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Posts posted by CheckMate343

  1. I've recently started playing Law of Retribution, both version, and I'm just trrying to find a group to play with. To be honest I'd rather have a good time than win but for the last dozen runs or so I've done neither so I'm seeing if I can find a group through here instead of whoever is available in game.

    I'm tryin to run it later this evening, probably an hour or so after the reset, so if you're down hit me up and I'll reply here as soon as I can.

    Experience would be ideal but is not necessary, as long as you've read the wiki page (it really explains everything about the raid very well) and are willing to listen to directions (shouldn't be more complicated than "stand here and don't move" or "dont come near the core") or ask questions if you don't know what's going on.

    I'll be hosting this evening, just hit me up.

    And if anyone wants to run it fairly regularly (around roughly the same time most days) please shoot me a message, because a consistent team would be awesome.

    I've got Skype/Discord/ingame voice working.

  2. I liked the way new void drops worked before because my key collection would always be helpful to an extent, now when the vault opens or a new prime access rolls around I have to grind for a new set of keys, adding another step to grinding for whichever primes are out. For new Prime accesses this isn't such a big deal, it's not like I'm on a tight time limit, but for the vault packs it may pose a problem, especially if the parts are on a relic that's much rarer like an Axi drop.

  3. I've also noticed that Stalker (and other assassins/hitsquads) seem much more common on void fissure missions. Almost every single one I've done spawns either a syndicate (usually Cephalon Suda but I'm sure that's just a coincidence based on which syndicates people want) and Stalker. I've gotten One Zanuka Spawn, nine or so Shadow Stalkers, Three regular Stalkers (Good for me, didn't scan him before Second Dream so this was my chance), and an awful load of syndicate kills.

    Still no Despair.

  4. Any progress on replayable quests? 

    And now that *almost* all of the grineer/infested bosses have been reworked into unique and interesting bossfights will the corpus be getting a similar treatment? (Barring our old friend(?) Alad of course)

    Will sentients be expanded on this year? If so, will that cover new types, new abilities, or something interesting to get from the drops besides mods?

    Will the moon be getting its own node section of the new starchart? 

    Actually, any word on the new starchart or previews you can show us of it?

    What about oddities? will there be more types in the future?

    New raids?

    Whats this I heard about "the year of the twin queens"? Was that you guys or just fans speculating?


    Wow I'm more excited than I thought I would be. Thanks for a great game, here's to a great year and many more.

  5. I've been experimenting with wildly different elemental combos on my weapons over the past two days but for some reason as soon as they adapt to one weapon they seem to adapt to ALL weapons. If I put have of a magnus only modded with fire damage into one and then switch to my corrosive boltor prime it still does a ridiculously low amount of damage.


    I generally just plow into them with a boltor prime till they adapt and then hope I've got the energy to finish them with exalted blade.

  6. I honestly like the sorties so far, not too happy with some of my drops, but not to a serious extent. I agree with two of the big problems people mention in this thread though:

    1) Rewards most definitely should not repeat. We've already only got 15 days to try and get these rewards, so if you're like me and missed all those nice events god knows when your next chance will be if you finish this season with 2 greater lens bp's and a half dozen duplicate parts

    2) Defense missions at 20 rounds, while in line with the challenge I expected, take a ridiculous and unreasonable amount of time. I can only imagine how much worse it would get if you combined it with something like an eximus stronghold.


    I've also got a few questions about the "seasons" though:

    Will they repeat eventually? and if so, how many seasons can we expect? Will that be likely to change to incorporate more drops in the future or will it be more likely that additional seasons are added to the rotation?


    General feedback:

    1) I like that the boss varies and we get some info on what these missions are actually for on the Sortie panel. It's cool to see an actual reason behind the mission as opposed to the regular generic "rescue this guy" or "defend this item." It was also pretty cool to see Phorid included, kind of cast the infested as a strategizing enemy instead of just creatures to mow down.

    2) Reward pools (minus the repeating) are pretty cool IMO, nice to see people like me who missed most the events along the road getting a new chance at event exclusive items. Although we may need another way or two to get lenses since getting the one item you want out of a reward pool that size gets frustrating. Luckily there are other cool items to hope for.

    3) The fact that the reset for Sorties differs from the reset for daily rewards/syndicate missions is a bit confusing but I'm willing to live with it.



    A lot of people were requesting you get to pick your rewards so you dont get duplicate pieces or lenses for another focus. I think instead a way it could work is use RNG for most of it (so it's still random) but remove items you've already gotten and let the player choose when certain things can be easily grouped but generally need a specific one. So if it awards you a lens or greater lens bp (which others have stated should be removed, something i agree with) you get to pick so you get the one you want and can use instead of one for a focus you have no interest in.

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