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Posts posted by Scoosh

  1. A number 1 priority in my opinion.


    Perhaps it would be fine to have 'host' or 'join' as you suggest.


    I was thinking though could that not lead to many people clicking join and finding no games because of no host?


    Could there not be some sort of preference where you don't want to host but it will make you host if really needed or there's nobody better.

  2. Ah but what if the corpus weapons end up being more powerful as compensation.

    That makes no sense as you won't be able to get your "compensation"


    I meant even though the grinner has a better battle pay reward their melee weapon might suck and the corpus one might be really powerful, but nobody will get them if you choose grineer. Of course it's just wishful thinking. It would be good to know the weapon stats before hand xD

  3. I've been saying this for the past couple weeks!


    Lucas from the Concept Art department posted some new Infested weapon concepts, and I asked him if there was a possibility of ever seeing nunchuks. He told me that they were "in the box", whatever that means.


    I wonder if they all just like, stick a bunch of ideas in a box and when it's time to start working on the next update, they shove their hands in there and make whatever they grab.


    Sounds promising!

  4. So I completed the test to reach Mastery rank 7. You know where you fight a wave of each faction  (Grineer, Corpus then Infested)


    What if for a challenge on one of the high up Mastery ranks you fight all the bosses.


    E.g wave 1: Fight Krill and Vor


          wave 2: Fight The Jackal




    Or at the least a challenge with some sort of boss included. Unless they already do.. As said I only just got to rank 7.

  5. Please no.  Primes are supposed to be mostly cosmetic.  They are sort of like trophies.  And we already have enough of a power creep as it is.  DE even announced (before Frost Prime came out) that Primes aren't supposed to replace their base weapons. 


    It just seems a bit pointless to me to go to all this trouble to make these Orokin levels and all this backstory to Primes if they are only for cosmetic use. The prime weapons arn't cosmetic so why should the prime frames be any different?

  6. Agreed, there's not point in prime being separate just make it an upgrade to the original as if applying a forma so you reset to level 1. Also allow equipping of the original costumes. By doing this you could then make 'prime' be better in any way as long as you kept the original costume.


    As for the point of a prime what if they have a 'prime mode' so when activated you gain ' enhanced powers' but at the cost of health as your frame cant handle the technology well. Or maybe they would only work in special Orokin levels. When you upgrade to this level 'prime' you have better attacks, it's like evolving in Poke'mon you don't get the prime powers until a certain (mastery?) level. You have to earn them. They could be a natural evolution to the frames rather than a separate thing.


    E.g You could have 'Primed' Pull you so you pull many more enemies with Mag. Like a 'god mode' but limited either by times constraints, level or health etc. Just a bit of end game fun.

  7. I get your point, same thing happened to me, I got the steam pack.


    The only logic I can think of to make them use real-time is to make you play more, which I did a bit but I'd say I only got about half the use out of them. Perhaps the idea is to make you buy more platinum for them but I don't know why you would. Surely it is irrelevant to use real time hours for these as you would end up playing more to use up your booster if it was in game hours instead. There afterward someone might then buy another one.


    You can essentially buy one, login for a minute, logout and re-log in 3 days and you will have simply wasted the platinum. I can see why using real time for the foundry etc is a smart idea to get platinum but I'm not understanding how this benefits that goal. You will never get the full benefit of the booster unless you play constantly over 3 days, should that really be encouraged?

  8. Yeah I liked the one just before this (the 'old-new' foundry) better as more items would fit within the foundry box so you didn't have to scroll as much as now or at the beginning.

    It gave an easier overview of what you have and what to build next.


    However the scrolling in the foundry is not a big deal compared to the scrolling of mods on your warframe/weapons and I hope that gets addressed next.

    The mod system is great but I feel it's let down by the interface.

  9. Yes yes I've been wanting this for ages. It's a great idea except if everyone picked to op-out of host that would be bad, so maybe it could have a time limit of sorts. If you don't join someone else after say 2 minutes you'll end up host. A preference to not host more than a set option.

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