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Posts posted by Derpius

  1. Ummmmm what weapon isn't dps what are there like healing support and tanking weapons now


    Weapon's effectiveness should be measured by TTK (time to kill), raw dps is simply one of the figures used to calculate that. Things like status chance, accuracy, wind up time, all have an effect on it. You probably wouldn't think Grakata when modded correctly can kill faster than a well modded Soma. But it does due to its very high chance for status effect.

  2. The whole point of my OP went right over your head didn't it.

    I clearly mentioned that having a boss fight exactly like Dark Souls or FF XIV would not work.


    I'd say more, but it's quite clear that you either didn't read my OP, skimmed it, or flat out didn't understand it.


    I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts on Dark Souls being "fake difficulty", though.

    The game is only extremely difficult if you don't bother to learn how to dodge or see telegraphed attacks.


    It rewards skill. The difficult isn't artificial in the slightest.


    His definition of "skill" seems to be completely restricted to twitch reflex and muscle memory rather than observational skills and ability to make snap judgement, along with spatial awareness.


    Dark Souls have also plenty of twitch reflex related maneuvers too. Ever tried parrying/riposting Gwynn? S#&$ is so satisfying.

  3. darks souls is from namco bandai

    FF XIV is from square enix


    both large companies with large resources 


    digital extremes is a independent developer, and yet you expect the same from them as these companies, would you say thats a fair expectation ?


    its like making boxers from different weight classes fight each other

    or comparing a mass produced luxury car (FFXIV) with a custom built performance car shop (DE)


    warframe is that niche, focused game that doesnt follow the usual standards and trends but it does want to you have fun and be challenged so more ideas are always good lets just not forget the reality of the world 


    Actually Dark Souls is made by From Software, known for the Armored Core and King's Field franchise. They're not a very large company by any means and make games for a niche market.


    You're absolutely right. But, I'm not asking for Dark Souls type fights in Warframe. I mentioned that in my OP.

    I was merely using Dark Souls as an example. (Pressure being the main point)

    Pressure comes from the sense of danger. The high risk vs high reward I mentioned. To have that without it being unfun (read unfair, as in bosses having 1hit kill moves), you would need to slow down the pacing of the game. To allow time to for the boss to "broadcast" its moves. Basically segment the boss fights into "danger to hit" and "safe to hit" parts. If the safe to hit window is too large, the boss would be either very easy or exceedingly tedious since he'll need a very large health pool to prevent him from getting killed off too quickly. If it is too small, it'll greatly shifts the current weapon balance that is in place, since weapons that deal damage in large burst will be favored.


    This is the reason why both Dark Souls and MonHun are primarily melee centric games, with range combat being heavily limited. Guns with practically unlimited firing range make designing such fights very difficult, since it eliminate the distance awareness portion of the fight. You don't need to calculate whether if you have enough time to get close to the boss to get a few hit in and get out safely or not. You can work around that through the use of obstacles (blocking line of sight) or invulnerability frames, both of which are already employed, but they're also work in favor of you, since when the boss is hiding or channeling long moves while invulnerable, you are also safe. Since you can't damage the boss, the only option left is to run, so no sense of danger or pressure.

  5. I agree that Dark Souls had awesome fights, however, the mechanic is built around timing, distance and spatial awareness, along with memorization of various mechanics/moveset. Built around trial and error or very, very careful observation and testing. It is generally a much slower paced, high risk and high reward type of game play. Same applies for Monster Hunter series of game.


    Warframe on the otherhand, isn't built around that. It is closer to Diablo. Fast paced action, very chaotic and hectic, but with access to powerful moves and weaponry that allow you to absolutely steam roll through hordes of enemy. This is where the satisfaction comes from.


    They're very different in terms of design philosophy, so you can't really ask for Dark Soul type fights in Warframe.


    Warframe lacks a good progression treadmill. In Diablo 2, you start off with crappy gear, you slowly improve each piece of your equipments, as you progress, until you reach the absolute best, then you get to show them off in PvP or start another character. Warframe does not have that. Instead, you grind for weapons and warframes that isn't really clearly significantly better than the one before in a linear fashion (they're just different). Without the sense of progress, you rapidly grow tire of the grinding.

