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Posts posted by (PSN)Hybridhellstorm

  1. Well iv'e done a lot of nice things like: 

    • Payed more than a seller sells for out of generosity  (sometimes)
    • Buy my friends gifts when they ask for it [Forma, Prime Parts, etc.] (always)
    • Help new players feel welcomed to the game and answer their questions [places, builds, favorites etc.]  (If i ever see one/they ask me)
    • Help people out on missions when they need it (always)

    Think i have a lot more iv'e done but can't really think of anything on the top of my head but this is pretty much what i do most of the time




  2. Well to start off, to be able to trade you need to be Mastery Rank 2. This will allow you to trade up to 2 times. The more Mastery you earn (Mastery Rank 3+) the more you are allowed to trade per day (Trade's reset every 8pm EST).

    To trade there are 2 ways: You can visit Maroo's Bazaar, which is located on Earth, there you can set up a shop by pressing the D-Pad down. (This is the least effective way to sell things as the only people who can see what your selling are the ones that are in the Bazaar)

    The other way is to sit in Trade Chat and say WTS (Want To Sell) or WTB (Want to Buy) and type what your selling/buying and its price. I do recommend joining a well developed clan because there, you can visit their dojo and invite the person your selling to or buying from to your dojo and use the trading terminal there. 

    Hope this helped and happy trading Tenno!



  3. The Uranus Nav Segment indeed can be obtained through the Kela De Thaym assassination. Since there is an event going on for the Rathuum, her assassination will be called Kela De Thaym's Court on Sedna I have done it just now to make sure that it can be dropped and it does drop from her in this event. Hope this helps!

  4. For some reason Stalker is afraid of me. I haven't been attacked by him for the longest time yet iv'e been marked by him like 10 times. Only time i ever lost to him was the first time he was introduced in the Second Dream. It got me excited because i thought he would actually be a challenge for once. Now he poses no threat to me and i usually kill him in about a shot or two. Now i guess he's avoiding me since i haven't been attacked by him for over a month or two..

  5. I think DE is probably one of the best devs out there in my opinion. They seem really fun and relaxed with the community and isn't afraid to spoil some content (Dev streams etc.) Constantly updating the game and working hard and listening to us as we help build their game. It made me really wish i can go back in time and watch as Warframe evolve into what it is now. It would be really cool if every major update (U18-U19) we get a little video montage of the past updates and additions to the game. Thank you everybody at DE for making such a amazing game! A game no one really had no clue what it would turn out to be, has blossomed like a Lotus into what we have now, and DE and the Community will nurture this beautiful Lotus!

  6. 14 minutes ago, (XB1)DragonColony said:

    So I watch's the stream for warframe and got the code PCGAMINGSHOW2016 and turns out it doesn't work on console only works for pc like what the heck DE make this right and fair and make it work on console's as well please. I would like to get the skin as well and if this is wrong area to post this then sorry but I couldn't figure out where I would go about this.

    Well the stream show is called "PC Gaming Show". Don't get me wrong i would've liked the skin as well but the Dark Split-Sword is not even out on consoles yet so obviously the code would not work for us console players. It may be a PC exclusive skin only so don't get bummed out for not getting it, maybe DE will think of another way to reward us :)

  7. This event was really fun! Kela De Thaym's rework was a much needed addition to Warframe. This is probably the best boss rework you guys have done! The team work and difficulty of this mission reminds me of Destiny Strikes (which is one of the reasons why i like that game) The epic feel of the boss fights are what these boss reworks need! I hope more boss reworks are coming in the near future. Keep up the good work DE!

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