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Posts posted by Larr1k1n

  1. There was a period when syndicate weapons were used a good amount in game. Not saying that they are not still used but I feel they have become used very little.

    I thought of an idea for syndicate weapons that might have a chance in bringing them back to use once again. If syndicate weapons are given Set bonuses when using the same syndicates weapons together. using the same type of method used with mod sets. For each one of the 3 used you get a %unknown increase. Though unlike the mods the weapons increase would not start unless you are using 2 or more from one syndicate.


    Please let me know what you think.

    • Like 2
  2.  I came back after 6 months and some cosmetic items can now only be bought in bundles.

    For Example I want the dryad skin that comes with Oberon feyarch skin. But I previously bought the feyarch skin before I took a break. Is there anyway I can get the skins without paying for whole bundle?

  3. On 2018-08-27 at 1:40 AM, sharp_shot-93 said:

    Alright sweet, wouldn't have minded either way, I understand how it is when running a clan.

    I'm definitely intrested!


    On 2018-08-30 at 1:00 AM, Devaeron said:

    Hello there,

    would love to joining also

    ign devaeron

    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I had my computer put away do to some renovations on house. If you are still interested let me know.

  4. We Are a shadow clan with all lab research completed. Accepting New players as long as veteran and anywhere in between! Our clan Is meant for enjoying Warframe while making friends doing it. Also finding people to learn more about Warframe or to Share your knowledge of Warframe. Presently we are part of The Gilded Phoenix alliance.

    -Rules Are simple get along and do not cause trouble with fellow members.

    -Be active in our clan chat

    -be active for at least 3 days a week

    -Inactivity for 6 days or more should be reported in our discord channel.

    Please leave a reply if you are interested or you can try to contact me in-game, though I can not guarantee what times I am online.

  5.       Although its nice having a companion do some damage also in the mission I notice a lot more people go with sentinels because of vacuum.  I was Think It would be wonderful if there was a new mod released for either Warframes or for the companion. 

    Warframes: an elixus mod that created a vacuum with at least a 10m radius. Not as high as a sentinels but would be worth using.

    Companions: A 5m vacuum mod for all companions it would pick items up as it ran around also attacking enemies.


          I do not think that having these mods would affect anything to much because for these mods to be added would mean giving up another mod on either your warframe or your companion.

    Please leave your opinion in a reply below.

  6. As I was finishing up today's sortie The Lotus said "The enemy is waiting to release our agent to Orokin authorities that are long dead".

    When I head this It I Immediately thought that could eventually lead to a new faction being introduced to Waframe. It would not be the first time someone in Warframe from the past has returned after thinking being dead. 

    Please leave any opinions in a reply.

  7. I Have been having this problem for a while now, Sometimes when I play My game randomly freezes. I can hear all the sounds still in the background but the screen itself is frozen. It is not just in crowded missions or and certain circumstance because it can happen 3mins into a mission.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I thought it might have to do with my graphics card Which is  a GeForce GTX 660. Please let me know if any information on how to stop this.

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