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Posts posted by Djenai

  1. You are so afraid of real opponents, that you need an easy kindergarten mode with stupid AI enemies with the reaction time of a potato, that can't use parkour and can barely dodge? So you want to shoot fish in a barrel and get rewards?

  2. 1. Why is the development of shallow and meaningless content that barely lasts for a week prioritized over deep, meaningful, entertaining and rewarding content, that potentially could keep the player engaged for months?

    2. Do you believe it is fair to allow console users to purchase Tennogen items for platinum while denying this option for PC users?(especially non-steam users).

    3. What happened to the idea of difficulty sliders for missions to increase the challenge for better rewards?

    4. When you first teased the Archwing, we could see a dynamic transition from normal mission to Archwing. A lot of time has passed since, will we see such missions in the future or was that idea scrapped?

    5. We already have a nice selection of conclave themed skins for weapons but what about skins for warframes?

    6. What is your opinion on the so called 0 effort weapons such as tonkor and synoid simulor? Are they ever going to be properly balanced?

    7. Since the introduction of raids the players have accumulated alot of *junk arcanes*.
    Do you plan to introduce something that would allow players to turn undesired arcanes into something more useful and desired? Maybe something like transmutation for arcanes?

  3. Greetings, first of all sorry for my bad english.


    Now, about the current archwing system, it's nice that each archwing comes with its own ability set, but this system has a major flaw...it makes only a few warframes viable for archwing missions. The only frames currently viable for archwing are Rhino, Frost and Valkyr due to their high armor, shields and/or health, the frames abilities make no difference since archwings have their own powers. Bringing  Loki or Limbo or any other non tanky frame into an archwing mission is useless.

    What I'm proposing is this: add passive bonuses and drawbacks to each archwing, for example: The Odonata is a well-rounded archwing so it should add a slight boost to most stats(shields, speed, armor etc.) without any serious drawbacks. The Elytron is mainly an offensive archwing so it should get a bonus to power strength and range, but gets a penalty to speed and power efficiency, something similar to arcane helmets.

    And most importantly: instead of archwings having their own abilities, make them augment existing warframe abilities to be used in space! For example: Loki while using an archwing, his first ability instead of an immobile decoy he gets one that follows him distracting the enemies and preventing missile lock-on on Loki himself, his second and third could stay the same and his ultimate could become an EMP blast that incapacitates affected enemies(similar to Odonatas current ultimate)

    This way all warframes will be viable for archwing missions.


    What do you guys think about this?


    P.S. If someone came up with a similar idea earlier, I'm sincerely sorry.

    Was too lazy to search the forum.

  4. 1. Are you planning on fixing/changing the syndicate system?

    2. When can we expect a fix for broken archwing missions(Caelus-Uranus) that are nearly unplayable due to the enemies one-shoting the player?

    3. Any other "bright" ideas of end-game being an outrageous grind with worthless rewards?

    4. Are you planning on hurting the playerbase further with nerfs like the 50 mods on a map limit?

    5. Can we expect mods that REALLY change a weapons properties (for example: a mod for shotguns that makes them shoot heavy slugs instead of pellets) instead of the current mods offered by syndicates?

    6. Will we ever see an infested syndicate?

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