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Posts posted by -ExT-Kiri

  1. Dojo needs a Level Editor.

    simple as that. able to queue up dozens of Rooms at once.


    as always, add the construction time for them all together to a bulk completion to keep it monetarily fair. still takes just as long to complete, but much less clicky clicky.


  2. Same happened with me, but it was G3. I got the message, Lotus freaking out, all the animations, but they didn't show up. I was running Sechura too, they shouldn't appear in that mission. And I hold the mission for 20 waves, but since I didn't get the option to extract, I had to rage quit. :(

  3. HviROFw.png





    Bredas é um clã ativo, com mais de 120 membros. Nós usamos o Team Speak 3 para organizar eventos, missões, e pela diversão. Temos um Dojo completo, todas as salas necessárias, Trading Post (0% taxa) e todas as armas.



    • Ser ativo;


    • ser amigável;


    • estar disposto à ajudar em conflitos em Dark Sectors;


    • entender pelo menos o básico do Inglês;


    • mic não é necessário, mas usar o Team Speak é.


    Nós somos membros da V alliance, então esteja disposto à ajudar em Dark Sectors. Inglês é necessário pois usamos o TS da aliança.




    • Proibido trollar;


    • Proibido falar em português no chat do clã, aliança e em canais abertos do TS (tem um canal específico pra português)


    • Quem não logar por 20 dias será kickado. Em caso de férias/trabalho, fale com um dos Warlords.


    • Quem estiver online durante conflitos e não entrar no TS será kickado.


    Dojo overview:






    Normalmente fazemos competições, ou giveaways de platinum. 

    Entre no nosso grupo do Steam para ver mais informações.


    Quem estiver interessado em entrar no clã, deixe comentário aqui.

  4. d8MKbkc.png



    We are an active Mountain Clan with 150+ members, we mostly use Team Speak to organized missions, pvp and for fun!
    Our Dojo is fully built (dueling rooms, obstacle course, gardens, trading post), all research is complete.
    What we expect from you:
    • be active
    • be respectful
    • English is our main language, please be fluent.
    • mic is not required, but using Team Speak is.
    What you can expect from us:
    • to be active
    • we are always willing to help everyone
    • as members of the V Alliance, we are very organized and we love pvp!
    Check our Steam group, we usually make competitions with plat prizes.
    Check our Steam group, we usually make competitions with plat prizes.
    If you are interested in joining our clan, leave a comment or pm -Kirikiri- in game.


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