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Posts posted by FunkDoctaSpock

  1. Melee overhaul ... yet I still can't AIM my melee. Same old issues, can't melee an enemy if I'm standing on a staircase and he's below me. Finishing touches not finishing anything and completely missing a still enemy laying on the ground. And best for last, all the new stance mods have to be farmed ! 1200 hours played in this game before melee gets improved and man I was eagerly waiting on it. Until they announced the new moves were gonna be mods I was excited. Mods for melee moves ? Maybe next you can overhaul the parkour, so we can farm for mods to allow us to jump and do a barrel-roll.


    FFS DE you done goofed :/.

  2. Hyped ? no. Worried ? yes ! Mods for new melee moves ?!? erff ...  way to restrict our choices for melee modding even more DE :/  Also why wasn't this the HIGH priority ? I got so tired of watching people not using their melee for the past 6 months that i returned to BF3 where guns rule. In a ninja game you would think swords would be a HIGH priority but no. Anyways, we'll see when melee 1.1 hits the decks. Won't be playing WF until it does anyhow ^^ 

  3. We have to indulge the poor performances of melee 1.0 because DE refuses to boost the melee stats until they know how to do melee 2.0. Which I sense will be a total mess with those new mods. But hopefully I'll be dead wrong.


    One thing that just blows my mind is what they did with the steel charge aura. It still gives you more mod slots then any other aura (which Scott said was a pain for his balancing work) but nerfed it to +60% damage instead of +120% which would've been a SWEET lil' boost until melee 2.0 hits. But hey, to hell with common sense :D I'm not even gonna mention the nerf to slash damage in damage 2.0 which gimped melee for good. For a few days melee was working great, then they just nerfed it to oblivion and we were back to ground zero for melee :/


    Conclusion: I'm playing something else until they get their act together ...

  4. These kinds of complaints, while justified, come from wanting more depth to gameplay. I don't have a problem with bouce, st, or ripe line allowing people to troll. What I have a problem with is DE not coming up with an option to disable those powers being used on other players. Currently there's nothing to stop a troll, add an option that I can check that prevents situations like ripeline pulling me around on my end, but let the plays that want that option to have it.

    That's fair for everyone, however that won't be happening for a long time. DE has more important things to do than address a complain that's existed since day one of closed beta, two years ago.

    I feel you man. Instead we'll get a new weapon or sentinel ...  I

  5. I agree with you, but the issue is sometimes you'll be online and your friends won't be. So that's when you go into public matches if you're still wanting to play.

    Well it's an on-going process. People stay and people go. Make new friends and keep the party rocking ! I'm pretty lucky on my side as my clan-mates are almost always there when I play. But it took me MONTHS to recruit those great people, nothing good comes easy in this life ;)



  6. Do you mean to tell me you've been playing grinding those painfully boring and repetitive exterminate mission for 4 WEEKS ? I just can't find the force to do it. Weirdly enough I play warframe to have FUN :D 


    Anyhow I feel your pain, I can only encourage you to care less about what you think you "must have" and to care more about finding ways to enjoy yourself in this game.  Or just play something else ;)

  7. After 1100+ of gameplay DE wants me to farm EXTERMINATE missions ? XD LMAO This is exactly why I'm losing interest in this game. The only new content that was interesting me is hidden behind an RnG wall. And I'm not talking about the brakk, I'm  talking about the three kings that I just want to fight. One of the worst DEcisions so far in my humble opinion. I met them once and it was tons of fun, but I won't grind for it, HELL NO !

  8. So what you're saying is: "Since it doesn't happen to me a lot and doesn't affect me, it's not a big problem."

    Obviously it is, since there are a lot of people who have an issue with it. Not all of the players post on the forums, and for good reason. :P

    Maybe these players need to organize ? Instead praying lady luck to team them up with great team-players, why don't they make a friend-list of players that play how they like it ? that's what I did and my WF experience has been 99% bliss socially wise in this game.

