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(XBOX)INe Saninus

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Posts posted by (XBOX)INe Saninus

  1. I'm simply amazed you guys can find the pickup to get the buff in the first place...

    75% of the time I cast it, the "soul" isn't anywhere to be found...


    Which makes an already cumbersome ability (at best!) completely not worth the 20-40 seconds it takes to aquire all the buffs after recasting each toggle multiple times.


    *One cast.

    *All buffs.

    *Not an augment.

  2. Subsumed Eclipse having its dmg resist capped at 75% is a miss for me.


    Makes it not worth the subsume.


    I'd rather have the damage portion completely removed and buff the dmg resist up to 90%.


    We have damage helminth options already.

    Hell, we have enough damage without buffs already. 

    We don't need more damage.


    What we don't have is a worthwhile survivability option.

    Open up the roster.

    • Like 10
  3. 18 minutes ago, (XBOX)AudiGuard20 said:


    The upcoming changes Loki getting is definitely nice with Dante Unbound update. The only thing is, i think his augments like Hushed Invisibility and Irradiating Disarm should also be embedded into his base kits. Especially since literally a hound replaces Loki 4th ability, so i think having this would bring back Loki a bit.



    Iron Shrapnel and Piercing Roar should just be recastable as part of his base kit no questions asked. Seriously, its 2024 and we still need an augment just to recast Roar and Iron Skin.


    Making Irradiating Disarm part of Loki's kit would be a massive nerf.


    As it works now, when you disarm enemies they all rush in with melee. No looking for cover, staying at range, or repositioning. They just rush you at full speed.

    Speeds up defenses as well as a Spova, imo, if not better.

    Helps keep kpm up in survival too.


    Add in decoy and a helminth grouping ability or Nautilus and you will see some crazy pulls in the exact spot of your choosing.


    Part of the community is obsessed with Loki being reworked into a nuke frame, but a well played Loki is already an instrument of destruction.

    Personally I think DE is already aware of this and why Loki buffs or rework talks are quickly dismissed.


    His new augment and quality of life buffs will only add to this.



    ...but yes to the Rhino stuff.

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

    And run least one of the least useful/popular focus school for the rare occurence you may need an armor strip when you die to self revive? Very reliable mechanic, indeed.

    ...I have zero interest in getting roped into your and Ace's squabbling, but I have to disagree with this take.

    Unairu is a very solid choice with many benefits.

    Armor strip, shield strip, knockdown immunity, 200 plus armor for both Warframe and Operator. I think you even get an amp dmg buff after an armor strip...

    Unairu is awesome.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Kainosh said:

    Also,  it should not fall when you use operator. 

    Coz now it does, and you will have to backtrack and pick it up or cast a fresh one after every Transference.   

    Yes to this too.


    I started using Unairu on Volt so I could slot Rush in my exilus and still get knock down immunity. Switching in and out of your operator is frustrating when trying to carry a shield.

  6. I think too many are failing to see the forest through the trees, respectfully.


    Balancing it against other Helminth options isn't the answer.

    Those options ARE NOT USED.

    They are not used because they are not effective or not worth the build requirements.

    Null Star should not be our balance point. The range reduction, duration need, and mandatory augment make it unviable for most builds.

    Null Star is custom made to work with Nova's dump stat being range.

    Very few frames can dump range.


    Also, 300% power strength isn't realistic with even a semi balanced build.

    Can it be achieved?


    Is it realistic.


    Not without extreme sacrifices somewhere else.


    That appears to be balance, right?

    Sacrificing here to gain there...

    ...but it's not, because the sacrifice is too great, making it not worth it.


    You guys keep wanting to "balance" the the part that no one uses against abilities that no one uses....


    It needs to be an attractive option.

    90% dmg resist at 200% power strength is attractive.

    Otherwise it will remain unused, so what would be the point?

    It isn't subsumed for the damage resist. It is subsumed because some Youtuber said "more damage, bigger numbers" and most people just follow the build.

    • Like 3
  7. 5 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Ok, great. BUT... let's think for a minute about what this will do to the already strong warframes. (Now I know what you're thinking... but.... but won't it just put all these frames on par with the frames that already have DR in their kits, like won't it make Banshee equivalent to Mirage? Well, yes and no, because each frame - I assume - was balanced around their individual kit and not around helminths. Was Banshee ever meant to have 90% DR? No. Why not though? Because her fragility is the balance for her strengths. Suddenly make her not fragile anymore - and she becomes too strong, there's no sacrifice).


    I could see your point *IF* I had ever seen a Banshee out in the wild....

    ...but I haven't.

    The frame literally does not exist in Steel Path.

    I rarely see a Banshee, Mirage, or Gyre or half the roster.


    If Banshee's strength offset her weakness then we would see her. The damage that she can give the squad should be worth the risk, right?

