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Posts posted by (PSN)Lilg31

  1. A simple fix for desecrate would be to move that ability to his passive.

    New desecrate should be an aura depending on the enemy desecrated. Life drain aura if a melee unit is desecrated, shield drain enemy if its a corpus (non-melee) unit and armor drain aura if it's a Grineer heavy unit. 

    If desecrate is used/on while an aura is active and that enemy will not provide a new aura, then his passive activates. 

    Something like that would be much better and put him much closer to being a true Necromancer. 


    Then fix this health decay nonsense. 

    Finally, soul punch lol.. The name kills me and its so useless. Most necros have a melee ability. That is what soul punch needs to be changed to. 

    Using an enemy's soul Nekros turns it into a one time claw weapon slashing all enemies within range of the enemy he took the soul from. 

    Should also have a progression. Using it the first time is 1 slash, second time he uses two souls and a double slash, third is four souls. Two cross slashes. 

    If an enemy drops below a 5% health threshold, using soul punch(soul swipe -_-) should execute them and pull their soul to create a perma shadow. 


    Anyway DE never listens to us so we can all dream I guess. Or create our own game lol. 

  2. I like the changes to SoTD except the health decay. That was pretty stupid to include. 

    If we're going the decay route at least allow the shadows to gain Nekros's passive. Or allow the shadows to also heal when Nek picks up a health orb (energy orb with Equil). 

    I didn't use desecrate too much so I can't speak on those changes. I honestly think desecrate should be a passive. (Or just outright replaced)

    I'm also scratching my head as to why Soul Punch was left untouched. That ability is horrible and only provides support when you have the augment at the cost of all your darn energy! 

  3. On 7/27/2016 at 3:23 PM, KiryuKusakabe said:

    You haven't played any games that have a necromancer class have you?

    Necromancers CAN cause fear in others and they can rip the souls out of others so they can make use of their bodies for their art. Desecrate is the term for plubdering the bodies of the dead for one reason or another. Some dead in most PnPTTRPG(Pen and Paper Tabletop Role-playing Games) are buried with rare items(especially if they were famous as a warrior or spellcaster while alive) so Necromancers sometimes take some of the items to sell(necromancy isn't cheap) and raise the bodies. 

    Reapers just kill the dying, harvest their souls and send them to the afterlife.

    Yea like I said, look up the definition and lore of a necromancer and then the same for a reaper. I said nothing of video games as most games get them wrong anyway. 

    Except for dragon age, Dark Souls and a few others.

    Reapers can bid the living or the dead to do his work while he has possession of their soul or by possessing their mind. Look at Dark Souls. 

    Anyone can cause fear in others lmao. Non-reapers/Necros can do that. A necromancer can't interact with a living soul. When a necro rips out the soul of another, that person is on the verge on death/has no will or way to fight for his soul. 

    So like I said, Nekros has abilities of a necromancer and a reaper. Should of been just a reaper. 

  4. On 7/25/2016 at 4:06 PM, RahuHordika said:

    Nekros isn't a 'death reaper', he's a Necromancer, messing with the already dead is completely fitting for his theme.

    Oh yea? But he can terrify the living and also punch out their souls to effect other living? How exactly is that necromancy? Please explain after you look up the definition.

    Reapers control the living and the dead which is exactly what Nekros does.

  5. I honestly wonder what Scott was thinking when he gave a Death Reaper a farming/looting ability. 

    Roar! I am DEATH and I am going to kill you then steal your soul for your time has expired, but hey before I steal your soul.... lets see whats in your pocket! hue hue. -_-


    Anyway they should incorporate these ideas into one build lol.

    Desecrate as a drain now means nothing. The people that play him strictly as a looter doesn't care if its a drain or they have to keep having him wave his hand in the air. As long as he loots. 

    But if they incorporate our ideas, everyone wins. You have your looter and can switch him over to all out offense and CC. (Though I'd rather desecrate gone)

  6. This idea right here is GOLD. I hate the fact that Nekros is considered and used as support. 

    Also instead of him just gaining an exalted weapon, this should just be an exalted mode all around. To make him a bit different than Excalibur and Valk.

    His other abilities should change. 

    His #1 should became chains with scythe's attached. They are shoot out from the shadow under his feet as he floats (so that it doesn't impede his sweeping strikes) Hooks onto enemies and drags them to Nekros. They are stunned during the dragging. 

    His #2 should become a Fear. Rooting enemies in place and reducing their armor/shields. 

    His #3. Instead of desecration, all the dead bodies within a certain range around Nekros start to make their transfer into the underworld. Thus cold air and mist slowly pours out of their dead bodies, applying chill to any near by enemies. 

    These abilities can only be used once per transformation. 



    The animation when he ults.. should be a little dramatic too lol. 

    Like he rises into the air while his arms are outstretched. His hooded cloak forms and wraps around him while his scythe rises from the ground which he grabs once fully cloaked.  (Should be immune to damage during this time and probably have the same casting time as the Current SoTD)

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

    Muriel and Gideon, and bit of Sparrow as well

    Muriel is amazing. Whenever one was on our team we did extremely well. Except one game where an Epic Developer was playing with us as a Muriel and we got stomped... I was like how??

