Making it's arc effect longer ranged is all I see being needed. Although making it home in on the enemy closest to the targeting curser would add a little to it.


    2. Speed - I wouldn't change a thing on this. If you want to give it more use make it so you can target players with it? But I don't see it being a big deal. Maybe do that for a future frame that has time effect abilities or something.


    3. Shield - Make it so all frame weapons are able to shoot thru it. And that they get a stun effect added to it. From what I hear the sniper gun can't shoot thru it. I don't see the reasoning.


    4. His ultimate - I wouldn't change this that much. Maybe add a stun effect to it if there isn't one already.


    K. Ember


    I'm not going to get into ember much. She should be about placing fire hazards, a fire aura, and all that. Should be the one doing the most damage in the game with her frames powers. I've not seen that much of her to know if this is what she is doing or not. If she isn't then she should. I would like to see a sort of firey dash forward blast attack for her. But I don't think she really needs it.


    L. Frost


    I don't have enough experience with frost to know what needs tweaking on him but... from what I can see he is pretty useful in most any situation with most any of his abilities.


    One last thought. Instead of out and out replacing powers as I suggested maybe just adding new ones and keeping the old as well.


    I have other ideas in regards to that. But... I'll put that stuff later. Perhaps in another topic or this one. Also have ideas for enemies. New enemy races. New places to fight. New bosses. That sort of thing. I'll toss that out on another topic as it has much less to do about the warframes.


    Hope to get some replies, input, or.... something. Laters Framers

  23. Okay. More brainstorming for kicks. Doing this just because I feel like it. Hope nobody minds.


    So... next up I guess I'll do...


    F. Banshee


    1. Sonic Boom - Not seeing too much that can be done with this one. Does it's power tier effect range or damage? With the knockback I hope it effects range. Doesn't seem all that useful for a damage power unless the damage scale is worth it.


    2. Sonar - After finding out the best place to hit this power begins to lose it's point. It does help newbies and the radar thing does save an artifact slot but being able to see badies on the map isn't that great a thing. It can be replaced by the artifact (although I prefer the energy thingy) and experience. This all being said I'd like to see a damage buff be put on this somehow. Maybe a critical attack increase buff to her and other Ten?


    3. Whatever her mute power is called - Seems like a really cool idea. Being able to fire any weapon and not have to worry about the sound setting off guards. Past that though it's not so great. I'd like to see a small bit of confusion among enemies from this. Guards stopping to check coms (and leaving themselves vulnerable), infected stopping and acting confused as the sound stops, Moa pausing as they lose communication with their uplinks to whatever. A moment where all that are effected by it become vulnerable to stealth kills. Not a very long one. 3-5 seconds perhaps?


    4. Her ultimate - I don't have any experience from this aside from seeing it in use. It looks like it works. Don't see anything that can be done to make it better. She become invulnerable, does damage, and can get her shields back while she blasts those about her. What's not to like? If you want to add nastiness to it then perhaps a stun effect (if there isn't one already) added on for higher tiers.


    Additional - Those shoes..... *sob*.... why?....


    G. Loki


    1. Decoy - This kicks butt on so many levels. Only way I see this one getting better is if it did damage on higher tiers. But I don't see it really needing it.


    2. Switching places - Also kicks butt on so many levels. If you wanted this to get mean then you could add a stun effect on Loki's end for monsters in the area as well as a stun effect to the monster he teleported to where he was. But otherwise I thing it's perfect.


    3. Invisibility - I don't see this needing anything. And I don't see a way to amp it up past duration on tier which I'm sure it already gets.


    4. His Ultimate - This.... sort of flubs. This is one of probably the only powers I would ask to have all out replaced. I think what would be better for him would be if he pounded the ground and a bunch of duplicates of him showed up to attack badies in the area. All with their own hitpoints, shields, and weapons duplicate of what he has. Or... perhaps not a -lot- of duplicates. Tier one would be 1 clone, then tier 2 would be 2, 3 would be 3. Would add more utility for his switching places teleport as well as invisibility. As is the weapon removal just doesn't sit well with me. And it's useless again infected. Any ultimate that useless against infected (Or any ability that doesn't have at least some sort of effect on anything it's used on for that matter) needs to have a solid nerf or replacement.


