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Posts posted by Mingnit

  1. You happy?


    Are you more skilled than players with lower ranks?


    Besides the achievment, do you get anything that other ranks like 14 or 15 dont have?

    So...whats the big deal about it?


    I aint gealous at all...but I guess congratzzz, OR NAHHHHH! 

  2. So when I started playing I got the cronus (update 7) and I lvl it up to lvl 25 +/-, but then I saw the heat swords and I fell in love and sold the cronus...now Im regreting it, cant get cronust bp to drop from anywhere or anyone...I want it back...(just for the last 5 lvls really...then I will sell it again...I will never learn)

  3. Speculation*, and it doesn't matter how they act and you don't, what you're doing is adding to the spam, and spam gets moderated for the most part.tHANKS 

    Thanks for the correction, and I really just wanted to know how people felt about this, many were saying it was players from other games so I posted this not to try and spam, but to read everyones opinion! :D And if DE wants to delete this...I wont post another saying bs about them...its their forums they have rules and I have kinda "skiped" them a "little"

  4. Pointless thread, pointless concept of a thread. DE knows when their stuff goes down and has problems as instantly as players do, so of course when the community spams these threads they get moderated or merged to keep the spam down.

    Its a joke and expeculation (?) many people post random stuff like they want rewards for the servers downtime, and many are rude...those should lose their premission not me...

  5. People should take a day off from warframe and do something else while they work on the server's for god sake .-.

    Maybe people today had plans to play warframe...maybe a day off at work...and then they try to play and...nothing! Not saying that its anyones fault..

  6. Its like this everytime I do defense missions with random people, they go around the map killing everything and spreading the loot everywhere making me (and maybe some other dude) defending the pod, but we also want the loot so we go get it but then they(AI) destroy the pod (or almost) because no one is taking care of it(like a chicken on top of an egg).
    Why dont you stay with your team mates? Maybe you want more XP? You like killing a lot of stuff? Well if thats the case stay with your team mates, you get more XP (XP is shared) and you can still kill everything! But dont go to the "mobs" spawn place thing and kill them right there because only you get XP. Same thing with survival and even every mission out there...Watch this video below (you might not get what im saying, well no wonder :p) 
    And you probably are about to say something like "Well play with your clan members instead" and I would IF my headset wasnt broken (we use ts3), so right now I only play with my gf and one other friend...

    (Let be very clear this vid aint mine, Its from Mogamu, if you like his vids sub him, not trying to addvertise or anything...)
  7. Well Helios has a nice weapon, but in my opnion the big thing about it is the photoshooting abilitie. But I think that, that abilitie needs a buff, its just slow, DE should make it faster if not instataniouscly (?).Im faster then the sentinel at taking pics, but I like to have a gun in my hand so I can shoot stuff when they get close to me. 
    I'd like your opnions on this guys. (btw its fast enought to take pics of the bosses, but...I have pics from almost every boss)

    EDIT: typo

  8. So I watched the video on youtube about the dark sector, and from what I understand big clans will have a huge advantage, cuz they have players that play 24/7, while for e.g. the clan that I'm at (100 and something players obviasly not all active...) we arent gonna get any close to get rewards or control of the dark sector...big clans are ally with big clans and basicly F*** the other small clans...am I right? Thats what it sounded like...

  9. In summary: He's miffed about the alert but otherwise thoroughly happy and believes DE are the gods of game development. 

    I liked the fact that we got potatoes in the end, but if we didnt I wouldnt be &!$$ed off, the thing is that Smite players were like "You are not getting anything if you win" because the DE said nothing about rewards! But I m happy cuz theres people out there who dont have money to spend in the game so these potatoes are good for them, for me it would be fine either way...And DE are amazing thats for sure, maybe not gods but at least they care about our opinions!

  10. Thanks DE not only for the prize THAT WE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT after the win over Smite, but also for always being there, supporting us as we supported you! Thanks for making this OUR game and not only yours, thanks for all the plat from livestreams and giveaways, thanks for changing in-game stuff that no one likes or that are broken or even with simple bugs that you fix! Thanks for "making" this wonderful community, that helps each others out and for not being full with greedy milk! Thanks for making possible for us to get every weapon/warframe in the game. Thanks for the helmets that appear in alerts, thanks fr the discounts on plat! THANKS FOR MAKING US AS A COMMUNITY STAND OUT FROM ALL THE OTHERS! 


    THANKS DE! From Portugal with love <3


    (if you dont get some of my english, I'm sorry its morning and I'm sleepy as hell)

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