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Posts posted by Scoosh

  1. A question for next time;


    If we are to get more default Warframe and/or weapon slots (due to the ever increasing number of choices) will we be getting a few more slots for weapons and Warframes soon or is it a long way off?


    If it does happen how many more would be added for each and how will they be added in? Just added in or mastery rank?


    I know DE is considering this but I would like a more detailed answer, whenever suits you guys.


    DERebecca already received feedback about this:

    https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/49941-14-warframe-70-weapons-yet-2-warframe-slots-8-weapons-slots/page-5?hl= favourite  warframe


    Just wondering on an ETA for its possible implementation so I can figure out my choices in the game.


    Thank you.

  2. Shade sentinel is a useful investment, it will help you get materials quicker later on and help you on bosses with reviving and such. Or you could get Dethcube.


    There's not much point buying a warframe blueprint until you get the other pieces, I've found the hardest part for warframes is getting the drops for a warframes helmet, systems and chassis, farming the resource materials doesn't take too long since they are much more common to drop.

    That said I bought all the blueprints but I played Void missions and they give loads of credits, same with some alerts.


    You definitely need a new melee weapon, Cronus is rubbish. Dual heat swords are fun and won't let you down. Heavy weapons are also good.

    As for rifle a lot of folk favour the Boltor, the Paris bow is also good or the strun for shotgun. You don't have to stick with these, just pick something that looks fun, later on there are things requiring mastery rank so really you need to get all the weapons and level them.


    Also now with Forma you can make almost any weapon work well but it's hard to come by.

  3. I haven't used Trinity yet but by the sounds of her it seems mostly fine the way it is. Maybe the Link combo is a bit overpowered I haven't tried.Trinity shouldn't be changed to be all offensive or anything, that's what the offensive frames are for. If you don't like her you don't have to use her. If you want to heal you have to accept you sacrifice powerful attacking abilities.


    Perhaps she needs a slight tweak but overall the healer should heal. So she can go 'invincible' what does it matter? It's a nice perk for having no other offensive abilities and low armour. Does becoming invincible not get a bit boring anyway? If people have fun with that what's the big deal, if you want more challenge play another frame.


    It sounds like the link combo gives Trinity something to do when nobody needs healed. I think it's creative that people have created a combo of abilities. More abilities should allow for combos.

  4. I'm not sure if this is wide spread but thought I'd make this. Just about every time I enter the Dojo I walk a few feet down a corridor and then I host migrate and teleport to a completely different area. It keeps happening over and over so I'm always almost entering a room, almost entering a door etc. It's very frustrating and makes me not want to go into the Dojo at all. Hopefully this gets fixed and isn't just me!


    Thank you.

  5. Meenmu, on 30 May 2013 - 01:11 AM, said:I like the sound of "alternate firing modes" for abilities in general. Neat idea.

    Yes, was about to say that too. Could really offer nice variety. Heck you could essentially have 8 skills that way.

    Could have different energy costs too.
    E.g pull for 10 or push for 20.

    Mag nificent

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