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Posts posted by Rhokdelar

  1. From my experience with her so far this is on point.

    She's super fun to play when you're alone, not so fun when you're with a couple friends who won't give you the chance to utilize the aftertouch or pretty much any of her abilties but the bow. No point in stealth, pickpocket, guiding arrows, sleep arrows if your friends join you and play on ember/mag/mesa anything else and they just ult every room. Zipline is cool but if you attempt to use it in a group you will probably be left behind for the quicker sprint/dash option everyone else uses. 

    Ivara highlights my problem with warframe in general. I LOVE the game, the frames, the themes but at the moment warframe for me is a solo act. As soon as i'm with other people it's "run through as fast as we can blowing up everything we can before anyone else so we can get x and repeat" 

    I don't see much point in making abilties that CC when you really don't need to bother, why CC anything when you could just shoot it in 1 shot, or ult a room. 

    At least by myself i can choose how i play; Stealth through, take my time setting up kills, utilizes CC and gimmick fun abilties. The entire game itself is just too easy with too much emphasis on run in guns blazing. Just a shame that i have to activately make the game harder. 


    Agree with your point.  I guess in time DE will adjust her accordingly for team play but as for solo play she is very fun.

  2. Too bad stealth has no purpose in the game right now. She looks cool though, I'd farm her, just to see if her skills are as gimmicky as I believed.

    ^ This.  I have been sharing my opinion with people that this frame is very gimmicky in such a fast paced combat enviornment and people got angry.  She skill sets does not work very well as she needs to setup to maximize her abilities when others players will just run in blow things up and run away.  Feels like Limbo all over again where it looks cool on paper but horrible in actual combat. 


    In time people will understand.

  3. Honestly Ivara feels much more like an honest stealth frame then Loki or Ash. Love them both but the notion of invisibility = stealth in games that's arisen over the years is just lame/lazy.  There are offsets and bonuses to the slow crawl though...you can build her to stay invis basically forever and have supermassive headshots and piercing projectiles, you can build her to invis your whole team or sleep entire rooms, you can do whatever it is you're supposed to do with her ulti <_<


    Or you can loot the hell out of everything with prowl with high duration efficiency and decent range. I've pulled a fair amount of mods off enemies, and plenty of credits (got a booster, but the largest amount I remember seeing so far is 640ish)

    She is not a stealh frame compared to Loki to Ash because she moves to damn slow.  The other 2 speed are not compromise and is fast paced.

  4. Exactly. 1 item in there is redundant if one has already done the quest, and the rest are subjective (while I might like the kubrow armor, another player who doesn't bother has essentially wasted their plat on kubrow armor they don't care for. Similarly with Scimitar - not everyone's gonna buy it. WTF am I going to do with a skin for something I don't have?)



    It should be separated indeed like all the other cosmetics. But it should also come in a bundle IMO, on its own like the other armors do. 


    Please DE. I feel like you're losing out on buyers by doing this.

    I suspect DE wants to get as much purchase of the big bundle than slowly seperate it apart.

  5. Please De stop with these knee jerk nerfs.  You gave Excal life to be a melee centric warframe and now just nerfing him back again.  The aug mod does not even break the game it just allows Excal to use a low tier sword like Skana to be useable in missions.  Wasnt that the design of the aug mod from the first place?


    Dont fix something that is not broken and let the players enjoy the way they want to play. 

  6. LOL seriously? That guys is a troll. So many people complaining about excal just cuz they are playing with people that can play far better than them. "That kid iz cuuler dan me! Nerf im!"

    This thread should just be closed, clearly seeing his profile that he barely plays Excal which shows his trying to "Create a hot topic" of something he has no idea about.  I suggest everybody should stop responding to this thread and let it die.

  7. To the OP. It really looks like you are only seeing him in low level missions.  Which frame dosent wreck low level enemies?.


    All these whinning before his rework and after his rework is really stupid.


    Just freakiing enjoy the game and the frame that you like to use and not "OH LOOK THAT FRAME IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MINE.... MUST BE OP MUST RANT ON THE FORUMS".


    Excalibur it NOT press to E to win you need to use his other abilities to work supper his 4th ability.  I still use radial blind with the augment slot to help my team for finishers and i still use radial blind build to support my team.



  8. k so we've gotten to the point where people are writing LONG and IMPASSIONED ESSAYS on why they think Excal Prime should or should not get a MINOR PASSIVE BUFF THAT WILL LIKELY HAVE NO MEANINGFUL EFFECT ON GAMEPLAY.


    It's not actually that big of a deal, you guys.

    Hahahaha.... I agree the small buff would not mean anything.  Like 2% health will do much :x

  9. I enjoy reading the forums and seldom post but after reading 34 pages of this discussion I decided I wanted to chip in.


    I prefer if they would "buff" improve Exca Prime looks and design to be on par with the current Prime frames (Looking at you sexy beast loki Prime).  I would prefer if they buff both the normal version and Exca Prime together at the same time.


    When it comes to Skana Prime and Lato Prime I would say buff them to make them usable not OP like some of the top tier weapons but just usable thats all I ask.  To be honest with the current choices of melee and secondary weapons out now nobody uses Skana and Lato anymore as they are just a Mastery fodder.


    In Summary I  hope they could greatly improve Exca Prime looks and model detail as he looks very plain now, maybe give him gold trimings or blings. 


    Make Skana Prime and Lato Prime usable but not strong enough to complete with the top tier weapons so people cannot complain that they p2w items.


    I agree that the terms "Prime Frames, Prime Weapons" has changed from looks to being a powerful version of the normal counter part, I believe that buffing the 2 most weakest weapons to be usable can be justified.

  10. I think people are over reacting to Rhino now.  At high levels the skin barely helps at all as it breaks super fast.  To the OP can I ask you a few questions.


    How long have you played Rhino?

    Have you used the OLD Rhino Skin before?


    Clearly your just posting this just to follow the trend of hating Rhino that has been going around lately.

  11. Its quite easy to tell that some people are unhappy because they favourite gun Soma is being threatened for the dps title.  Boltor was like the gorgon at the start than it became useless when other weapons came out.  Did you ever think that DE is slowly creating prime versions of old weapons so that it is viable again?


    Also boltor prime not being hit scan weapon loses dps as you will have to lead your target and often you will miss at long range on moving targets. 

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