    Additonal - More of a repeat really. Duplicates man! Clones! It would be cool.


    H. Ash


    1. His... um.... knife throwing ability or whatever? - I'd like to see this replaced with a dust throw that causes temporary blindness to the target he hit and those around it. Tier's adding duration and area of effect. Stunning them and making them vulnerable to stealth kill.


    2. His teleport - Works good. I guess I'd add a blindness effect to it at the end of it as dust poof around him. Either that or decrease the power cost with hire tiers. I like the blindness idea better though. Making it so he can teleport to an area without a target by holding the button would be cool to.


    3. Smoke Bomb - I don't see this needing anything done to it.


    4. His Ultimate - I haven't much experience with this. Does it multihit bosses if they're the only ones in the area? Anyway... it seems pretty cool to me.


    Additional - Mostly Ash kicks. Just wanted to say that.


    That's all I have fuel for at the moment. I'll put more here again if I get in the mood. Unsure if anyone is reading this. But if they are or not I don't care that much. Fun to put my ideas down somewhere. And if someone if reading this then.... don't be shy. Give input. Well... so long as it isn't negative of course. Later Tens.

  24. No prison on the entire ship. Waypoint told me to go down where there was no way to move downwards. I first thought it was just a bad ! thingy. So I checked the entire ship. Nothing.


    Instead of a prison (where the lady said 'This is the hold cell area' or whatever she says) there were screen doors. Like the ones that come down when you blow out a window into space.


    It was a ? mission alert as well. : (


    Anyways... hope you guys find the bug. Guess it's a misdirected if then or something. Calling to a reference ment for something else. Good hunting.

  25. I'm not sure if a topic like this is here or not somewhere. I'm sure there likely is. But either way I'm tossing this out here. Just my own brainstorming to start. I welcome any others to toss their thoughts in so long as it is minus negative feedback. Don't need negativity. If I did I'd be hanging with ex-girlfriends.


    That said moving on.


    First up on the brainstorming list:




    No brainer stuff first. Having -all- warframes ultimate do more damage with points you put into it, or more invicibility in case of Trinity is a must. The damage doesn't have to be equil but it shoud be comparible. Mag's only has a range increase which... is fine... but it like others should do more damage as well with the extra points put into it.


    No for the creative stuff.


    1. Pull - Change it to Grav Manipulation and have it be able to pull, push, and lift depending on direction pressed while activating as well as length of press. Basicly telekinesis on a stick minus the stick.


    2. Bullet Attractor - Make it so if you hold down the button you can make a zone on the ground that when you or anyone (including enemies) shoot into it the bullets get redirected to closest enemy (so long as there isn't cover between them and the globe). This would do two things. Make it so the bubble can be used as cover obviously, and secondly give it a use against infested. Go around a corner from an ancient disrupter or boss, place the bubble, and let use with a Gorgon. Could be fun. I know I'd love it. Oh... and why aren't the plasma blasts from the Cryp (not sure if that's what they're called. The box headed guys?) effected? It's gravety control. Not just magnetics. And either way... they'd be affected by electromagnetism.


    3. What's it called... her shield boost thingy? Making it so it can drain shields would be useful if it gave temporary bonus shield to Mag in the process. As is the damage it does to shields just isn't so great. Not unless the damage stuck for a period of time. Also perhaps make it so when you use it on team mates it didn't just repair shields but like I said gave bonus shielding. Self targeting would be great. Make it so the bonus shield lasts for 3 minutes per tier?


    4. Crush - Pretty much already covered the damage thing. Although I think it would be cool if instead of just lifting them up she crushed them into a ball in an area infront of her as well as all shots being fired at her direction would be redirected to the biggest badies of the group being crushed in order of most hitpoints. But I guess that would be a Gravity Well instead. This would offset the lack of additional damage per tier.


