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Posts posted by (PSN)Mizikuri

  1. lol have to agree on the chihuahuas. My roommate has one and its super mean and super annoying. I myself have an ancient Fox Terrier who just eats and sleeps. I have a basic petting zoo at my house, love animals.

  2. I run Ember and there are many times when other players have more kills than me. I use it when its necessary to keep my team alive and out of danger. I honestly don't understand why there is an extensive amount of hate towards Ember, like many people have said, if it's not Ember it will be another Frame. Each Frame is adept at something, Ember is all about offensive CC (and from witnessing it myself) not the best on higher level missions. but her shields and health are microscopic compared with other frames. 


    I think the best bet for people who don't like Ember would be for you to form a clan/only do recruited missions without Ember/Run Solo. Because it is unfair to request Ember to be Nerfed without asking for almost all of the other Frames to be Nerfed in some way.


    Just my 2 cents.

  3. In honor of the Holidays and to support Warframe before Christmas(around the 17th) I would like to give player(s) some platinum/weapons/frames/etc. That being said it will only be for PS4 members and only for members of this forum. The more people that join the more likely I am to give away more. 





    All You have to do is:

    1. Friend me on Warframe (Mizikuri)

    2. Post on here.


    ^ literally all you have to do. But I would greatly appreciate you referring your friends to the forums and this post. 



    Only 1 - If under 20 people

    Only 2 - If under 30 people

    Only 3 - If under 40 people



    A random number generator will pick the winners.


    Put your name on the list bellow:












    NOTICE: If your name is not on the list your name will be skipped as I can't keep up with who goes where.




    All you have to do is:

    1. Friend me on Warframe (Mizikuri)

    2. Send me a message with the code: Alliance of Athren or AOA.

    ^ Thats all you have to do and I will give you a small gift, Might be a Prime piece or blueprint or Plat. Just depends what I have. 


    NOTICE: If I can't get to you right away don't be discouraged, I work from 6am-6pm so I can only grind for items on the weekends.



    On a separate note. I will be happy to help people do missions, just shoot me an invite in game and if I am online I will gladly help you out. 

  4. Welcome aboard Tenno! I too work 10+ hours a day and play for a few hours after work and on weekends, mornings/late evenings. If you happen to be in the EST, hit me up and we can run some missions sometimes. Mostly on between 4pm - 7 pm.

    Ahh I am CST so your about an hour ahead of me. But still feel free to send me a Friend Request and sometime on the weekends we can do runs.

  5. Greetings fellow Tennos, Mizikuri here(PS4). 


    I tend to do a lot of PVP and group missions. Always looking for friends and teammates. Ember is currently my main frame. So far the commuity has been more than excellent, haven't run into any problems with anyone. 


    Sadly I work 10hrs a day and usually play weekends or for a few hours after work. That being said once I get further into the game I wouldn't mind giving people mods or prime parts I don't need. Just shoot me a Friend Request or PM.


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