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Posts posted by Daridan

  1. So I've tried several times with my most recent Liset Prime color scheme, to get this one particular section that is missing color to work. 

    Since the Octavia update, it's been a bit wonky. I'm not sure if it was intended to add a bit of separation to the liset color schemes, but I really miss the old look..

    Having this one "Gray/dark enough to be gray but not quite smoke black" section, bugs me just a bit. 

    See picture/link. 


    Also let me know if I need to repost the link, or copy the image directly into this post or something.


  2. Still no fix for:

    UI being oversized - Kind of frustrating, I and several others don't do 4k, we didn't ask for this. :(

    Octavia's abilities not syncing in missions - impossible to get buffs, and a nuisance because some of us worked on our music.

    Liset Prime having a very ugly Grey panel section - It destroys my color scheme, making me one among many sad tenno.


    I, among many others understand the work that's put into these hot fixes, and still, it's almost minor things that could be taken care of, but I'm not sure of the process, or how, so take the "minor", very lightly. 


    Thanks Again for the fixes, but the other almost non-important bugs, are kind of big things to some of us. 


  3. Just going to include two things I've noticed, if they haven't already been mentioned -- 

    Octavia's songs are now out of sync, when playing them in sessions with other people.

    Also, Liset Prime colors are off.. as in, one part of it is awkwardly grey, and unchangeable, but my colors are still present. 

  4. Between seeing myself fly out of range due to some unknown factor, and not knowing what I'm supposed to be hitting, I'm going to stay away from this mission until something gives and a fix is pushed.

    Bad enough that the Archwing doesn't stabilize fast enough with this almost godawful flight change, I'm doing the best I can to want to continue with Archwing, but I see no "wow" factor other than a fancy "RUN INTO MORE WALLS" flight system. I've died 3x now because of that too.. I Don't want to dislike a mode, but Archwing needs to 1) Be reverted to the old flight system, against what a lot of others might say.. It was fun, but the old flight system was there for a reason. 2) Be fixed in terms of the pursuit mission, As I'm writing this, I just failed the mission due to being out of bounds. That needs to stop. 3) We need to see more incentive to play Archwing, make more fomorian events or something to encourage people to get back into it. 


    tl;dr - I hate losing this mission because of the almost inexistent out of bounds area suddenly touching me in a very.. restricting, fashion.. and that ship, whomever the pilot is, needs to stop doing so many barrel rolls.. Starfox only taught us so much :(

  5. Cleared download cache, redownloading now considering I'm not the only person having this issue..


    I love this game, and see great promise behind it.. minus the crashing. >_<


    I am definitely waiting for a "fix" considering the redownload is gonna take me 2 hours or so. *sigh*


    The Pandas are definitely not pleased with this.

  6. Why didn't he get land mines, claymores, turrets, drones or explody roller balls instead? Those all seem like engineer type things.


    This is Warframe, NOT Call of Duty. That is all. (No disrespect intended, but this game is made to make you think about your action on the field) 


    I love the way he plays, and as for the Utility of Bounce - be creative with it. Think Loki, with the ability to fling enemies with a decoy. (I think? really stretching it here.. you figure it out!) 


    Back to running more missions! 

  7. Let's look at the positivity rather than negativity. Soon enough incentives will be in place to prevent "rushers" or something like that. As for griefing, welcome to the world of online gaming. Sadly, if not Vauban, then Loki. If not Loki, then Mag. If not Mag, then... well you get the idea on this one.. but we're talking about positive feedback here, at least that's what I thought this was about..


    Not trying to sound wrong, but anyone got a "second" for anything I stated? (page 3 of this thread)  I feel unloved... *sad panda*


    Also, confirmed the Vortex will NOT work if it tags an enemy before anything. Throw it out in the open, let it "bounce" off the floor, and it pops like a bouncing betty from hell. Tag a teammate with it, goodbye energy (I think it's 100 at start??)... 


    I myself "grief-d" someone who was rushing a mission, sending them backwards every time they got to extraction because I didn't want my teammates not getting any rewards (cash, etc).. I'm guilty there, but it's fun when you find a person who can be a sport about the "omg wtf I just randomly started running, sideways!" 

  8. NalkorRN, I hear you bud.. However, this was more a feedback for Vauban.. I think they have a topic already started for UI / Options for players, if not, start one, and I'll second you all the way on that. <3


    The Pandas are pleased with this. 

  9. Ok, Hang on, hang on..


    I really love Vauban. However some of these changes are a bit extreme and at the same time Logical. Let's recap a little (Please don't bash me for this post, it's my first critique post of a new frame, on the forums at all!!!)


    Tesla Grenades -- Now, I understand the premise of locking down the amount of grenades for Tesla. I like this idea, but at least do what was suggested regarding the increase in damage and range the higher they are, for a maximum of 5 (or better, 6) grenades. That would be the effective crowd control Vauban was slated as capable of. On that same note, a maximum of 10 overall, with the math worked out in the damage altogether, would be proper (less visuals, more skill-based decision making.) However!! Do NOT just destroy the ability altogether, as it makes Vauban more "tactical" in terms of his actions when in the right hands.


