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Posts posted by Heavenaqua

  1. For me, it's nullifiers. Not because of the ability thing - that I can play around. No, I hate them because their shields absorb all incoming fire, even if it has punch-through. I can fire an ogris rocket at a corrupted bombard and at least get value in damage to them and nearby enemies, even if it doesn't kill or knockdown them. If I fire it at a nullifer? NOMNOMNOMNOM FEED ME MORE ROCKETS PITIFUL HUMAN

  2. This is a long-term bug with Vauban. The ability stops ragdolling enemies when it glitches out, though it does still collect items and do its tiny damage. The general consensus is that this happens when his ability grenades end up in a location occupied by another 3D asset somehow (It can happen to his other abilities, but since they stop being able to affect enemies when the glitch, it is purely visual there).

  3. I've had my sortie progress reset multiple times today. The first was after another Tenno failed a data extraction during the third sortie, and then after completing the second sortie again it reset, finally, following the hotfix, my completion of the first sortie was erased again. I want to work towards the new frame, but how can I if I can't actually expect to progress through the sorties?

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