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Posts posted by Jayjee

  1. I just finished confronting Vor, and the Vor's prize thing showed up but it ins't showing up on the navagation...could this be another bug. T.T

    I killed Vor yesterday with a friend. After completing the mission, I am now stuck with Vor's Prize but no indicator on the map of what to do next, and in my codex the quest for Vor's Prize has different text to my friend's one (He completed the whole thing successfully before I got round to it). I thought this was supposed to be fixed? :(


    Update: Apparently I still have the Venus Nav Segment stuck in my components (inventory) isn't this supposed to have been installed to do the Vor Mission?

  2. - Clicking mouse "thumb button" no longer acts as ESC in menus (due to conflicts with keyboard macros).



    Thankyou SOOOOOOOOOO much for this! I can finally switch my thumb buttons back to what they should be! :O


    Really appreciate you guys changing this back. Big hugs :)


    Wraiths and Vandals are a grey area. I can't recall them ever being called 'exclusive', but Snipetron is not something meant to be part of the game. It was retired and it's model reallocated (Lanka). You shouldn't see this as a missing part of the game and, IMHO, it should not be in the Codex to begin with.


    I disagree. People still have the weapons, they still exist in the game. Therefore there is no reason to remove them from the codex. Remove it from the codex and you'll get people who don't bother to read calling people hackers every single time someone posts a screenshot with those weapons equipped. :) There's plenty of stuff in history that no longer exists, but it's in books. Why should this be any different?

  4. as a completionist, it bothered me for a bit that there were prime weapons and such I just couldn't get (excal prime and the founders stuff). and I was eventually fine with that. there will be more exclusives in the future, but the ones right now just show that you've been around a while. exclusives are exclusives for a reason, it gives them value. if everyone could get them at some point, then they'd be pointless. making them buyable with platinum is even worse, because people who could afford stuff like the founders packages or prime access will have no problem getting that anyway (assuming they didn't already have all the exclusives), and people who don't have too much to spare still get left out, a second time


    the codex, idk if it helps or hurts this, as I can scroll through and see all the weapons I've mastered, but I also see at the bottom those black spots, things left unranked. but I've made peace with that, and I resign myself to ranking up all the things I can obtain (almost there, still need glaive prime bp, those damn orthos prime blades, ember prime's components, and eventually, if the rng gods have mercy, the detron). so i guess that's why mastery is important to me, it shows I've leveled up all this stuff, and even if I'm not a founder, I've been with this game for 6 months or so, bought some plat to show my support, and I've collected what I can


    This. Exact. Thing.


    I am exactly the same, not been here since day one, but I found the game via a friend who recommended it to me and have played ever since. I've been present for most of the events since joining, but there were some things I didn't have time to farm for, and ended up missing out on rewards. Am I going to come into the forums and start whining about how it's not fair because I can no longer obtain them? No. Am I going to *@##$ about how they're deleting content that they've spent hours making, and so I can't get it and it's not fair? No. They made it, it's up to them what they do with it. If they want to delete it, that's their prerogative as developers. I like to be a completionist as much as the next guy, it's why I'm still farming for the elusive Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint, but I'm not going to spit my dummy out simply because I feel like I should be handed everything I want that I don't deserve because I wasn't playing at the time it was available. You (BrainInvader and Zoliru) moan about content and the game's longevity, but it's still going strong, there is still content being released...what's your point exactly? Seriously, just grow up and learn to be a completionist without expecting exclusive items (for people who: bothered to do the legwork/paid a donation/found the game before you) to be handed to you on a silver plate just because you say so. End of.


    On the side note, I always thought that revives are account wide and not bound to warframes.

    Been playing for 5 months now, and as far as I remember, the revives have always been on a 'per-warframe' basis.


    With regards to the -1 Revives left issue, I have no idea what could cause that, not had that problem myself :S I hope you get it fixed soon.



  6. Don't know if you guys know about this, but was just doing Xini, and the infested are constantly getting stuck up on the catwalks, or just not coming down, so you have to go hunting at the end of EVERY wave when you think you've finished already :|


    Also, the new sleaker login boxes are nice, but will you PLEASE make it so that you can select the whole line and type over/delete it with a single keystroke? It's getting really irritating having to hold down/spam the delete key to switch between accounts :(


    Love everything else, and many thanks for such a quick hotfix :)


    P.S. Rebecca & Megan WE LOVE YOU! :D

  7. Unfortunately, truth be told, Ash is a purely offensive warframe, he is meant to kill, not to protect, although, he is the only one that, if want to be in a defensive measures, he's screwed


    Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that Excalibur's slash dash seems to outperform Shuriken on a killcount? Considering Excalibur's position as an all-rounder, his first and ultimate abilities have the potential to make him more of an offensive warframe than Ash (I have both frames BTW, and love both, just can't help feeling underpowered on Ash) :(

  8. I think I mentioned it before elsewhere, but to me, the Dual Vipers sound like a weird alien wet fart. I liked the old version of the single Viper best, the one that made your teeth rattle when you fired it. That is how I imagined it to sound when I first laid eyes upon it, and I am gutted that it now sounds so....tame :(


    Pretty please, unless you're making it a stealth-capable weapon, bring back the teeth-rattler :)

  9. Couldn't agree with the OP more, the time taken to perform a full BladeStorm is ridiculous compared to the 3 second or so cast-time of other Warframe's Uber/#4 abilities. It feels very underpowered due to this, IMHO. 

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