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Posts posted by Gedrot

  1. Each MK III component needing 15k titanium is a tall ask. It takes a long time to gather and isn't even actively farmed for through the core loop of railjack but it's equivalent of mining but without a mini-game. Just switch on particle ram and scoop through all the space debris after each mission.

  2. Failing a mission due to getting destroyed should tell you something. This is intentional to a degree, just gear up first. Don't go under geared into missions, it's unfun, inefficient and frustrating for others having to use and fix your underpowered ship.

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  3. As I am probably one of the few people lucky enough to actually get 3 different battle avionics let me deliver some feedback to them. (Most resource and bug related mess has probably already been posted.)

    They are really fun to use! But only as long as you stay in Earth Proxima or the lower Saturn Proxima missions. There doesn't appear to be any way to increase their damage and other effects except for upgrading the avionic and the slot it sits in, a sort of "Power Strength" avionic might be needed here.


    Maxed out it latches onto up to 10 enemies (usually less, probably not working as intended) in a 200m radius, after the duration of 20s the tether explodes for 3k damage. Explosion can also be triggered early by shooting the Tether-sphere with any RJ-turret. This is problematic as gunners often blow up my Tethers far before they can have any effect, wasting the 50 flux I used to launch it. (Restricting who can detonate the Tether to the one who launched it would be highly appreciated.) This ability has probably the highest damage potential at the moment as it seems to scale of the amount of tethered enemies, so why is this not an option for slot 3?

    Particle Ram

    This is a force field in front of the RJ that deals 1500 damage per second to enemies that touch it, 50 flux invested at the start of the mission and it keeps running for ever. Having a constant power drain might be needed to make it not an obvious pick over the other Slot-2-BAs. It can also be launched but I have yet to find a use for that function. The biggest problem here is that it is limited to one instance per RJ and can be activated and launched (deactivated) by the turret gunners making it a potential option to grieve people.

    Seeker Volley

    This is basically the "Fun"-Button. It launches 50 homing missiles that can when tallied up deal quite a lot of damage to fighters, but really only on Earth Proxima. The damage drop off on the first mission around Saturn makes it already more regrettable to use than satisfying, requiring 2 activations at 100 flux each. Further more the target acquisition of the missiles is seemingly restricted to 3 to 4 missiles per target, causing a lot of missiles to just fly in a straight line until they despawn even though there are still targets that have been left alive. 

    Overall I think this BA needs the most attention out of all the one I've played with yet, I really love what it tries to do but it's just so incredibly inefficient in how it goes about it and losses its effectiveness as the first and fastest even though it's the most expensive one in Flux (100) and Avionics-capacity (10) required.

    Changing the target acquisition to be more driven by the players selection and changing the flux-requirements to a per missile basis might be the key here. I don't think we have an ability yet where you hold the a button, mouse over a bunch of baddies to lock them, release the button and then get to watch tons and tons of pretty explosions and damage numbers.



    P.S.: Thanks for the update, I was missing a good old space combat game like this in my life.

  4. 1 hour ago, thalion987 said:

    Why not instead of nerfing stuff buff enemy amount? Make something like a slider when starting a mission. with double/triple/quadruple the enemy count there will always be something to kill for everyone.

    Other idea is to make it so the team gets more xp when the kill counts are closer to each other. anything is better then nerfing things. that just kills the fun out of this game.  

    This would only increase the problem, not solve it. It would end with everyone having to play spin2win-builds and Maiming Strike is the one mod you will want to have for those and it's really expensive.


    1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    Who cares if low lvl enemies are slaughtered quickly and easily. Why are people whining about this? 

    Because it's even the tougher high-lvl enemies (like Bombards above lv.100) that are slaughtered quickly with this.

  5. 3 hours ago, Aegni said:

    2. It  is relevant only to low level content. Remember, enemies scale multiplicatively and so do weapons. Which means in cases such as index your maiming strike build isn't going to stop anyone from killing the enemies there; not that it ever did; but its strength is significantly reduced due to the behavior of enemy scaling.

    Yeah, no. While there might be a select amount of weapons+build that will perform similar to this, there are far more that won't escalate with time as ridiculously as this.

    But since there is still the rebalance for beam- and melee-weapons coming up, I still have my hopes up. This build is probably going to be drawn into consideration, possibly resulting in melee 2.1.

    3 hours ago, Aegni said:

    How about complaining about Ignis crushing low level content in a 20m AOE cone?

    A fully build weapon "crushing" low level content? The horror!

    Most people use the Ignis for breaking open as many containers in a room as fast as possible, get all that low level trash out of the way is just a bonus. After all, you can just skip those and go to the objective directly as the vast majority of players do. You can do the trash-mob-murder with any beam-weapon that has Combustion Beam on it pretty much the same. Low level content being in those cases below lv.30.

    3 hours ago, Aegni said:

    It is selfish to demand someone stop playing a certain way because YOU do not enjoy it.

    Insisting on killing other peoples enjoyment in a co-op game is generally regarded as the greater selfish.


    3 hours ago, Aegni said:

    Potentially...Limbo can make it impossible to capture a target and lock the game for hours.

    Potentially, Frost can disrupt gameplay by block shots.

    1. Yes he can, but he will fail together with his team. If Banish even still works like this.

    2. It simply doesn't let bullets from the outside in, this counts simply for everyone. You're simply on the wrong side of the Bubble, get inside the Bubble and profit from it's advantages.

    3 hours ago, Aegni said:

    The solution would be to provide high level players stronger content to play.

    This would require content that is, due to enemy-scaling, reserved only to spin2win-builds and meta-guns with god-tier-rivens.

