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Posts posted by ariivanasan

  1. 4 minutes ago, MildMildMint said:

    Хочу выбить куски Сарины в локации Merrow на планете Седна, они нужны для Хромы.

    Но у меня там требуют очки правосудия. Как их сейчас получить?

    идешь на эти мисии на седне http://ru.warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Арена

    3 раза сходить на Nakki затем 2 раза на Yam и 2 раза на Vodyanoi. Затем сможешь идти на келу(босса), Но советую сначала сделать что бы у тебя было 150-200 очков. что бы потом, после убийство келы просто сходить 2 раза на Vodyanoi и потом опять на босса

  2. 5 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    I play with her every now and then to help friends doing high level missions or who have just started playing, i also do raids with her and i havent got a single complain to make.
    If your having trouble playing her, try using another Warframe or go watch some Youtube videos to learn to build her. She is perfect the way she is.

    i played her when she was balanced- bleesing has infinity rang and give godmode for team.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Plasmaface said:

    In some cases, I have wished for DE to revert changes that have been made to certain frames. But not this time. 

    Nekros' old playstyle was lame and spammy. Hit 4 and for the next 30 seconds or so just mash 3. It wasn't in line with the philosophy DE's been following with recent frame reworks. In general, DE seems to be removing or altering abilities that discourage serious player involvement. Frost got changed because too many people said they could press 3 and then go make a sandwich. Mesa got changed because her ult required nearly no user input. Saryn got changed because she was absolutely the queen of "Press 4 to win". Excal got changed because he was in a similar place to Saryn. Even Ember and Volt, 2 frames who did not embody the "Press 4 to win" playstyle still received changes to make them more dynamic and encourage people to play the game the way DE intended. 

    Now Nekros has received the same treatment, and he's better off for it. I am confident that DE will not make the changes that you are requesting. Nekros was changed to make him fit in and feel better to play. Gameplay quality should be valued above all else. Reverting these changes would simply be a poor choice. 

    ok. but de can just add more speed for this ability. now its very low


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