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Posts posted by Etcetera.

  1. I'm aware that i'm in the minority for dual wielding, but can we change how heavy attacks work when dual wielding? Heavy attacks don't work when dual wielding, isolating heavy attacks only when fully equipping glaives.

    Before the update, dual wielding with orvius is simple and easy to use, (charge throw > shoot). I don't know what happened in the process of implementing heavy attacks on Orvius, but now i have to (fully equip melee > build up combo > heavy attack > change back to gun > shoot), why? As of the making of this post, the heavy attack doesn't even hang enemies. To top it all off, even if the heavy attack does work, i don't see the point of using it if i'm getting self damage from being in melee range, having to get a distance just to safely throw the orvius is a huge hindrance to gameplay flow, which is counterproductive to what the melee changes are supposed to deliver. All of this doesn't include the tracking of Orvius detonating automatically on corpses and lock on the target behind the player, unintentionally killing yourself.

    It's safe to say glaives aren't meant to be treated like the other melee type, please bring back the charge throw from dual wielding without having the need to build up combo counter.


    Edit 1: U26.0.7, charge attack when dual wielding has been implemented back into the game, a step forward to the improvement of melee 2.0, here's the more straightforward and updated version of things in need of change:

    1. Charge throw mechanic of Orvius doesn't work.

    2. Removal of self damage on glaive explosions (or a complete self damage removal exilus mod, just an idea).

    3. Glaive tracking should accurately pick an enemy around the crosshair (from my testing, the glaive tracking prioritize the nearest enemy).

    4. Further polish on Orvius targeting corpse and exploding on arrival.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Lindinle said:

    for gods sake when are we getting fortuna already -_- this arg sucks for hype. i cant get on the discord, i cant participate...this sucks.

    What can i say, just be patience and wait for  anew invite link i guess

  3. 6 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

    I definitely noticed they can be fairly big on some Warframes while I was hooking them up. Open to feedback for/against bulky shoulders. 

    i like the huge shoulder armors, but i think maybe some placement fix? i see that on some warframes they don't align pretty well, is it meant to be on the side of the shoulder or top of the shoulder? personally i think top shoulder would look great but if it's the side of the shoulder that's also fine

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