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Posts posted by YoshiiKazuya

  1. Can i guess his name ? did his name start with --Q-- ? 


    i met him before try to rip me off 2 time first heavy caliber max with 1750p and his reason is it rare mod and it really hard to level them up


    second time legendary core for 1850p 

    haha that guy tried to rip me off yesterday too. offering for my gleaming talon 15p max he said. Didn't answer back and he wrote that is the max i would get for that stance. lol

  2. I Know you may have already tried it, but I get at least 1 per wave on Sinai, Jupiter around Wave 25 or so.

    Thanks they rly spawn after like wave 20 there. Not every round 1 but like 1-2 every 5 waves.

    I probably have always killed them before due to that very low spawn rate haha

  3. Hello,

    i've been trying to complete my codex but i've troubles finding the Lobber Crawlers to scan.

    I've tried so far: all kind of Infested alerts, Infested breakout mission + Phorid missions, Wrack Def/Survival and the DS Def/Survival on all Planets. (Always Solo till Def around wave 50-80 and Surv 45min)

    I've found all other types of the Crawlers except the Lobber. Are they deleted from the game or where do they spawn?

  4. I found it by accident out while trying to bring zanuka hunter to spawn to scan him 3 times for my codex. Right when i realized it i reported it to the support. I could have abused it by not reporting it or telling all my friend but that's not my natural. I didn't tell anyone except the support, rebecca and megan to get it fixed faster.


    I'm sooooo sorry for all that ones trying to take profit out of that bug .......... not. :')

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