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Posts posted by (PSN)ZXE102R

  1. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

    After an hour of Lunaro, I'll pass on until they do something about the melee spamming and goalies making this a cluster ^%#^

    Honestly checking just needs to be removed entirely. Then people will be forced to play more skillfully and predict where the ball is being passed so they can try to intercept 

  2. On 7/4/2016 at 10:11 AM, (PS4)rishixyz9 said:

    why do the updates for console take so long, but updates for the PC take so little time?

    Every time a developer needs to make an update on consoles, they have to submit the build to the console companies (sony and microsoft in this case) for certification. AND there's a fee. Sony and microsoft test the build and approve. Then the update can pass. PC can be updated without the need for certification. This is why pc gets updated faster than consoles 

  3. 2 minutes ago, -FrostByte- said:

    how will forma-ing work with the new mastery system?

    Apparently when you forma, depending on your mastery rank, the weapon will be the level of your mastery rank when it's forma'd. Hopefully that answers your question 


  4. 4 hours ago, (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e said:

    Well I'm happy that this update only comes with Sortie season 6 and nothing more. Even though this means that we'll be stuck on season 6 for a long time that means that everyone has a good chance of getting their hands on all of the Snipertron Vandal parts, thanks DE

    They JUST gave us season 5 yesterday.....

  5. On 4/26/2016 at 3:14 PM, (PS4)Tresserhorn420 said:

    Sortie season 5 began today on consoles. Was very unexpected, and seemed fairly short. Anyone know if it's posted how long the seasons will be on consoles?

    Yeah... i was surprised.... can't get strun parts anymore. And considering we can't get duplicates anymore, it's basically impossible to buy the parts I'm missing... kinda disappointed but hopefully they are consistent with the sortie season change now. I suspect they may make the next few sorties super short in order to catch up with PC

  6. This has been happening to me for a month now. Whenever im playing in a mission, sometimes when I bring up the abort mission screen (when hitting option on the ps4 controller), my warframe freezes and my platinum and credits show up on the screen while in game. I have to die and then use a revive for my warframe to be able to move again. The unstuck command doesn't work. I think this happens when I go to the options menu and back out too quickly. That's just a theory

  7. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Snicket002 said:

    Will we get a reason why consoles aren't getting U18.5 this week?

    Status Update: 

    We're very close to releasing Sands of Inaros, but we will not be ready to deploy this week. We appreciate your patience - we know this is has been an abnormally long wait for an update. This update is also abnormally large in terms of size and content. The graphics updates alone will make the update over 4gb. You can find all the details of what we're improving here: 

    In addition to graphical improvements, this update has content for almost everyone - new event, new quest, new warframe, new weapons, new cosmetics, new sortie changes, new conclave changes, new spy missions, new sabotage missions, new tilesets, and more. We really hope you'll enjoy what we have coming, and thank you again for your patience. 

  8. Since consoles are getting build 18.5.6, what sortie season did PC have at the time of 18.5.6. I'm wondering if PC was in season 5 at the time of that build.  Or will DE get us up to speed on the same sortie season as PC?

    And even if there's nothing to worry about and consoles will be getting season 4, it's unfortunate that consoles were forced to be at season 3 for 2 months regardless. =/ 

  9. 5 minutes ago, R34LM said:

    It'd be easier to have Xbox and Playstation play together, but there still might be some issues as cert processes mean that the two consoles aren't always in sync.

    But, really, a petition isn't going to do anything. If they could do it, they likely would have already.

    I learned 2 things

    1. Sony has been doing cross platform for years with PC. So sony isn't foreign to the concept.

    2. Someone said that DE said we would have to send a petition to sony and microsoft before DE would do anything.

    If we try hard enough,  we can change the course of gaming. Everyone would win. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

    If PS4 doesn't want to Cross-platform, that's fine. XB1 players can come join us PC players in the glorious cross-platforming goodness.

    The only issue I can see is the one where getting XB1 to update with the PC build instead of how it currently is. The consoles do tend to run a few weeks or so behind the fun-ness of the PC patches. But if DE can make it work, I'm down for it.

    Lol. I guess you didn't get the news a couple days ago about sony's stance on cross platform

  11. 2 minutes ago, kennylagenz said:

    DE would love to make warframe a cross platform game the problem is that Sony and XB1 have shot it down, the petition needs to go to them not DE


    this was stated on a devstream when they where asked about cross platform


    Ok. To Sony and microsoft I go!!! And considering just a couple days ago they mentioned they were both open to cross platform talks, let's see where this goes 

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