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Posts posted by Siegstorm

  1. So this new fair and balanced eximus that just drains all your shield and energy is pretty bull I was running a survival with my friend and nearly lost because as loki he would get hit my the mag proc, and be useless. What is the counter play to this proc when it can hit through walls before you can see them?

  2. Was on Eris Akkad and Using the Bulwark to block entryways would break the infested pathing. 100% Repeatable infested would just get stuck on past wall locations but would resume pathing if you got close. Have not Tested it on other factions but reporting it now to prevent Trolling/Exploits.

  3. ^ Title

    I was thinking about it and back when they first came out the scythes were also a heavy weapon when charge attacks were still a thing. Now that other heavy weps were buffed why were the scythes not buffed as well. As of right now they are very lack luster damage wise and I am wondering if they have talked about buffing them yet. They have good move sets and are cool but right now they are all mastery fodder compared to other weapons.

  4. Im new to warframe and after an alert witch showed what I got a few mods and an ash scorpion helmet blueprint it said my progress was not saved and I lost everything I got that mission is this a known bug? Because that's pretty brutal if anyone has any help on it and if I can recover the mods/blueprint as well

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