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Posts posted by vehkandvehk

  1. On 2019-03-14 at 4:20 PM, Teitaka said:

    Also make it so that every race that you have completed adds +100 to your maximum possible combo score, meaning once you have compleated all 22 races, your maximum possible combo would go from 3k to 5.2k, giving players a reason to do all of the races (and making the daily grind a little easier).

    This is a beautiful idea. Gives the rotation of k-drive races at least some reason and reward for seeking out all of them, as opposed to very little reason and reward now, except for curiosity of course.

  2. I'm getting it all the time. The engines are basically unpaintable.
    I paint the k-drive and as soon as I leave that screen or even change color variants like from A to B, the engines return to their vanilla color, while the rest of the k-drive retains the given color scheme.

  3. 1. Why don't we have some ui response to a thermia canister exploding on the orb's face in phase 2, like the heat meter on the left lighting up for a moment? That would be a good indication of a fact that thermia canisters actually do anything. At the moment they just kind of work, but you're not really feeling it, if you know what I mean. More feedback would be better.

    2. Why aren't thermia canisters falling out of dispenser in phase 1 marked? They are crucial to completing the phase and most definitely should be marked.

  4. 15 hours ago, (PS4)YouBetterCH1LLAX said:

    Okay. The OP has stated that it wouldn't be given to every enemy, that is much better and I can see how this would be a good mechanic. However, I believe that if that happens, we need a set of new mechanics to counter it. A parkour 3.0. 

    Exactly what I'm suggesting! We should be able to do all that wallrunning and ceilingrunning stuff too to some extent to stay on par with the enemies or at least have a new warframe centered around that concept. It could be a thing like channeling maybe, when for each second on the ceiling or wall you lose some energy, but that energy cost is affected by mods, or there could be some other mechanic.
    Bottom line: make some enemies from every faction being able to latch to, run on and attack from walls and ceiling and make a warframe capable of doing all those things too.

    • Like 1
  5. Make active K-Drive races visible on the Orb Vallis map. Looking up all the races' locations on a map such as the one provided below and then checking up on all 22 of them just to find out which ones are currently available is not interesting gameplay. In fact it is an obstacle on a player's path to actual k-drive racing gameplay. People want to ride k-drives, not fly all around the map in an archwing checking up on 22 spots first.jCnxUVp1lf8fYHtoh0O8kDqn7n4gpg_LQKGPvz9h
    Obviously, people are helping each other out, like on the following page below in in the comments, where people post daily which races are currently active. And then other people have to look up the map provided above to figure out where those 5 active races actually are. People actually have to go through all this hassle just to do k-drive races, instead of simply looking at the map ingame and going to race right away.

    TLDR: enable people to actually do k-drive races by displaying them on the map, instead of hiding or complicating people's access to this content.

    • Like 3
  6. The idea is as follows: to add enemies of any and every faction capable of running on walls and ceiling, staying stationary and shooting from there.
    Think of xenomorphs from The Alien(s) running on walls and ceiling and attacking you from every surface and direction instead of just from ground and air. If infested could do that, it would drastically improve how cool, interesting and challanging encounters with them are.
    Now think of grineer manics. Wouldn't it be cooler if those could run on walls and ceiling and get a jump on you from there? And what if there was an enemy type that could do all that, but also - shoot at you, while crouching somewhere on the wall or ceiling?
    Corpus. Now think of Isaac Clarke from Dead Space running with magnetic boots on walls and ceiling and basically any surface in zero gravity. Imagine corpus troopers doing all that and attacking you from every direction. And surely their robotic proxies could do all that as well. I mean proxies like raknoids in Orb Vallis.
    Warframe has a lot of mobility, but your encounters with enemies are all limited to ground-to-ground, ground-to-air, air-to-air. And that works fine in open outside spaces. But a lot of Warframe takes place inside closed spaces: rooms, halls, corridors, etc. And it's mostly ground-to-ground there, with some enemies being able to float a couple of feet above the ground. Now, adding walls and ceiling to that as viable combat spaces would improve the game immensely in its variety and uniqueness.
    And of course there could be at least one new warframe capable of utilizing this new feature to its full extent, having an active toggle-on or passive ability to not just run on walls, but stay there and even change the camera orientation to the new perspective, wall or ceiling surface now playing the role of the floor. Or there could be a mechanic enabling all warframes to do this to some extent.
    Could there be anything more space ninja than running on the ceiling, your squadmates below you and around you on the walls shooting at enemies that not just run through a doorway or come out of some shaft, but fly, crawl and run all around you on ground, walls and ceiling engaging you in full 3d combat on all surfaces and in all camera orientations?
    Yeah, this all must sound a bit too weird, extreme and ambitious, but such is Warframe.
    Thanks for reading and please upvote this, so it might get some attention.

  7. Add "FIRST LOGGED ON" sorting option, or better yet - add an option to sort in reverse order.
    In COMMUNICATION - FRIENDS / CLAN when "SORT BY" option "LAST LOGGED ON" is picked it shows players in order starting from those who haven't logged in for the longest at the top to those who have just logged off at the bottom. Of course I would like to see those, who have just logged off first, but the problem is - there is no way to reverse the order.
    Why would I want to see the people who haven't logged in in ages first is beyond me, but maybe someone needs that too, especially for clan management.
    What I'm saying is - add "FIRST LOGGED ON" sorting option, or better yet - add an option to sort in reverse order.

  8. It would be a reasonable and good thing to be able to see what size is a lens installed into a piece of equipment. Currently as far as I know there is no way to tell if it is a regular lens, a greater lens, or an Eidolon lens installed into a piece of equipment. The thing is that as time goes by people may forget what lens did they install and they don't know if they should upgrade that piece of equipment with better lens or not, as it may already have the best lens. It may seem unimportant, but again, it would be a reasonable and welcome addition. Thanks.

  9. Please, make Pyrol in PoE more common. It's a basic low-level ingredient yet on average run it yields less than higher tier minerals. It's a bottleneck for anyone getting into PoE farming and crafting systems. Like this post if you agree, and thanks for reading!ee4cb19a265a70732895ec9a37280615-full.jp

  10. Suggestion: to add some sort of indicator telling us whether a lens installed on a weapon is a Regular one or Greater.
    Upon installing a focus lens on a warframe or a weapon, you can then see the corresponding focus school symbol on that weapon or warframe.
    However, you cannot see whether the lens installed onto this weapon or warframe is a regular Focus Lens or a Greater Focus lens.
    Obviously, with the abundance of weapons and warframes in the game one could easily forget whether they installed a Regular of a Greater focus lens on a given piece of equipment.
    Yet, it is important to know whether it is a Regular or a Greater lens, as the latter offers better focus points yield and thus is better.
    In a situation where a person forgets whether they have installed a Regular or a Greater lens they might consider installing another Greater lens on top of that onto that equipment and potentially doing so in vain if a Greater lens was already installed previously. Such situations may cause a lot of doubt and hesitation and also a need for keeping a ledger of what lens one have installed where, which in my opinion is undesirable and should be remedied, especially as it requires a very minor addition to the game.
    Thanks for Your attention.

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