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Posts posted by vash2pid

  1. For me one of the bigest sins is still this:


    We 50+ frame mods.

    I don't know how many mods got the utility label, yet we only have 1 slot for all of them.

    And we have 9 to 13 mandatory frame mods for 8 slots.


    This makes no sense at all, were did DE think they were improving anything?

    I see this stupidity of the exilus, equally bad as the serration problematic, and all the damage mods for weapons, that cut out on players choice.

    Because its an optional slot for optional utility mods. Those mods are not like aura mods that can only be put on aura slots, they can be put on normal slots too. Exilus slot is optional like every other mod in the game. Its gives you 1 slot for utility mods if you already used up your normal ones for your so called "mandatory mods".

  2. I find Syndicate rep more tedious to farm than Silmaris', I don't do Draco, Stephano, etc. though so that might be the reason. But I get 18k(my cap) in one mission for Silmaris' rep. Forget about the synthesis target, its all about them stealth scans. But I agree that those syndicate missions helps a lot for some extra rep.


    But I agree the Synoid Simulor needs a bit of a push. Better range on explosions or Innate punch through/or no bounce on enemy hit or increase max stack to 10 and increase range every stack, explosions on detonation takes other elements into account. Just doesn't feel like the added syndicate effect to be very worthwhile.

  3. First game on this session, was ranking prisma tethra so I spent alot of time on the time on the mission than just looking for caches and moving out got 3 argons too. But Ven'Kra has to go Godmode on me and just a wasted my time. Feeling a bit bummed out too, really kills the mood for me.

  4. I cleared Escalation Tac Alert with this when I got disconnected from squad and I was left alone to clean up the last round.

    Too bad it didn't work at all on those Manics from the recent tac alert cause of the way they take work when taking damage.

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