    It isn't. Nobody wants to go down.


    I think the risk of a few frames that are made not to die, not dying better, is a fine price to pay for seeing higher frame diversity.


    I will say that Warframe players have a tendency to meta jump.

    People will run a Helminth or build that they don't seem to really understand...

    ...but at this point, I say see what happens with a 90% dmg resist.


    Let's open up that roster.


    • Like 1
  8. The problem with Equinox will always be that it takes an augment to make her function properly, and really 3 to make her interesting to play.

    Minimum of 2. If you could equip 4, you would have something really cool.


    Her 1 augment gives her a clone.

    -gave that to Wukong.

    Her 2 augment let's her spread her sleep. 

    -cool, but a mod slot is expensive

    Her 3 augment gives her the first version of "Gloom" in the game.

    -gave that to Sevagoth

    Her 4 takes an augment just to be usable per her kit and the coolest part, other than a big boom, (the shield per kill) Styanax does better.


    If you build for any of those specific setups, you completely handicap the others.

    You just don't have room...!

    At that point it's just better to bring the frame that does it specifically.


    I made a build with Gloom and 2 augs that simulates what could be, but it's still hard to fit all the mods for survivability, duration, efficiency, and range needed.

    You still filled gimped.



  9. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned as a known issue, but the shield in Sword and Shield weapons is all kinds of messed up on Xbox Series X.

    The shield sets sideways on your arm and clips into your body and face.

    I've tried multiple different SAS weapons and it seems to be the same on all of them.


    Totally kills the entire weapon type..


    ...and my Styanax Spartan fashion.

  10. You guys ALWAYS miss the point in trade chat.


    They know there aren't any "trash" rivens for the meta weapons.

    They also know that they are not going to get it for 50p...

    ...they might act like they think that.

    They don't.


    They're fishing.

    When you're just watching chat and making background money (which is where you make a good portion of your money) you throw out a line and see if you get a bite.

    It's not serious.

    It gives you something to post in-between the serious WTB's (which can be where the big money is) and the super cheap WTS's (which can also lead to a lot of plat).


    *BUT it works.

    Because sometimes that guy logs in who just wants to make a little plat so he can buy slots, or maybe it's someone who doesn't pay attention to market prices or just doesn't care...

    Then BOOM.


    I grind pretty casually and roll a lot and I'm setting on 600k kuva right now just waiting for an interesting riven.

    If I could stomach trade chat anymore, that 600k kuva turns into a couple thousand plat real easy if you got the patience.


    They're just playing the game man.

    Trading is an entire different game and winning at that game doesn't make sense to the people who don't know how to play it.

    • Like 1
  11. "I want what they own, but I don't want to pay them what they're asking for it"


    These post always read as a backfire to me. The poster is always begging DE to set prices and control the market so that the poster can get a riven for cheaper... lmao!!!


    Couple things:

    -It's their property. They own it. They get to decide its value without your input. The market will decide if they sell it or not. If they find a buyer, then their price was right, regardless of your personal feelings about.

    Supply vs Demand.

    Maybe they never sell it...! 


    It's not your business! It's their riven.

    Mind your own business!!


    -People need to stop using the term "scammers".

    They do exist. They are horrible people. Unfortunately, if you get scammed... it's your fault for not paying attention. Read everything twice.

    It's NOT a scam if their price is higher than you THINK it should be. That's just like your opinion, man.


    Free market, yo!

    Make it work for you or get crushed by it.

    ...just don't come to the forums begging for DE to give you some poor kids riven for the price YOU think it should be.


    • Like 1
  12. 13 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

    It's like half a Gladiator's Might for only tennokai.  It's 3rd best imo.  Surprised to see Reach so low.  Range is ridiculous on several weapons, and can turn things like Nami Solo incarnon into an area nuke.  That's on top of doubling the use window.  4 seconds is nearly as long as base combo duration, so if an enemy dies while gaining tennokai, you can get to another mob/group and wipe them with the heavy.


    On god, Wrath is higher because it's gold instead of silver, and "number go up" is the only thing some players care about.


    3 meters range is an entire primed mod worth of range.

    Sure, it's only on a tennokai attack...

    Which also happens to be your most powerful melee attack...

    With a longer timer tor repositioning.


    The fact that it isn't number 1 is bonkers to me.

    Only one I use.

  13. The reason that these threads never go anywhere is because everyone has very different opinions on what needs a rework and what doesn't.


    I've spent the last 3 nights play Loki for nostalgia.

    I subsumed Ensnare over his 3.

    Rotation is: 

    -Cast 4. This forces most of the map into melee so they all start rushing you.

    -Cast your 1. This allows you to choose exactly where your Ensnare target will be. Also because everything has been disarmed, your 1's survivability goes up.