  6. I have never really felt the need to use the WF-forums but the atterax-slide-attack spam is just getting to annoying for me, yet again. So I my recent annoyance with spin2win and my lack of self-restrained due to tiredness results in this "rant". Sorry in advance for prossibly broken english.


    We had the same problem quite a while ago already, back then it was a the Telos-Boltace that got slide attack spammed by a lot of people and DE ended up changing the special mechanic of the Telos-Boltace. (No tears shed by me.) These builds are not really a new idea, just a new iteration of the same monotonous, cheesy play-style.

    But I feel that just nerfing the atterax, melee-range-mods or maiming strike alone will not solve the problem, since spin2win-builds are just all the cheese you can have on your melee-weapon condensed into one build. The spamming of the slide-attack, ridiculously high range on melee-weapons with high base-range and slash-procs being exceptionally good for snowballing with melees.


    The easiest fix to stop people from spamming spin-attacks, would be to put them on a set cooldown but I feel that this would not really feel all that great during actual play. It would probably be better if the dmg of the spin-attacks were tied to the speed at which they are performed in combination with a loss of momentum, so maxing your spins dmg would require you to build up momentum again before you reuse it. This way Maiming Strike can remain as it is, since by itself the mod isn't really broken.

    The obscene range on weapons like the Orthos Prime etc. has always puzzled me. It looks really stupid to me when npcs die, even though seemingly nothing has hit them. Changing the range mods from +X%range-values to +Xmeters-values would probably be the most logical sollution. Perhaps also adjusting the value based on the weapon type the mod is used on, so daggers won't suddenly become 3 to 4 meters in length.

    Slash-procs being, by comparison, far more useful than any of the other procs you can get on melees, mostly comes from all the mods that effect or are effected by your combo counter. And a setup that focuses primarily on this aspect alone, generally doesn't negatively effect others people enjoyment of the game. It only becomes boring for the rest of the team when paired with excessive range (and spin attacks).

  7. Finisher-speed seems to be capped lower for daggers than for other melee-types and covert lethality caps them at an even lower speed it seems but, since it's a guaranteed kill, it's not so bad. So basicly if you want to play a Finisher-Dagger you always play a Finisher-Dagger. You don't have to do that anymore though, since we got the Stinging Thorn stance with PoE.

    You should also try building a zaw-dagger (Bala Strike + 1-handed grip), best in class without a doubt. You can get a berserker-viable dagger this way. And with the press-forward-combo from Stinging Thorn you even get a combo that opens targets up for finishers, can hit multiple targets, has fast attack-speed and forces slash-procs and staggers. These builds are on-level with a Crimson Dervish-Broken War if not slightly better. Depending on the zaw your attack-speed will be a lot faster than BW wich reduces your time to kill with Covert Lethality and the slash-procs on my dagger-zaw tick up to 12k on a lv130 bombard. If there is something not dead from the slash-procs, there is still the Covert-Finisher at the end of the combo.

    In regular star-chart missions this just melts everything (like it's Tempo Royal-Galatine Prime).

  8. On 22.10.2017 at 9:56 AM, Grayfox-Hunter said:

    Thanks for showing proof Gedrot! I have added the info about the eater ripples and yes, throwing that Murkray bait into those areas will give you 1-3 Murkray catches! 


    A commenter on my vid has pointed out that there are different sounds for bait hiting water. Depending on wich sound is being played the odds of fish spawning are different.

    The normal sound is played at 2:37 and the sound for a critical success at 0:33.

    After some short testing I'm now able to confirm that getting your bait directly into the splashes seems to be the way to get the critical successes, when deploying bait. But these are just my observations. If others can reproduce these results, please let us know, ;)

  9. Concerning the fishing bait not being helpfull.

    You need to throw it into the water near areas where you can see splashes on the surface. This increases the chance of the desired fish to spawn in incredibly.

    When using murkray bait I usually got 1 to 3 murkrays to spawn in this way.

    Video proof (In the second area I tried to use bait, the "rich fishing ground" despawned shortly before I threw my bait in):

    I guess we can stop bashing DE now for baits being useless, we just didn't try smart enough.

  10. So I just checked again and at the 3rd day after the update I was finally on time for a lith fissure on Mars and there are still 1h 45min on the clock...

    So you need to be incredibly lucky to get one while you're online.


    (I think at this point, that this thread should be moved to General Feedback since it doesn't fit into Bug Reports anymore)

  11. There is actually a chance of one of them spawning on mars? They seem to be rather rare. They only show up in the void when I am looking for them. Not shure if this is purposely so, would be pretty bad since the chance seems to be quite low, and this could turn away new players rather easily.

  12. What I forgott to mention is, that I have played today more than 12 hours of warframe and have yet to see a single Lith fissure spawn outside of the void.

    Yes fissures relocate from one planet to a different one, but the Lith fissure seems to be an exception to that and only spawns exclusively in void missions.

  13. The phobos junction requires you to close 3 Lith Fissures. That's ok, just doesn't work as it should for a lot of us, but that's not the problem.

    I haven't seen any Lith's outside of the Void yet and the lowest entry-point for the void is Phobos, but in order to get to phobos you need to get into the void.

    My question is: "If I'm new and started on earth, completed mars and want to go to phobos, how do I get there? Can't do Void missions to close Lith fissures to go to Phobos to go to Void... You get it."

    Is there a new quest I didn't notice, that let's you close those 3 Lith's? It's not really a problem for me since I got phobos access from before Update 19, but it could really be a problem for especially newer players.

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