    Additional - Good character concept on appearance design and gimic. Wish I could effect the color of the magnet designs on her.


    B. Trinity


    1. Life Well - If it weren't for shields being about this would be a lot more useful. Although it does has it's place against bosses and infested. If it did something like additional damage with a vampire effect or a sort of life bleed which  bypassed shields that would be cool.


    2. Energy Vampire - Nothing really needs to be done with this.


    3. Link - Nothing really needs to be down with this either


    4. Her Ultimate - I don't see a lot that can be done here either. If you wanted to make it truly vicious could make it so instead of invisibility is gives everyone a link effect. Perhaps make it so the healing isn't full to offset this. Tier's adding healing done and duration.


    Additional - Not sure if this has been said or not but I'm hoping the pets can get covered by the self buffing powers of all warframes eventually. Shield readouts and health bars for them are a must. I tend to lose my pet when I do link.


    C. Rhino


    1. Charge - Nothing really needs to be done here.


    2. Armor - Again nothing needs to be done here.


    3. Ground Slam - Perhaps make it so it does more damage then Charge. Or that it has a minor time effect like stomp at highest tier. Otherwise nothing needs be done for it.


    4. Stomp - Nothing needs to be done here.


    Additional - I'd actually like to see Rhino's time effect on Stomp -removed- and just have more damage put in. But that's just because I'd like to see a new warframe with time effecting powers that speed up allies and himself as well as slowdown and stasis enemies. Rhino's gimic seems much more about brute force and tanking. Don't know why time effects are in his deck of tricks.


    D. Excalaber (or however it's spelled)


    1. Shuriken - I think it would be cooler that instead of him tossing a shuriken he used his melee weapon to send out a force slash. Exact same effect but different style, and different graphics. Plus who wouldn't choose a cool looking energy wave from their space ninja sword over a throwing star? Spose could up the damage and slow it down if it becomes to graphical.


    2. Blade Dash - Nothing needs to be done with this.


    3. Super Jump - Make it so it buffs up jumping for a duration instead. Tiers add to duration (30 seconds, 1 minute, 1 minute 30 seconds?) and jump buff. Would be super space ninja then. Being able to jump up to the ceiling and then flip jump down from it to do a melee attack on enemies below would equal awesome sauce.


    4. What's it called? Javelin? I like how the power works. Don't change that. But I like the idea of him doing energy bursts with a melee weapon kata. A quick jump up in the air and swinging his weapon around acrobatic ninja like would be awesome. Granted it would be a pain to do that for all weapons. But... it would fit with the gimic better in my opinion


    Nothing additional to add on this warframe at this time.


    E. Nyx


    1. Mind Control - I don't see anything that needs to be done with this.


    2. The psy dagger thing. Kinitic bolts or....?.... anyways. Make it so they go thru walls perhaps. Make it so they hit more often at least. Adding a stun effect would be something. Maybe a chance to confuse enemies that increases per tier? 25% chance per tier? Just one of those would make this from a throw away into a 'Yeah... I want that' power. As it's a mental energy psi bolt I think it should bypass shields.


    3. Chaos - Make it so this power has a duration obviously if it hasn't already been done.  


    4. Ultimate - Making it so damage done to all allies in the area gets reflected back to their sources (minus damage caused by allies of course) would make the lack of aggro effect on this much less of an issue.


    Additional - This isn't Nyx specific but I'm hoping all warframes eventually will have a singler 'no cost' power which is exclusive to them. Not something super fancy but something that makes each warframe unique. Perhaps make Rhino be able to pick up things and throw them? Including downed enemies? Make Nyx be able to track enemies she tags with a 'mind tracking' power (and which adds an armor debuff to the enemy?). I like the idea of Nyx getting some sort of a 'fear' ability. Something that would get mobs or bosses off of her. That and perhaps a something that makes enemies attack the air instead. Make them think they see things that aren't there at all instead of randomly at whatever is closest. Would make her more useful in a boss fight.


    That's all for the time being. I have more but this is long winded as it is. I want to take a break from brainstorming about the game and instead play it. Later Tans.

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