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Posts posted by Askima

  1. Well it turned out okay in the end, I told him because of his actions I would certainly not be reading him a bed time story. I also managed to replace the blastoise cards by printing off images of blastoise and gluing them over the top of a few pidgey cards. They may not be as powerful as the originals but imo there's nothing more scary than a gigantic turtle that has the ability of flight.

    I assume he tried to enter the dojo again this morning though because before leaving for work I noticed my shrek dvd was snapped in half and placed in the bin, I don't remember doing it so I'm pretty certain it was him... He'd also sent me a whatsapp message simply saying "get shrekt".

  2. My son has tried to enter the dojo over the past couple of days and has destroyed my vintage collection of blastoise cards in a furious temper every time his game has crashed. Please give this issue the attention it deserves

  3. I went to Akkad to level up a bit and ended up doing 20 waves with a few random people.

    3 of us spent most of the time messing around as operators, I ended with only 300 kills but my syndicate standing was +16,000 at the end (I'm MR15)

    I have received and was using the mote amp if that helps, unfortunately I can't replicate this because of reaching the daily limit.


    Perhaps somebody else can confirm?




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