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Posts posted by Kazouie101

  1. 3 minutes ago, Klaleara said:

    And?  Was relative to someone dissing DE in regards to railjack.  On-topic, deal with it 😛

    if you think that was dissing you should never go to any other forum.

    Noone in charge ever playing public games is legit the only possible explanation i can come up with why they don't have failsafes in place to keep the entire team from getting screwed over.

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  2. I currently enjoy opting out of the lich system and will continue to do so. I killed my first Lich and i'm not sure i have ever done anything as unsatisfying before in WF, including the whole grind and the silly "NO U" mechanic. The Requiem mods wouldnt be much of an issue to me as you can get those fairly quickly once you are in the loop and don't need to grind all 8 from scratch, BUT the murmur farm is an absolute slog.

  3. 1 -> Possibly the shields reset, this can happen when you take down the shields and then run along the cables, this triggers the Ropapolyst to teleport to the Capacitor and can reset its shields.

    Possible workaround-> use Wukong and Fly to the platform using his cloud or similar Abilities without using the cables

    2. Make sure you trigger the Giant laser right after destroing a weak spot on the Ropalolysts back. Otherwise no clue sadly

    3 -> Use warframes that can Fly ( Wukong again) 


    Other Bug: Ropapolyst gets stuck in Terrain, most often one of the capacitors.

    Workaround: Trigger the Ropalolyst teleport to a capacitor by running on the cables

  4. Just wanted to chip in on the Zipline:

    Let us disconnect terrain bound zipline by recasting or Blinking please. Right now its pretty bad for mobility because you have to be wayyy too close to the terrain for the tether to break and if you blink a bit too soon you get rubberbanded back by the zipline, not fun.


    Yeeting enemies is all fun and games until you are in an exterminate mission and someboday scatters the enemies all over the place. Trolls are a thing that exists devs. So maybe make it have a cooldown when used on enemies but provide an instant kill on anything throwable, just an idea.


    The new Blink activation feels clunky when you want to keep your boost and also blink, please give us alternative means to do that


  5. 2 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

    Except the devs mentioned in their blog and i'm pretty sure when they showed her off that she might release a bit strong and might be changed at some point because of that.  So perhaps we shouldn't trust you considering your comprehension skills might not be up to snuff.

    Oh i'm sorry i normally just follow the Patchnotes and don't read the devs diary or follow the lead designers pet canary vlog.

    But i digress, if you need to make "big change" happen after reworking her it sure sounds like: We dun goofed.

    I just hope they don't show the same insight as to how their game works and plays as with Ember

  6. 20 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    Didn't Pablo say she'll be stronger in other content and not as ridiculous in Onslaught? Sounds like buffing + nerfing = balancing.


    The Saryn rework being released as it was shows that DE either doesn't do playtesting or has no idea how their game works.

    The frame Performing like this wasn't hard to see coming or figure out at all.

    Given that, i find it hard to have trust in them actually finding a good balance.

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