  9. One of my clan-mates loves to troll me with his Loki. I'm the warlord and it always makes me laugh. He keeps STing me when I don't expect it and tbh if it wasn't for little pleasures like these WF would be quite boring at times.Also I usually get back at him when he least expects it :D If I equip Vauban or Valkyr he knows he's in trouble ^^ Sure it can be annoying but it can also be tons of fun if you do it with the right people.


    I saw someone suggesting to make it an option, so people who it bothers can avoid being trolled by switching off the "interaction" between warframes for skills such as ripline,ST and such.


    I'd just suggest you add the good/fun players you come across in PUGS to your friend list and slowly but surely create yourself a nice group to play with. If you don't do that you'll only have to blame yourself for being surrounded by poor team-mates.


    Just my 2c ;)

  10. Easy solution for DE, and it includes new mods so I know they can do it.


    Here it is:


    give EVERY helmet one mod-slot. Then release mods for the helmets with the same stats we have at the moment.




    People can choose whatever helmet they fancy the most and add the mod with the stats they need. I'm just sayinnnn' ....  I don't see any good reason to completely get rid of stats for the helmets, I understand some people value looks over efficiency so i think this solution could please everyone.


    Thoughts ?

  11. Lol, why delete my question DE ? I've been here a long time and protected you from many ill-sayers. And you delete my post asking if melee 2.0 is coming soon (again) ? This reminds me of dictatorships who suppress infos not giving a good image of themselves. Shame on you DE for acting this way. This game should be out of beta already if all you're gonna do is add more plat content while not polishing the core game-play mechanics. Delete this if you wish, but posts like these are merely a friendly reminder that some of us players who have been there since almost the beginning are running out of patience. Peace !

  12. This isn't even "white knight in shiny armor." It's "follow the explicitly clear and simple-to-follow rules on the forums if you want us to take you seriously."


    As was mentioned by JRMC, the "feedback" he's providing isn't even real feedback.

    What rule did he break ? Sarcasm isn't tolerated any more ? And if he did break a rule, where are the mods ? They're usually fast to respond ...

  13. 720+ hours last time i checked perhaps more now cause i play very frequently.

    That's quite a bit of play-time there. I'm at 1100+ and tbh I'm losing patience. I can understand that some players might feel the frustration regarding certain aspects of the game when each week new gear arrives yet some old issues still remain. Hopefully you won't get to that point, DE needs its player-base to believe in them or the game will go empty real fast.


    I understand you guys trying to help out DE but this post isn't that bad to me. It shows that parts of the player-base are dealing with frustration and anger because of some non-addressed old issues. If anything, it's a sign that part of the community is losing patience and it shouldn't be taken lightly. The mood on the forums has changed a lot since the beginning days. Much more anger and frustration and much less enthusiasm. Don't shoot the messenger, and if the message comes out wrong, maybe just help the guy express his ideas better ;)


    No need to to pour oil on the fire ^^

  14. His message seemed clear to me. Sure it's not very tact-full, but if I had to be rubbed the wrong way every time someone says something passionately and corrosively about something they care for my life would become hell. Heck you guys are as passionate about the game as he is. No need to go all "white knight in a shiny armor" on him :D  At least he goes straight to the point ^^

  15. We? are you implying the people who are upvoting your spouts of anger? Do you see them coming to your aid? no. Meaning that they just want someone else to take the flame while they just make sure to support your downfall.


    the collective of people you associate yourselves with will only bring about your downfall


    I hope you are not posting this just to get their attention




    Just say the questions that were/are circulating in your mind that you created this post so we as a community can help you answer it.


    For instance, the coding?  DE has so many implementations of in this game the parkour being the more difficult to balance to the game. I'm certain that it is not an issue with code but just a lag issue with the host as some have already explained on this thread already.


    You can also send a support ticket or Feekback thread (containing a more proper set of questions/complaints though)

    How much game time do u have in WF ?

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