    -Cast 3 and let it grab for a few seconds.

    -Nuke everything with weapons of your choosing.

    I've been running Paris Prime, Lato Vandal, and Anku.


    With Catalysing Shield and Brief respite, my cloak will reset my shields if I take damage. While cloak I can reset with another disarm.


    Easy. Powerful. Survivable.

    Not meant for boss fights, but easily clears most content.


    Now, does his kit need some touching up?

    Absolutely. His 1 and 3 need some love.

    ...but he is FAR from weak or useless.



    ...and whoever mentioned Kullervo in this thread:

    Wtf, bro?!

    Top tier damage, clear times, survivability, mobility, and great at both melee and gun play not enough for you all...?!!


    • Like 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    I like Kullervo but he's notably weak in defense which is important for melee.

    Most of that is due to never fixing Iron Skin (Overguard) from working with melee block mitigation.

    20-30k can poof pretty damn quick. Esp with these newer enemies DE just seems to put weapons on them without considering scaling. I still have an old video where my 120-200k Iron Skin Rhino gets wrecked by a Kuva Shield Lancer's Marelok in 4 seconds. Rhino has Shield gate now so not an issue. Kullervo doesn't.

    Fun frame with big numbers but staying alive is more important.

    Armor + health goes a long way.

    Umbral mods. Health Conversion. Arcane Guardian. Arcane Blessing.


    I only use all 3 Umbral mods and Guardian and I've never struggled.

    Spam his 2 a couple of times if it's getting insanely hot. Heals and resets the Overguard gate.


    I'm sure it hits a limit going to level cap, but not an hour into a SP survival.

    He's a pretty great health tank considering he doesn't have access to shield gating.

  15. I wouldn't mind Kahl missions if they didn't force me to scour every corner of super huge maps, taking an hour of my life.

    Then I miss something and have to run it a second time...


    I took a long break and I've noticed they've updated it so it's harder to overlook objectives, but hour long Kahl runs still linger in the back of my mind.


    Just let me run through and have some fun. Shoot a little. Sneak a little. Kill a thing and get my shard.

    If new missions were like that, I'd be down.

  16. On 2024-01-31 at 1:47 AM, Aldain said:

    At this point I'm not sure, feels like they missed that boat for them honestly.



    That grind was insane when those weapons were peak meta.

    While some still hold up, most do not.

    I can't imagine having to grind out all the kuva weapons now.


    While I would love an upgraded Mutalist Cernos or Hema, they would have to battle power creep to be worth it.

    I just don't see how that works now.

    • Like 1
  17. I'll support this.


    Our keyboard and mouse Brothers do not understand the struggle of having a mobility option that you have to remove your right thumb off of your aiming stick to activate.

    The quick cast helps alleviate, but only on subsequent cast.


    Great idea.

  18. I'm going to point this out one more time and then I'll mind my own business.


    This is a perfect opportunity to have a consistent dmg resist ability in Helminth.


    I would wager that a large percentage of players subsume it for the damage portion.

    I would double down and say that most Mirage players never will use the damage resist portion.


    Why nerf the damage resist portion at all? That is not why people have been subsuming it.


    Give us a 90% damage resist at a reasonable power strength (200-250) and watch frame diversity blossom.


    -Make it tap/Hold


    For Helminth:

    -nerf damage considerably.

    -uncap damage resist up to 90% with a reasonable power strength.

    -profit with frame diversity.

    • Like 4
  19. 2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

    I once ran it on wisp before I found out how good pillage was (removing defense way better than damage from eclypse) someone in a mission said "you know about this combo too" bahahha I would hardly think this combo was secret? wisp makes bullets shoot faster and eclipse makes them hit harder, it's hardly rocket science !

    but I agree with the overall sentiment don't Nerf the defense!

    I'm not saying that every person who slapped Eclipse on a frame only did so because of a YouTuber.

    I am claiming that for it to be the second most used ability, it is probably due to build guides.


    Most people do not study abilities, synergies, or the math attached to an ability.

    Add in the fact that Mirage has fallen off in the Steel Path Era due to a lack of survivability which would lower the average players exposure to the ability and how it functions.


    How many people were consistently receiving the benefits that they thought they were?

    That's all I'm saying.


    We have enough damage. Give us some consistent damage resist.


    A survivability option might get more Banshees, Gyres, Vaubans out on the field.

  20. Tap/Hold.




    Do not diminish the defense portion.


    It is only popular (second most popular apparently) due to the damage portion. Even then, only because some YouTuber recommended it.

    This is easily deduced by the fact that it doesn't even work half the time.

    *Players don't even know what the ability is doing half the time. They just slap it on to be THE BEST!!!


    We need a cool damage resist buff.

    Kill the damage portion. Don't touch the defensive part.

    That will fix the usage rate.

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