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Posts posted by Kasion

  1. 17 hours ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

    I'm sorry, I couldn't understand half of what you said. Yes, I mean what I say. Yes I use his 3, but apparently I have to explain since it didn't seem to click. 

    Rhino Charge is okay-ish, but even Hydroid does that better with Tidal Surge. The range, damage or even utility is low tier. This begins to noticeably fall off around lat-early/early-mid game in levels 30-40.

    Iron skin is the very thing that makes people develop bad habits. Not the players' fault, though it doesn't forgive this power. Early game to late-early game, this ability is why Rhino is seen as a noob-frame, it is over-powered in missions ranging from Mercury to Mars. Anything after that is where it stops, and boy does it quit. I'm not talking a gradual falloff or something that does so quickly, like Inaros' passive coffin mode when downed, but this abruptly goes from "I'M INVINCIBLE" to "OH DEAR GOD WHY WON'T IT STAY UP?" The thing is, Iron Skin is a bad-habit in a number key. If it was a certain damage resistance, dependant on ability level, power strength and what have you, THEEEEEN it will be actually usuable beyond Mars. Having it as a channeled ability would make it sooo much better too, since it'll still promote the "Don't just casually walk about" mindset.

    Roar is just meh, oh look another damage buffer, like we don't have enough of those.

    Rhino Stomp is the only useful skill, and only for the CC. Like Iron Skin, this falls off immediately at Earth if needed for damage alone.

    Rhino charge have X2-X4 multiple. More damage than hydroid. Plus selfbuff from roar.

    We have many reduction skills, don't need another. And status immune are one of the best choices for radiation sortie.

    Damage buffs won't be unnecessary. And hydroid don't buff, need another frame.

    Skills for so much damage purpose - maybe ember? or mag? or volt? And how many damage, 10k? Funny, just who tell about mercury to mars lowlevels... And this will be "third" frame: durable + CC + damage buff, there is many frames can do all this jobs at once? And precisely because rhino has mix of top abilities I think DE give to him this trash passive. Rhino are top frame, if you can't play on him it's your problem, not the frame.

  2. It isn't first theme, more like my

    But DE not interesting in community opinion as I see. Frame just work and all fine - something like this. Maybe because rhinos abilities are too good, they thinking give trash passive will be look like a balance? Sad if it's true.

    6 hours ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

    I have played Rhino, a lot. He has got to be one of the worst warframes I've ever touched, down there with Mag, Loki, Oberon(when he was still poor) and yes, even Zephyr is better than Rhino.

    Really? Rhino worst? Are u trying to use 3 skill? Better than nova in many ways, for u knowing(with trinity can have X2.5-2.75 damage buff all time). And good CC with big radius(but not work in air, sadly). Iron skin blocks status effect(but yes, now its health are comparatively low). First skill isefull with aug for buff iron skin(or for fast movement)).

  3. I can say that TS someways right - iron skin now are weak, but to change this will be good if standart rhino have 250 armor(prime 350), and, if possible, I want rework passive(created topic for this) to something like vauban's(more armor if allies near). In short, if rhino prime will have 350 armor + pasive(+75% armor) - it will be (1200+2,5*350*(1+0,75))*(1+1)=5462 with just 200% power strenght - add aug and 110% armor mod will be very hard to die (7387 damage absord+recast), if only "skin" than I will max power str 349% to summary 12891 absorb. Good enought I think.

  4. an disarm mind controlled Minions

    Well, it's bad and more like bug. But! Disarm usefull, heavy impact - practically not.

    2 hours ago, GOLANX said:

    when it comes to chromas passive i think he should recieve his elemental ward Buffs (100 armor, health, shield, weapon reload and switch) based on the element he picked, and give elemental ward more effect and pass buffs on to allies.

    Good idea, I myself thinking something a lot like this. However, in "2" and "3" chroma has many options, just extract some as passive, without buff skills itself after extract.

    47 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:


    Still better then vaubans, and poor chroma doesnt even have a passive


    For vauban his passive sucks, but for frost, rhino, inaros and nidus will be good, and rhino has most affinity to armor because it heavy(not mithril or some magic, but real steel). And when we replace rhino's passive, we can give to vauban a brand new - if DE accept our ideas.

  5. 1 minute ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    had the idea that Rhino could have one similar to Exca's passive, but for heavy weapons

    Excalibur theme for weapon we can see in name and abilities - but name "rhino" and trait "heavy" not suggest weapon, sadly. But it will be effective, I accept.