  6. There were 2 issues with the average system


    1. big clans in each tier are just kicking their players to get higher averages

    2. clan tier is not determined by membership, but by barracks. A clan of 4 can build all the barracks (moon tier), run vermillions and have 400 avg


    To prove a point, someone made a one man moon clan and topped the leadership board for moon clan with a perfect score of 400. While the likes of Warbros and Crescent Moon with around 300 active members with a perfect 400 point could only average around 300-350~ due to a couple of slackers.

  7. The whole Clan Leaderboard is based on quantity over quality.. much like the current Dojo build system (until it gets fixed). There is no fairness, no logic or competition. Who hast the biggest horde of unknown, random and semi active people banded together, wins. Period.


    There is no problem with quantity. Just that we lack the tool to manage a large clan. If all the super large clans can effectively sort out all the inactive players, the margin in which they will win at will widen significantly. A few of them will probably drop down a bracket or two.

  8. This game is quite similar to Skyrim in terms of hardware usage.


    Off the wall CPU usage, low GPU usage. Yet CPU usage is limited to two core, so AMD users are pretty much shafted since their CPU lacks in single thread performance and only do well when applications are heavily threaded.


    Quite a few games are like this. Especially when they're designed with low end systems in mind, since the average PC tend to have a more powerful CPU than GPU.

  9. I've mentioned this before when the tiered idea was brought up. It doesn't solve anything other than making the problem in several smaller problems.


    Now you still have the unfairness from before, larger clans having an advantage in number over smaller clans (just within your tier). But this time you have the option of purging dead weights to sneak into the bracket you feel you will be advantageous in.


    Warbros is in the 1000+ bracket with 1700 members, competing against the like of Broframe with 7000+ members.


    There is no perfect solution, you'll just have to live with this.

  10. everything is in the title , you guys should never be AFK 1 or 2 hours in the main menu and restard the game because the social menu is buged , you will need to stop the process and your account will be locked 22 years because behing afk breack the final user contract terms !

    this  message is  because of the WTF reason of my bannishment i got today ... during the event ... i can say good bie to the snipertron vandal because i was AFK on the main menu  ! 


    already complained to rebecca and the support but i wanted to warn ppls about those random bannishments.


    I leave warframe running for days at times, doing nothing but AFKing. I find this to be highly unlikely to be the cause of your ban.

  11. I've only used the Snipetron and it is a very effective weapon in Tier 3 void due to its high damage per clip. It one shots lesser mobs and can kill ancient/heavy Grineers within a clip. It definitely has its own niche. I don't see a reason for the high reload time when the clip size is so small to begin with, it really kills the weapon's sustained DPS.

  12. For that to happen they'll either need to add a reward for staying in the Dojo (maybe a miniscule but passive exp gain for time spent there) or make it so that players spawn in the Dojo when you log in and you can access the planetary hub from there. Otherwise only time people will enter it is to grab a BP, build, research, and duel.


    For the latter to happen, they'll have to add something for the clanless players.

  13. Rushing is the natural course of things when you have bosses that have a near guaranteed chance of dropping a resource module that have a fairly high chance of being one of the rarer ones. Then you got weapons like Lanka that requires 20 of those. You don't exactly take your sweet time to get through a level when you got that much farming to do. You get on Loki with max rush and a high damage weapon, rush to boss and finish him in one clip and get out. The whole thing takes about 5mins top and you can get what you need at a decent rate.


    If you want players to explore, give them a reason to do so. Make exploring more worthwhile than rushing. Adding secret rooms that contains guaranteed resources can serve as a great motivator.

  14. This mod is a terrible idea and would cause imbalances...


    I suppose that would depend on the magnitude of the speed increase. At the same time, it would take up mod slots that would otherwise be filled with other damage increasing mods. It isn't quite as overpowered as one would think.

  15.  This seems like the right idea to me instead of just a hard cap at something like 300 or 500.



     There will be plenty of Shadow Clans and then a few Mountain and Moon Clans. Everyone has a thing that suits them.


    Seems fair enough. The bigger clans will probably start purging the dead weights depending on how bad the upkeep cost are. Warbros have only around 300 or so active players, the rest are either secondary accounts or players who quit.


    At least the cap isn't so low that we have to make multiple overflow clans like in other games. It is always a pain in the &#! having to shuffle players from guild to guild to work around hard caps.

  16. I'm stuck in here too, and y'know on my first trip to the void it's kinda unimpressive to hit something like this. Total waste of a key looks like.


    I heard that you get to keep the key if you abandon mission, I've personally never tried it, but it is worth a try if you're stuck anyways.

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