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Posts posted by Veknanita

  1. Any changes are more than welcome for Hydroid. Really hoping they work nice and he can become a more viable frame. Overall happy for how the rework (even tho most of this things have been requested for literally years), will improve my boy.

    EDIT>> As many other people have mentioned, I am also one of those that think that Tidal and Undertow should be merged into one ability (tap to use tidal, hold for puddle). Also, why not leave the kraken thing on his 4 ability permanently present for as long as the ability lasts, with a chance to instantlly "eat" (execute), enemies at a certain life threshold?

    • Like 8
  2. All of them would be terrifying more or less but...really? no one said Titania, really?

    She can reap your literal soul out but that's not the worst part. She will make you levitate defenseless...while all your allies and friends walk up to you...slowly, and the only thing you can do is watch how they hack at you, slash you, shoot you, rip your flesh...but you wont die yet, you will first watch how they cry in pain as they die trying to kill you and then, you explode taking with you the rest of them. Fcking awful is you ask me.

    • Like 1
  3. hace 13 horas, zhellon dijo:

    On paper, it sounds delicious. In fact, you will face the problem that opponents will block your sight to the Lantern, because the Lantern is designed to pull enemies together.

    I would prefer that Titania doesn't have synergies to solve problems that actually need to be solved in the ability itself. We have already obtained a synergy for razorfly that doesn't actually solve anything, but only makes people think that they need all the buffs, when in fact only 50% DR is enough.

    I just think it won't work without normal rework, because the abilities aren't initially designed for synergy. Another point, I think, if Titania, someday, maybe in the next 3 years, will get rework, then the mechanics of the Tribute itself should be completely reworked, including buffs. The wheel isn't that bad, the problem is in the mechanics themselves, because it's actually knocking over enemies and nothing more.

    Well that is true. She needs more than just a few tweaks here and there, but knowing DE that wont come up any time soon, sadly.

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  4. I dont care about his other abilities, just give him an augment that prevent the daggers from his 3 to fly to teammates/enemies.

    I just want that 90% reduction on me all the time.


    PS: I know he needs some work on other areas of his kit, but since his release i barely ever played another warframe other than Baruuk, i like him and i enjoy playing him, but his kit is so contradictory in itself that it hurts

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