    I'm happy to hear we get 24/7 Early Access starting March 18th. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Ibro156 said:

    Have you played the last online test? :P They have another now. Check the Paragon's Forums :P

    I sure as hell did. I only got one or two hours of sleep smh. I didn't think it'd be addictive as it was. 

    Now they have the next test during the week :'( Ima get fired... I already see it. smh. 


    I mained with Grux and Howitzer. Who did you main?

  9. Yea I thought about trying out everyone. I kind of want to get real good with 1 or 2 of them though. Probably try out a few that looks appealing. 

    Tonight though.. I shall acquire Primed Flow from Baro. After that..... I will be bored.

  10. I got an access key yesterday. It should be downloading as we speak. 

    I was wondering how I was going to spend my weekend. Bored of Warframe, stopped playing Destiny. Diablo is starting to fade...

    Then my prayers was answer. Can't wait till tomorrow!

  11. I don't remember the last time I've seen a necromancer with an ability that supports the team.

    They are usually tailored to support themselves and their minions. Man DE has spoiled the hell out of people. 

    Its annoying how people want the most badass solo themes to have abilities that support other themes. 

    Nekros should of been ripping souls out of enemies, marking enemies for death, trapping enemies with rings of souls and summoning. Instead we have a Grim Reaper necromancer that punches people and waves hiii to them. If DE keeps listening to everyone, warframe will become a "pass the time looter" category game. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Archwizard said:

    And of course, if Mummy frame lacks synergy with his minions, then he's in the same boat as Nekros. This concept is walking on thin ice to start with.

    No he won't be in the same boat as Nekros because Nekros only has Shadows or Desecrate. 

    This frame has some type of Manipulation, life steal, scale able armor through energy increasing, and a pre-death state involving his coffin and a curse. 

    Nekros= Zero synergy with his different abilities.

    Mumra= Synergy with atleast 2 of his moves.  (Life steal and his Ult using health)

    He's already a step ahead of Nekros and he isn't in the game yet. 

  13. Whats known so far is..

    As his energy increases, so does his armor. 

    Can summon minions.

    His Ult and probably his summoning ability uses health. 

    He can leech life directly from his enemies.

    He can manipulate his enemies somehow (Maybe thats how they become minions?)


    250 Health

    100 Energy

    300 Armor

    .90 Sprint Speed

    I think his passive will be the energy*X + N = Armor. Math......

    His 1. will some type of low-medium damage move involving sand or bugs.

    His 2. will be that manipulation move. I remember this one move this Mummy from Marvel vs Capcom 2 had, it was some type of grand illusion that made your enemy get tossed all over the screen. I think he'll manipulate the enemies to be his shield. Taking damage for him.. or he'll send out his bandages linking himself to 3-4 enemies. The linked enemies take a % of damage for him (Damage reduction) while also under his control. 

    His 3 will activate a sandstorm that comes out from his mouth and drops sand all over the area. Enemies caught the storm will have reduced speed, accuracy and will be damaged. The enemies that step on the sand has their armor reduced and gives it to any allies standing on the sand.

    His 4.. Is a blood sacrificial ritual/ceremony. Takes 25% of his life and makes blood rain from the sky O.o Enemies touched by his blood are turned into his minions.  Minions have no duration. Instead he drains their life by a % every second. They fight for him while healing him till they die. 

    Pre-death state.. A sarcophagus opens up behind Kingmum and bandages shoot up wrapping up any enemies with range. Slowly dragging them back to the sarcophagus. It consumes them adding time to his pre-death state. Once revived Kingmum consumes the blood of those the coffin dragged in, adding extra armor or health.


    PS.. DE you guys need to hire me.

    PSS.. I hope this isn't any of his abilities.. He'd be OP lol. 

  14. The amount of synergy DE is throwing into this mummy frame will make Nekros redundant. Even with a rework I can't see what they can do to make Nekros functionally different from how he is now. He's pretty much already utility/support. I guess team buffing or w/e? I don't know but typically Necromancers are solo/lone wolf characters. They only buff themselves or debuff the enemy... For themselves. 

    I made a whole rework for Nekros about a week ago (lol) and got good feed back from it except the part where I changed desecrate smh.

    From what I've heard about the Mummy frame

    - Energy gain increases armor O.o 

    - Ult is a life steal massacre. 

    - Uses health to use one of his abilities. (Most likely to summon/create minions) Like a blood sacrifice to resurrect stuff.

    - Pre-Death state launches some type of curse from his coffin.. at enemies.


    Then there's his passive..... 


    I can't see anyone besides farmers looking back at Nekros unless he gets hit with a drastic rework. 

  15. I was waiting for the forums to be back up to make this exact same topic. The amount of salt I shed when I heard this was enough to season several steaks and chicken. 

    I think this is DE's way of saying.. Yes we messed up badly when we gave Nekros... a Grim Reaper looking Necromancer, the ability to desecrate. BUT we are NEVER going to rework him so deal with it. But hey cheer up because look at this shiny new frame that can do everything Nekros can plus more minus desecrate. 

    Darn I'd starting to leak salt.. Please excuse me.

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