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Posts posted by (XBOX)N6677

  1. Why aren't hotfixes being noted down anymore? There were defiantly some hotfixes during this build, I've even seen them during the launchers intial checking phase (every time you launch the game it checks to see if you have the latest hotfix) the ''downloading updates'' message apeared multiple times in this biuld yet no mention of these hotfixes here. Prevously there always used to be hotfixes noted down under the main update post.

  2. First of all the wiki is not the be all end all for e.g the wiki does not state that oxium drones are Desecratable this infact is not true, they are Desecrateabl and have been since -somewhere- around u18 (someone needs to update that on the wiki) though sadly in this case the wiki as is in most cases is correct strength doesn't affect loot drop.

  3. spy missions  required very specific frames and builds... what cant afford new guys

    We are not talking about new guys here. We are talking about the low drop rate. The only frame I don't have is Ivara at the moment, and doing 80ish runs and not getting the part i want starts to get annoying with the fact that i have no other use for spy the keys and mods are useless to me.

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