    Bounce - I haven't seen this ability really put to use properly; obviously some people would troll every chance they get, and others would definitely find a viable use for it. I myself have used it almost religiously to get myself out of dodge, but occasionally enemies are not too far behind on the travel with me.. -_- (sad panda.) Now then, I will definitely say that it is a bit buggy and "duds" out at a lot of inopportune moments. I personally love sending the crawlers flying, and ancients even further into space.. That's just me. The COST on this ability is however the only downfall I can see immediately. Somewhere along the lines of Excal's 10 for super jump (as stated earlier in the post) is a bit much, but instead I can see a 25'er for this one, because it is a mobility tool which can affect your whole squad of Tenno, for the most ninja-y of tactics.  


    Bastille - Dear Bastille, Why do you allow me to "stasis" my enemies, but not fire at them ? Some enemies are highly immune to damage, making it so that anything I do to try and injure them any further is.. well.. like tickling a panda.. after a while, they will just bite/scratch/relasethefuryofbamboouponmyforehead.. It's also very visually demanding.. bright colors, for a tube I can't shoot throgh. No bueno.


    Vortex - Vauban's best ability by far.. when it doesn't crash my game -_- (another sad panda, and this one's really crying..) I love being able to use this ability for crowd controls. The visuals are nice, but tone them down a bit and we have a masterpiece. This ability is great for making ancients "poof" into anti-matter, or lack there-of. I think it's great when it works. It definitely duds a lot, and when it does work, it crashes my game, or some other people's games. In the beginning it didn't work until I had all my abilities on which of course, was also stated earlier. 


    Overall, I really love Vauban - and I've seen hilarious tactis being deployed with some friends and some pubs (We have one we call the Vauban-hammer, All Vauban, All Furax, All Ground-executions on an enemy that was just launched with a jump-pad.. Yeah good times!) I definitely love the way he was thought up as, being the "trapper-engineer" (renamed the trapper-keeper for laughs).. I don't want him to be destroyed altogether in some massive nerf that happens, because I didn't shell out the 300 platinum for nothing. I love the way he plays, but he isn't meant to tank as some would like, and he isn't meant to be squishy as others would complain (I also run Loki as my main, so I know the definition of squishy..) With respect to how he's tactically deployed, it's all in the hands of the right players. I definitely despise the cryo-pod disco simply becasue it's cost me defence missions accidentally. Other than that, Vauban-hammer is in full effect. 


    Thanks for your time, and the Pandas got your back.. <3

  10. I ended up buying him, but I agree with Daoza about the pollution of the item pool. By the time VAUBAN -- Vauban becomes common, he'll end up having lost his flair etc.. *Sigh* I was one of the few who maxed him out within 24 hours of him being out.. and I have to say I love the way he plays.. but in fear of an instant-nerf on his behalf, I will only say that I think he was well balanced from the start. The rest is just minor tweaking. 


    To those of you who want to earn him without buying him, I'm always willing to help out on runs for his "?" alerts. Good luck <3

  11. I don't see that as a possible outcome. Corpus are too... eh.. Let's just say the community made quick-work of the Fusion Moa's. Myself along with other Loki frame players spent a good portion of the event making Unicorn Moa's. Although I do think that the Corpus didn't take too kindly to that, which is why I believe they launched their liquidation plan.. 


    Fear Not. The Pandas will have their revenge.. For Panda Justice!

  12. loki have problem.his skill switch teleport not working correctly.sometimes skill only teleports user or target or appsolutly not working,correctly work rate is 1 %.please repair it


    Loki has a lot of problems, the switch teleport is just partial to a small list I'll be compiling soon. 


    Sentinel issues and other issues with abiltiies not working, then general gameplay issues. I'm not tearing Loki down because he's my favorite and main frame, but it gets to a point where things should be reconsidered when throwing Loki into a public match with let's say a Rhino, or a Banshee or Excalibur.

  13. In reply to Igges,


    Yeah that happens to me too. It's really unfortunate, because I love that I just got my sentinel tonight, and the poor thing doesn't stand a chance against any heavy gunfire. Suggestion - Make it so that Loki's Invis ability affects the Sentinel too? I hate that it dies so much.. (Yes, I get the feeling the Sentinel hates it too..)

  14. Name's Daridan. (or Hunter)


    Very new to the game, and loving it so far. 


    Never have I experienced the rush of exploring a great game with new friends and old, and it's such an awesome experience.


    I main Loki, haven't build any new frames.


    Working towards fully ranking up all my weapons


    -Dual Ether Swords





    Anyway, that being said, I hope to see you all in game.


    Be well, and stay safe. 


    Also, remember to mark mods for the rest of the people you play with!!! 

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