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Posts posted by Viceous

  1. Tennogen stuff that is old like 3-5 seasons ago and older.That stuff should be implemented into the market.If you want the latest and greatest then ya pay for it.Otherwise why let the old stuff just rot and not be enjoyed by the masses.If anything contact artist requesting release.Contact them and they give the go ahead great more of the masses enjoy their work and might encourage someone to go and spend $ on the newer stuff.

  2. I grinded to Typhoon rank awhile ago.Just wasnt fun I did it when autoaim bots were out of control and still held my own.Sorry cause i know some snapperhead gonna say hur durr theres anti-cheat(no such thing full proof anticheat system) ,they just good sorry but b***s***  not gonna head shot someone across the map over and over with a secondary semi-auto when the person is bulletjumpin all over like a mad man. Anyways wanna play with clannys and friends and avoid the a**holes and get rep still.Switch regions to like Asia or w/e other dead region.Wanna annoy clique conclave'rs play loki with an arca plasma or use a ignis with white bright white energy that'll make them rage.Its a fun game mode but the majority who play this goin by what i experienced in the past was awhile ago were wastes of oxygen individuals.Just ruined the game mode.TBH the mode should should be scrapped waste of dev. time,companys $ to pay said devs and just breeds toxicity in for the most part a community thats actually pretty pleasant compared to most gaming communitys.

  3. Honestly doesn't bother me the audacity of some charging what they will on some rivens.Personally I never spent over a 100 plat on a riven and never will.The annoying thing is see'n the same people day in and day out posting on trade chat and basically cluttering the chat up.Get a clue after 3-4 days posting that riven at that $&*&*#(%&  price(sorry but askin $500-$1000 equivalent in plat is $&*&*#(%&)  isn't budging its gonna stay that way.What's sad more than half the time the riven is in my opinion junk and the next post has another guy linking a riven for same wep at a fraction of what the delusional guy is askin and that riven is better. lol



  4. Keep it somewhat the same just make it interactive in such a way as I dunno Resident Evil. Button pressin at key moments to keep the combo spree goin.

    Exp. 4 to start ult next target hit E(melee),next left click,next target right click,next (E+ right click) ect, ect, etc.This while still camera movin to new targets.There nomore mindless 4 spammin.


    Either way I rather DE make the clones resemble the way my ash p looks instead of how they appear now as just generic ash's.

  5. Trade chat is cancer and wf.market is ebolo.All it takes is one asshat to set somtin at a $&*&*#(%& price and all others follow suit like lemmings.Honestly this game is begging for an auction house.Earth relay meh still have to be present and i think i sold one item.Was nice tho since i had no bites in trade chat to dump the item.


    Some items merit ridiculous prices like that sniper rifle mod or emp aura I get that.Can even accept ember set goin for 1000p.I recently got the set for 300p and legendary core.Core didnt matter much to me since i have millions of credits and hundreds of cores.

    Mods that were recently in-game(1-3 months) or mods that are obtainable in-game imo shouldnt go more than 200-250p.


    Hopefully devs will implement some kind slot machine(DE way to make money !!!! hint,hint,hint!!!) to get mods and items.Currency bein plat or ducats to play.I personally hate dealing with people in this game when it comes to buying.Even as of late sellin sucks also, people expect you to just give stuff away for nothin now.Very very small portion of the community Ive encountered where buying didnt feel like i was bein ripped off.

  6. So uh, was hosting games simply typed h t3 ext (no keyshare needed cause im not a nerd) and I was suspended from chat.Now Im guessin an individual suspended me.So TY for f***ing with my gaming experience.Anyways how long are suspensions from channels usually? If duration is longer than 24hrs can i submit a ticket in game or only via support email?



    Again nice to get suspended... in all channels recruitment for bein a nice guy and not demandin keyshare and givin some people access to void missions they couldnt have because they had no key.Way to be mod way to be ...lol nerd.

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