    5 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    even a higher combo multiplier (I think the max is x3, so it could be like x3.25 or x3.5)

    Can be 4, 5 or more, just count must be 500, 2000 or more... And highter multiplier is imba imho, I use venka with 1.75-2.5-... multi, plus base crit x2.5 - so many damage(and red criticals, but it's different story) I got from this, in result I change my main melee to venka(prime) from galatin(prime). In short, I don't want some IMBA passive, just usefull.

  6. 10 minutes ago, booty_hunter said:

    Just be glad he actually has a passive, unlike Chroma

    I can say something like


    In like 500 hours of playing with it, it was useful like .....1 time

    But in my case, it's zero times. In 1100 hours. Chroma or rhino - I don't see effective passive in both(but in case of chroma, i can use different elements, just for fun; rhino can't high jumping in each situation to do 1m impact...). Maybe someone suggest rework for chroma in this topic, i don't mind. But for me, rhino more likeable. Even nyx "passive"-"addon to active" more usable than this "Heavy Impact"(because I like spam her "2" and "3" skills - and many enemies are disarmed).

  7. I'm thinking next: switch Rhino and Vauban passive - vauban can jump with his skill, and rhino(not prime version, but...) has same armor as excalibur(it's look crazy if you see their bodies, obviously rhino must be more "fat"); or maybe vauban dont need "Heavy Impact"(for him better something like: +2,5% extra weapon damage for every different type of skills are set on ground in 50m area around frame), but for rhino his passive will be good.

  8. On 10.04.2017 at 9:44 AM, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    But seriously, Rhino's passive needs a buff... hell, Heavy Impact in general needs a buff. The listed range sounds like a large area, but in-game it does almost nothing, unless you combine Heavy Impact and Rhino's passive.

    Yes! I think the same - this "Heavy Impact" is joke! And, imho, better switch Rhino and Vauban passive - vauban can jump with his skill, and rhino(not prime version but...) has same armor as excalibur(it's look crazy if you see their bodies, obviously rhino must be more "fat"); or maybe vauban dont need "Heavy Impact", but for rhino his passive will be good.

  9. Fixed toggled Abilities preventing energy drain effects from Leech Eximus enemies.

    Are you joking me? My butthurt can see all people on the Earth!

    Please do next: toggle skills are not prevent energy charge from triniti second skill. Because all frames with toggle skills are USELESS NOW! Frames are must to toggle on skills countless times on eximus mission, so valkyr with wukong and excaliber can't be used - I'm experience this just today. This fix just not fair! 

  10. Кстати тут есть интересная фича:

    Энергетическая волна летит в направлении прицела на расстояние 40 метров в течение 3 секунд и наносит 100 / 125 / 200 / 250 урона, имеет шанс срабатывания статуса 10%.

    Урон разделён на 20% ударного, 70% режущего и 10% пронзающего.

    Т.е. если билдить не в ближний бой а в волну(а кто-то на эксе лезет в гущу кроме как слепануть с подката? серьёзно?), то можно поиграться с модами на разрез чуть-чуть, особенно если у человека ещё нету всяких-разных модов на элементальный урон, удара порчи и прочее. Ну и вкупе с этим можно выбрать одноручку с режущим уроном эксу чтобы и без ульты можно было помахаться.

    П.С. лично мне нравится галатин, хотя на него и не распространяется пассивка экса. 

  11. Сначала по теме - имхо, как бы ввод фокуса и есть использование "лишнего" синтеза.

    Кап и так отодвинут поляризацией фреймов, без поляризации 100% вам не хватит на фуловый затар 8ю модами предельных точек если не брать бесполезные билды без р10 модов. Эксилус туда же добавили. Идея, как я могу судить из сленга темы, действительно "драко-рождённая". Ачивки бордерлендс тут тоже не подойдут т.к. реально лучше взять имеющего +5% к статам на рейд или ещё куда чем не имеющего, что упомянуто по ходу - всё потому что в бордере тоже нету капа как и в предлагаемой системе(мы не говорим о кол-ве лет затрачиваемых на % после определённого порога); в тоже время в фокусе кап есть. Потому тему с любым бесконечным циклом развития считаю порочной, независимо от времени накопления в год или десять лет каждого лишнего %.


    П.С. неважное, но всё же брёвно в собственном глазу. Лугару:

    "Что мы видим? Мы видим 2 цифры. Сколько синтеза получено и сколько синтеза перешло в фокус (над полоской синтеза). 131.452 синтеза получено и 78.727 перешло в фокус."

    Вы описались в слове "фокус", вот где был цимес.

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