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Posts posted by (PSN)Tenudin

  1. 2 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    The issue is that the way that DE have chosen to address it massively reduces Ember's high level viability, but only somewhat reduces the efficiency of the annoying low level stomp clear Ember.


    The problem needed to be addressed, even if just to shut people up about it, but the way they're doing it is just awful, and people have already proposed half a dozen better ideas or better compensatory mechanics.

    Reduces? Try removes. Anything with a gun post sortie levels will now 1-shot her. She truly is stuck in the basic star chart maps now.

  2. 1 hour ago, WhiteCr0w said:

    Oof. Enough with the extremes already. Adapt. These threads are littered with Ember players who succeed in the Void as well as Sorties with her. The problem is the end user, not any changes DE made. Blogging about it on the forums only reinforces the stereotype some Ember players have established for themselves.

    Don't let the tears you're shedding extinguish the viability that Ember still brings.

    No. Ember is dead after this. She might be viable against infested to a point but she will get wrecked against any high level ranged enemies that can sit outside her now garbage range and shoot her full of holes. RIP Ember.

  3. 3 minutes ago, jiminatorx said:

    It seems to me that the real solution to these problems is to introduce MR Gating of activities. A MR2 player running a lith defense mission is probably going to have a different goal than a MR22 player in the same mission. It is easy to call out Ember and Banshee but there are melee weapons that allow ANY frame to do exactly the same thing.

    Change the match making system for low and mid tier worlds to give priority to other players of similar ranks. No doubt there will be plenty of people who can still nuke entire levels with a low MR but I believe it should help toward the problem of continual "power creep" ruining early game experiences.

    That's too much work. They'd rather kill a frame.

  4. RIP Ember.

    Unable to keep up a CC ability that has lost all its range. The one and only thing that made her viable past 70 or so is now dead. A low range Ember is a dead Ember.

    My favorite frame has been consigned to the lotus along with all those ugly dogs I made.

    Press F to pay respects.

    Can't you just make the augment dramatically cut her damage or something? I'm not even using WoF to kill stuff, just CC.

  5. Thanks DE. Not only is my favorite warframe non-viable for top end missions, she is now pointless in the lower tier stuff too. Congrats. You just killed ember right in time for that unvaulting. How the hell is she supposed to be the glass cannon of warframe when damn near every other frame is better already in top end content? And now this?

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